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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. UN Belgium can sneak a late goal. Nothing is done yet.
  2. Yup, they are always the standard of how to perform a national anthem.
  3. Have some faith Italy needs to get out of the group, and after that we know what usually happens.
  4. Nah, Sweden will score one, a draw is needed.
  5. Now, now, don't be jealous that she can lift more than you. So, are the Azers banned from Rio now? If so, ha-ha, no Olympics for you (Kostova), traitor.
  6. As an Italy supporter, i think a 0:0 draw will be peachy.
  7. And i wouldn't mind if history repeats itself
  8. It is time for a surprise! Czechia always performs great at the Euro Champs, shake things up please.
  9. Even though Brazil have said that Rio is their main goal, i'm sure they are hugely disappointed how they were eliminated. Dunga failing once again tho is very funny.
  10. What a start by Vettel. Hamilton blocking Rosber is NID tho.
  11. First polish win at Euro finals and now with good chances to escape the group. Congrats to them
  12. Did it rain in the WTCC today, like yesterday. I just love rainy races.
  13. I'll have to catch the WTCC on repeat at sometime. Too full schedule.
  14. Poland dominating, but it is always something that stops them from scoring. Maybe because i predicted 0:0
  15. Wow a fifth different winner from 6 rallies in the WRC. Still Ogier dominates in the standings, because he is so consistent, but others winning the rallies is so interesting. Especially after all those years when 1-2 drivers won everything, every season.
  16. This is a fans tradition for Eastern Europe. Don't be so surprised, they will always find a way to bring them in. It won't be a football match without some fireworks for them.
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