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Everything posted by phelps

  1. as expected, Picardi lost to the American Antonio Vargas (-52kg)... now I can only hope that the Panamerican Champion of 2015 would go on winning the tournament...
  2. Fencing European Championships 2016 Women's Team Sabre Semifinals Russia vs Poland France vs Ukraine and this simply means the end of any hope for Italy to get a favourable draw at the Olympics... therefore, no chances of getting at least a semifinal place in this discipline for us... Men's Team Foil Semifinals Italy vs Great Britain Russia vs France meanwhile our defending champions still have all the chances of getting one of the top 2/3 seeds in Rio, which means they will have at least a not so complicated quarterfinal round assault in August...
  3. Fencing Pan-American Championships 2016 Men's Individual Epee Gold: Yunior Reytor Venet Silver: Jason Pryor Bronze: Maxime Brinck-Croteau & Reynier Henriquez Ortiz Final Yunior Reytor Venet 15 - 14 Jason Pryor Women's Individual Sabre Gold: Ibtihaj Muhammad Silver: Mariel Zagunis Bronze: Maria Belen Perez Maurice & Paola Pliego Final Ibtihaj Muhammad Walkover Mariel Zagunis
  4. but will this ban start after the OG or does it mean that those 3 Countries won't take part in the Weightlifting competition already in Rio?
  5. Fencing European Championships 2016 Provisional Medal Table after Day 3 Russia, 2 - 1 - 3 France, 1 - 2 - 2 Germany, 1 - 0 - 2 Romania, 1 - 1 - 0 Italy, 1 - 0 - 1 Hungary, 0 - 1 - 1 Switzerland, 0 - 1 - 0 Ukraine , 0 - 0 - 2 Poland, 0 - 0 - 1
  6. Fencing European Championships 2016 Men's Individual Sabre Gold: Benedikt Wagner Silver: Vincent Anstett Bronze: Kamil Ibragimov & Alexey Yakimenko Semifinals Benedikt Wagner 15 - 14 Kamil Ibragimov Vincent Anstett 15 - 13 Alexey Yakimenko Final Benedikt Wagner 15 - 13 Vincent Anstett Women's Individual Epee Gold: Simona Gherman Silver: Ana Maria Popescu Bronze: Emese Szasz & Renata Knapik-Miazga Semifinals Simona Gherman 15 - 12 Renata Knapik-Miazga Ana Maria Popescu 13 - 12 Emese Szasz Final Simona Gherman 9 - 5 Ana Maria Popescu
  7. here we 3 of the Europeans and another sequence of disappointing early losses for the Italin fencers...this time thanks (???) to the girls with the Epee... no one of them (including the reigning World Champion since 2014 Rossella Fiamingo) could reach the round of last 8...really an outstanding performance... Women's Individual Epee Semifinals Simona Gherman vs Renata Knapik-Miazga Ana Maria Popescu vs Emese Szasz
  8. Fencing Pan-American Championships 2016 Men's Individual Foil Gold: Alexander Massialas Silver: Daniel Gomez Bronze: Race Imboden & Miles Chamley-Watson Final Alexander Massialas 15 - 6 Daniel Gomez Women's Individual Epee Gold: Kelley Hurley Silver: Maria Martinez Bronze: Courtney Hurley & Katharine Holmes Final Kelley Hurley 15 - 10 Maria Martinez
  9. se i fatti sono davvero quelli espressi dal giornalista Monzani, allora io propendo più per il complotto teso a togliere definitivamente di mezzo un personaggio ormai troppo scomodo (in Italia siamo pieni di innocenti condannati con false prove, e non parlo certo solo di sport)... suvvia, non è possibile che l'1 gennaio un test sia negativo, così come tutti quelli che sono stati fatti nel periodo tra primo e secondo esame di quello incriminato, avvenuto il 13 maggio (guardacaso un mese dopo il rientro vincente di Schwazer e tutte le polemiche seguite) e poi magicamente dopo 5 mesi la stessa provetta (quind nemmeno un altro test, ma il solo riesame di una già analizzata) tiri fuori valori cambiati non di poco (un margine di errore ci può sempre stare in questo genere di analisi), bensì 11 volte fuori dai limiti!!! è come se oggi facessi delle analisi e mi dicessero che sono sano come un pesce e, con lo stesso campione rianalizzato dopo 5 mesi, venissero a comunicarmi: "scusi, guardi che lei ha aids, tumori dappertutto e pure la leucemia e in una settimana sarà morto"...non potrei credere nemmeno sotto tortura alla buona fede di una simile svista... comunque, stiamo a vedere che cosa succede...come detto, non mi stupirei avessero organizzato per Schwazer un bel allo stesso tempo non riesco certo ad avere piena fiducia in lui...e non "cadrei dal proverbiale pero" se invece finisse tutto in un'altra confessione piena di lacrime (ma in quel caso vorrei che finisse al patibolo...una squalifica sportiva - anche a vita - non mi basterebbe)...
