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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Just want to mention, that Google WILL NOT WIN the war they have started against Adblockers in youtube ! These piranha corporations never learn...
  2. Should have been plan A from the beginning.. The Cabinet doesn't want to be mocked as the "country that couldn't host their full Olympics". Well better late, than ever.
  3. After all these years, there are still shocked people? How, why? You just need to remind yourselves of the words, of the great ruler of the European Continent from 2015: "Come, everybody come! On walks and boats, plains and trains, come, come now!" Of course, not without the assistance of their BFFs overseas, who enlighten the poor out of their good will. "Asia, no problem, bombs for them! Africa, who that, bombs for them as well. Don't worry regular folks, we are here to help, don't mind destroying your village, city, country. You just need some proper guidance on how to live your life and control your resources." Next time when it happens, people could still act shocked and pander how and why. For the rest, it will be just like reading the weather forecast.
  4. Are they awarding India 2036 tomorrow as well? Looks like Bach is actively trying to decide things up until 2050 before his term ends.. Reminds me a lot of our politicians here. When their term is coming to an end, they open the floodgates and agree, sign all sorts of last minute stuff, before they lose power..
  5. Yes, even better, if it is in a year without regular Olympics, so we don't even need to associate with it. At least we can ditch this black cloud (for now).
  6. This is some joke right? Is this going to be only a LA thing, or is Pentathlon changing completely it's premise? Like is their World Cup gonna have Ninja courses from now on..
  7. Imagine that a decade ago, i thought Bach would be an improvement in IOC leadership. Oh how, how wrong i was... Note to my current and future self - Every changes that are going to happen from now on are going to be worse and worse.
  8. We currently have 3 Men, but the outside chance of getting a 4th one is slim. Fisherov was supposed to be that guy at 102, but after missing the Worlds he is out. There is another guy Marinov in the same category, but he needs to improve. Plus the 61 one isn't certain yet.
  9. 1 edition, so they say The Tokyo ones should have been 1 edition, but.. (well poor karate), the Paris ones should have been 1 edition, but.. This whole charade wouldn't even be so bad, if they actually set some rules and followed them... Like ok, every host can have 3 special sports added, but after the Games they are gone. If the next host wants to include some of those, then fine, they do have their 3 picks too. But don't trick people, that they are temporary and then just pile 10 additional sports, while butchering all others.
  10. I'm surprised NBC hasn't requested Americas Got Talent as an Olympic sport.
  11. Happy that our team played to the end and fought for the win. Any win is needed for us, no matter how insignificant it may seem, since we've lost so, so much in the last 5-6 years. In the end, we did better, than i expected after the disastrous Euro. But after seeing the missed opportunities in the Poland and Argentina matches, things could have been much better. Every time, that small team mentality in big situations... By the way, now our Canadian users know how difficult it is to watch a BG match, with mire ups and downs, than an American rollercoaster.
  12. Welp, it's not like it wasn't expected. Congrats to Canada on (almost) making their third straight Olympics! For us, it's time to move on to the next generation and begin the journey for LA.
  13. Hypothetical chances for Bulgaria are for 3 wins for 3 points, plus Argentina not getting a point against Poland and Canada losing a point to Belgium. If we get 3 for 3, but Canada gets 6 points from their other two matches, then CAN will get through on set ratio (ARG still needs to get nothing from POL, as to not crash the party) Of course, usually when i make math prognosis we lose the very next match, so no wonder i wake up Friday to a 1:3 loss to CAN 😄
  14. Yeah, good win today, but probably won't matter in the end. They should have won yesterday to have a chance.
  15. I don't know, if i can physically commit time to this edition, as things have been very busy recently. I will think it through in the next 2 days.
  16. Set point on a free ball at the net and of course it's out Another day at the office.
  17. From BG perspective CAN winning today is bad news. If ARG had won, then there was still chance they'd lose to NED, so those 3 teams had a loss each. Now we definitely have to beat all 3 of them and to make things more interesting, those matches are in 3 straight days. Of course if someone manages to sneak a win against Poland, that could also play a role. PS. This is in theory if BG team actually plays good though
  18. If Canada get win, they will be in a great position with 2 wins against direct rivals.
  19. Oh please, don't act as offended. Per capita data is useless, only total number of emissions are what matter in the big picture. Everyone knows what the air looks like in India. It's like night and day if you compare it to Bulgaria, or Europe as a whole. Sure, taking measures for 2 billion people is a very hard task, but i haven't seen any instances or talks of the Indian Government trying to tackle the carbon footprint and the huge number of emissions going to the atmosphere. And yes China should have never gotten the 2022 Olympics, i have made that opinion years ago. 2008 is a different story as climate change wasn't as evident, or known to the general population then, let alone the time they were awarded the Games. And even then, there were huge debates on the air situation in Beijing and the health of the athletes. I actually like India, in contrast to what you may believe. But i don't think, as a country you are ready to host the Olympics currently. If there is a plan for the next 10 years to change the course and make steps for a more clean future, then 2040-44 is a great opportunity.
  20. Whoa, is it Christmas already Did a just see our team have a great practical match, without dumb errors and effective play, like how the top teams perform.. Granted it was against a smaller team, but it's not like we didn't have 2-3 straight loses against China and similar teams the past few years. I still absolutely don't see us making top 2, but maybe we won't be the punching bag like in the past few tournaments. Thing is, if we keep a good form next week, we could play spoiler for someone else's chances for the Olympics.
  21. There have never been 3 straight non-European Olympics, Summer or Winter, in history. India could wait to 2040, or 2044, if a viable African bid appears for 40. Hungary 2036 is a superb idea and if the athletics (and swimming )Worlds were test events, Hungarians passed it with flying colours. Poland on the other hand, though also interesting on paper as a country, if the total catastrophy of the European Games is an indication, then better not. India can host when they start less polluting the planet in my opinion.
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