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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Imamo novi NR u hodanju na 20km za zene. 1:42:32. Nije lose. Dusica Topic se inace zove devojka.
  2. Novak is not in good form now. But important win for him.
  3. Sljukic ostaje u dublu. Tako je bar selektor rekao na pocetku priprema.
  4. Pa moraju kao haha... Nista se ne zna,posto nije bilo startne liste. Na kvalfikacijama cemo imati cetverac,dubl skul,laki dvojac ili cetverac,zenski dvojac i verovatno zenski skul.
  5. Covece jos nema vesti da li su Bedjik i Vasic pobedili na izbornoj za dvojac. Nece biti dobro ako nisu. Smoricu se opasno.
  6. Ispred Bendera niko ne moze biti iz Evrope,nema teorije.
  7. Danilo Nikolic je neverovatan igrac. Odlicna sezona za njega. Ivanovic je dosta napredovao. A Luwawu kida sto bi se reklo. i dalje se secam one trojke Ivanovica protiv nas u kvalifikacijama. Kakav sok je to bio.
  8. maybe rules in 2020 as for taekwondo. or 4 men's and 2 women's. This is not good,only few nations won quotas here. Same will be in wrestling with Egypt,Tunisia,Nigeria and Algeria. And for canoeing sprint as well.
  9. we are at 100%. one athlete one medal
  10. in women's all 3 quotas for Morocco. Disaster results really. Poor Cameroon.
  11. only South Africa,Egypt and Morocco in men's race and ONLY South Africa will participate in women's race in African championship. So,South Africa will refuse quota or not?
  12. Congrats Sweden and Russia for quotas. No chance for Poland today.
  13. great championship for Morocco. I think that they can win two medals in boxing in Rio.
  14. well good jumps for Ivana. But how again in last serie she lost better place
  15. I still can;t believe how Poland lost this. Impossible. They had all in hands.
  16. Poland is better team in this match.
  17. Fantasticne vesti iz atletike.Bekric se oseca odlicno,u maju ce ako sve bude ok imati takmicenje na otvorenom i tu ce pokusati da ispuni normu.
  18. A sto su bili tamo? To je ono sto su im obecali prosle godine da ce im sluziti za pripreme ili je nesto drugo?
  19. Jel je ovo Milan Gale Muskatirovic?
  20. he can't compete in lightweight dobule sculls,because he is not lightweight rower
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