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Everything posted by phelps

  1. Men's Speed Final Result Gold: Ludovico Fossali Silver: Jan Kriz Bronze: Stanislav Kokorin Full Competition Final Ranking!comp=8253&cat=23
  2. Women's Speed Final Result Gold: Aleksandra Miroslaw Silver: Niu Di Bronze: Anouck Jaubert Full Competition Final Ranking!comp=8253&cat=24
  3. yessss!!!!!!! Italy!!!! Ludovico Fossaliiiiiiiii! world champion!!!!!! p.s. what a lucky day it was for him...
  4. Aleksandra Miroslaw back to back world champion! she's been really good throughout the entire day...and now in the final she could stay calm after the impressive start of the Chinese girl (Niu Di) and make her class count...
  5. Russia (thanks to the 16th and last seeded climber after qualification, Stanislav Kokorin) edges out Ukraine for bronze in the men's division... now it's time for the real deal...
  6. bronze for France among the women...thanks to Song's mistake...definitely not the day of the Chinese sensation, dominator of this year's world cup...
  7. Ludovico Fossali!!!!! it must really be his day...already twice winning by his opponent's false start... this format sucks! we must admit that...they have to change it to the best-of-3... by the way, this is the first ever final for Italy in the speed discipline...
  8. and again! capital mistake by the favourite...and we have a major outsider in the final (Jan Kriz, CZE)... now Italy for history...
  9. POL vs CHN (but not the expected girl) is the women's gold medal match!
  10. frankly, with this 1-run format is more a lottery than a fair competition... basically, every race is decided by mistakes and not by top performances...
  11. @MHSN is Mehdi Alipour Reza's brother? (he was the first out of the top 16 today)...
  12. where they have no chance, being only Speed specialists... by the way, I have this (very partial and subject to many changes) provisional ranking for the men's combined event (I didn't include any of the top speed specialists, as they have yet to finish their event and also because they have no realistic chance to make it through to the top 20 after their poor performance in the other disciplines)... 1 T.Narasaki, 1*12*22=264 2 Ondra, 6*1*58=348 3 Schubert, 2*3*59=354 4 Fujii, 4*14*29=1624 5 M.Narasaki, 13*4*38=1976 6 Harada, 9*7*32=2016 7 McColl, 14*5*37=2590 8 Megos, 25*2*75=3750 9 Ludovico Fossali, 70*61*1=4270 10 Dohi, 5*29*39=5655 11 Ruana, 8*16*47=6016 12 Flohè, 3*40*56=6720 13 Chon, 12*24*33=9504 14 Hojer, 11*33*35=12705 15 Ghisolfi, 49*6*44=12936 16 Kruder, 10*28*50=14000 17 Kriz, 96*81*2=15552 18 Kim H.W., 21*17*46=16422 19 Piccolruaz, 19*39*30=22230 20Skofic, 27*10*83=22410 21 Puman, 37*8*79=23384 22 Cornu, 16*41*41=26896 23 Lehmann, 25*23*48=27600 24 Bosi, 41*17*40=27880 25 Reuser, 45*11*64=31680 now, I don't have any source explaining if there's a 2-man limit per NOC (as it's an Olympic qualifier, where this limit is in charge)... hopefully, today afternoon (CET) we're going to have everything sorted out...
  13. I'm happy too... I didn't really expect him to climb that fast that fuc*in' wall...
  14. Finals to start in about 10 minutes time, at 10.30 a.m. streaming on Youtube and, for those who can watch it, Eurosport2 on TV (this one, at least, here in Italy...I don't know if it's the same in the rest of Europe)...
  15. Men's Speed Climbers qualified to the Final Ladder 1st, Dmitrii Timofeev 2nd, Vladislav Deulin 3rd, Bassa Mawem 4th, Reza Alipour 5th, Cao Long 6th, Danyil Boldyrev 7th, Amir Maimuratov 8th, Rukin Sergey 9th, Kostiantyn Pavlenko 10th, Ludovico Fossali 11th, Ou Zhi Yong 12th, Jan Kriz 13th, John Brosler 14th, Rishat Khaibullin 15th, Zhong Qi Xin 16th, Stanislav Kokorin Full Qualifications Results!comp=8253&cat=23&route=0
  16. Women's Speed Climbers qualified to the Final Ladder 1st, Aleksandra Miroslaw 2nd, Mariia Krasavina 3rd, Anouck Jaubert 4th, Iuliia Kaplina 5th, Song Yi Ling 6th, Elizaveta Ivanova 7th, Natalia Kalucka 8th, Patrycja Chudziak 9th, Elena Remizova 10th, Niu Di 11th, Tian Pei Yang 12th, Anna Brozek 13th, Aleksandra Kalucka 14th, Aurelia Sarisson 15th, Andrea Rojas 16th, Ni Ming Wei Full Qualifications Results!comp=8253&cat=24&route=0
  17. for an official list, I think we have to wait until today's speed finals are over... maybe we'll try to find out by ourselves as quick as possible...
  18. I'm not saying it's not gonna be exciting for the real sailing fans...but popular? it's the most elitarian event they could add to the program...the exact opposite of youth, urban and easily accessible... there are no more than 5 or 6 Nations that could build a crew not going to risk their life in such kind of regatta...not to mention how expensive it is in terms of organization (mainly due to the monitoring and rescue teams)... the Volvo Ocean race is popular just in those few Countries with centennial sailing tradition (and not all of them)...USA, GBR, AUS, NZL, FRA...maybe NED and the Scandinavian Nations...that's it... and I don't know how much tv time it gets on the main tv networks also in those Countries...
  19. it has nothing to do with Olympic sailing... it's just because the French are more than obsessed with those trans-oceanic races and would like to celebrate their popular heroes also at a global event... some kind of activity, as entertaining and exciting they could be, are just not tailor made for the Olympic Games and their environment...this is one of those (otherwise, why not a full America's Cup kind of class and format? surely it's more exciting and tv friendly than this thing)...
  20. women's Middle Distance Gold: Tove Alexandersson Silver: Simona Aebersold Bronze: Natalia Gemperle & Venla Harju (tied) Full Ranking men's Middle Distance Gold: Olav Lundanes Silver: Gustav Bergman Bronze: Magne Daehli Full Ranking
  21. all races are live on Norwegian public channels NRK1 and NRK2, which are available in streaming (also ondemand) on their official website (provided you use a VPN)...
  22. and among the men, after day #2, we have Yavuz Ilnam leading the field with 73/75, followed by William Chetcuti with 72/75 and the pair composed by Joao Azevedo and Andreas Loew with 71/75... then, tied for 5th place, there's a 9-man pack with 70/75 (group including also Giovanni Pellielo, looking for his 8th Olympic participation)...
  23. 2019 World Cup, Stage #7 (Lahti, FIN) Women's Trap Gold: Penny Smith Silver: Satu Makela-Nummela Bronze: Laetisha Scanlan Olympic Quota: Australia, Finland
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