  10. knowing how certain things (and I'm not necessarily talking about sport...the Italian judiciary chronicles are full of "strange" episodes even worse than this one) usually go here in Italy, probably it's a conspiracy... nobody in the world of sport wanted him back and now they found the way to get rid of him once and forever... of course, I can't prove my idea...but I won't change it unless he spontaneously admits he cheated again... however, this is the situation as it stands (and there are proves of all of these facts): he was tested on January, 1st 2016...and that test was negative... then, they re-tested the same sample on May, 13th (after all the shouting and chaos following his winning comeback, when it was clear that he was going to Rio with very good chances to win the 50km and maybe also bouble it up in the 20km)...and this time, surprise surprise, it looks that he had testosterone values 11 times above the limit in the meantime, in the 5 months between January 1st and May 13th he was tested 15 times (averaging once every 10 days) and all of those 15 tests were absolutely negative, with all the values in line with a clean biological passport (no peaks, no lows, no strange variations between short period of time)... now, everybody can like or dislike him and can think wehatever they want...but I'm never going to trust such a me, it's more than obvious that someone manipulated the original sample and then ordered the re-test just achieve their goal... otherwise, the other option is that any doping test in the world is not reliable at all, because it's simply impossible not to find a value 11 times...11 times!!! not marginal digits...11 times!!! above the limit in the first exhamination and then, good 5 months and many headlines later, magically come up with this way... p.s. I'm not gonna make any further comment on this... I only hope for Alex that this time he didn't do anything wrong...
  11. definitely a better afternoon session for Italy... Cavallaro won easily his bout and now he's only 1 win away from an Olympic berth (just like Picardi)...and he's going to start as the heavy favorite in the next match... on the other hand, Vianello just completed the masterpiece of the day for us, beating the better known Chinese giant Mu... so, we still have 3 chances...if we qualify 2 boxers, we can be happy...
  12. another day to forget as quick as possible for Italy... despite the thrilling success by Errigo, we put ourselves in danger not to have an all-Italian final in Rio in the Women's Foil and the boys with the Epee just performed like amateurs... I really hope that they just decided not to take this Championship very seriously, otherwise in Rio it's gonna be an epic fail for all of our sport...
  13. Fencing European Championships 2016 Provisional Medal Table after Day 2 Russia, 2 - 1 - 1 France, 1 - 1 - 2 Italy , 1 - 0 - 1 Hungary, 0 - 1 - 0 Switzerland, 0 - 1 - 0 Germany, 0 - 0 - 2 Ukraine , 0 - 0 - 2
  14. Fencing European Championships 2016 Men's Individual Epee Gold: Yannick Borel Silver: Max Heinzer Bronze: Jean-Michel Lucenay & Bogdan Nikishin Semifinals Yannick Borel 15 - 8 Bogdan Nikishin Max Heinzer 15 - 12 Jean-Michel Lucenay Final Yannick Borel 15 - 12 Max Heinzer Women's Individual Foil Gold: Arianna Errigo Silver: Aida Shanaeva Bronze: Carolin Golubytskyi & Larisa Korobeynikova Semifinals Aida Shanaeva 15 - 7 Carolin Golubytskyi Arianna Errigo 15 - 10 Larisa Korobeyinikova Final Arianna Errigo 15 - 14 Aida Shanaeva
  15. not a very good morning for Italy... Picardi won his bout in the -52kg class, but Domenico Valentino shamefully ended his Olympic career with an unexpected and very disappointing 3-0 loss against Anvar Yunusov (TJK)... and the Italian hopes are always less (the same Picardi, Cavallaro and maybe Vianello, but he needs almost a miracle, since he has to win the tournament in order to earn a spot at the Games)... Boxing is going to be another one of those disciplines where our participation will be thinner than usual (not to mention the never so remote medal chances we're going to have)...
  16. I can confirm that Francesca Dallapè will only start in the 3m synchro event for Italy, since we already have 2 divers (Tania Cagnotto and Maria Marconi) qualified in the individual 3m springboard... on the other hand, Maicol Verzotto is training with the Olympic team, which means that Italy will surely accept the possible reallocated spot in the Men's 10m Platform, if it's gonna happen...
  17. Fencing European Championships 2016 absolute disaster for Italy...Elisa Di Francisca didn't take advantage of Inna Deriglazova's early elimination and lost the bout that could have avoided her a possible clah against Errigo before the Gold medal final in Rio... now, because of the draw rules, there are 50% chances they will meet too early at the Olympic Games (beacause, despite today's not encouraging performance, I'm sure that in Rio nobody will stop our girls in any case)...and this would be another drama for the forseen bloodless Italian Olympic medal table... Women's Individual Foil Semifinals Aida Shanaeva vs Carolin Golubytskyi Arianna Errigo vs Larisa Korobeynikova
  18. Day 1 is over with a lot of surprises in the Men's Foil and almost no surprise at all in the Women's Sabre... Not a very good day for Italy, saved by the Bronze medal by Avola but with a lot of worrying performances by the other fencers, especially the girls...
  19. Fencing European Championships 2016 Provisional Medal Table after Day 1 Russia, 2 - 0 - 0 France, 0 - 1 - 1 Hungary, 0 - 1 - 0 Germany, 0 - 0 - 1 Italy , 0 - 0 - 1 Ukraine , 0 - 0 - 1
  20. Fencing European Championships 2016 Men's Individual Foil Gold: Timur Safin Silver: Erwan Le Pechoux Bronze: Giorgio Avola & Andre Sanita Semifinals Erwan Le Pechoux 15 - 12 Giorgio Avola Timur Safin 15 - 12 Andre Sanita Final Timur Safin 15 - 9 Erwan Le Pechoux Women's Individual Sabre Gold: Sofya Velikaya Silver: Anna Marton Bronze: Charlotte Lembach & Olga Kharlan Semifinals Sofya Velikaya 15 - 13 Olga Kharlan Anna Marton 15 - 7 Charlotte Lembach Final Sofya Velikaya 15 - 10 Anna Marton
  21. Fencing European Championships 2016 the competition has just started, but there have been already some huge surprises... Men's Individual Foil Semifinals Erwan Le Pechoux vs Giorgio Avola Timur Safin vs Andre Sanita
  22. starting tomorrow in Torùn (POL)... Fencing European Championships 2016 Official website: Live Scoring: Live Streaming: The Championships are the last event (together with the ongoing Pan-American Champs) before the Olympic Games where to sum up points good for the World Ranking, which will be used to fill the Table Draws of the Olympic Team Events (and partially for the Individual events, too)...
  23. earlier today: Football, Copa America (last 2 QTF matches) Rowing, last stage of the World Cup in Poznan now: Football, Euro 2016 (mainly FRA-SUI, but with an eye also on ROU-ALB) later: Golf, US Open (final round)
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