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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Barely survives to shoot in the afternoon Let's hope he was just sleepy.
  2. Gazoz shooting awful today and is on the verge of elimination already in the 1/8
  3. Great fight from Tunjung, but An's defense is just outstanding. It will be a tough match for her for the bronze too.
  4. I thought the rugby tournament was over, but guess not.
  5. The French players had a boxing match with the Argentinians, so now it is time to have a boxing match with the Brazilians too
  6. And Grenada is going to get a medal in the decathlon. It really shows, that athletics has started, when we get such countries performing well
  7. I've said it countless time, just make the SOG 3 full weeks.. Have the OC on Monday night and start events from Tuesday. Could schedule stuff more evenly and not clog 15 sports at the same time..
  8. Richardson looked nervous already on the introduction. The start was again awful and she is lucky, that this years final wasn't that strong. With this result she wouldn't have gotten a medal in the past 3 Olympics. Alfred just ran with it on the other way What a blow-out victory.
  9. Fabbri underperformance again. He had a massive first attempt with a stupid fault and then nothing.
  10. Richardson has tied her hair, she is all business tonight
  11. Swoboda She could have gotten a Q with these times.
  12. When i watch Crouser, i always ask myself did they gave this man a lighter ball His throwing seem so effortless.
  13. There have been many Championships with 9 lane tracks, yet they were with 8 people. Why isn't the final with 9 people, if they are going to add people to the 1/2. Not a fan of weird bending of the system for some events (or people). Will see how many of the other short and middle distances will have 9 people semis.
  14. Any particular reason why the 100m semifinals have 9 runners, instead of 8?
  15. Between Marchand, Riner and Dupont, France will have a hard time deciding, who is going to be their star at these Olympics.
  16. Even the boxing judges were like "Guys at least don't show the screen, when rigging the competition"
  17. In the words of one @hckošice "Why not add another event for Jessica Fox to compete... If Jessica Fox can win medals in it, then it surely will be an Olympic event. I won't be surprised if they add slalom canoeing boxing, where you run the course and hit targets with the paddle along the way. We need more events, so Jessica Fox can be in the full 2 weeks program. "
  18. Just popping in to say, that golf is in the Olympic program Because no one seems to know, not the TVs, not the internet sites, not your Olympics spectators. People are more aware of surfing, which is being done on the other side of the planet.
  19. Hifumi Abe with a first loss in 5 years France are still in this.
  20. Good thing for Remco that puncture came, when he was alone and with a substantial lead. Epic double for him.
  21. То не е само държавата и мисленето на хората е проблема. България сигурно 20+ години не е спортна страна. Хората не обичат спорта, не го практикуват, не го гледат, не го смятат за нещо важно. А това е почти невъзможно да се промени. Младите ли се вълнуват от спорт и искат да се занимават с него? Родителите ли им се интересуват дали децата им спортуват или да подкрепят спорта, да ходят по състезания? Министерството ли се интересува колко часове спорт има в училище и какви програми да се измислят, че почне някакво развитие? Фирмите и спонсорите ли се интересуват от рекламиране и подпомагане на спорта? И накрая 95% от обикновените хора ли се интересуват от спорт? Ако не е някакво глобално събитие, което е навсякъде в интернет като Европейско или Олимпиада да видят нещо за спорт. Та те елитните ни първенства по волейбол и баскетбол се играят едва ли не във физкултурни салони пред 100-200 човека.. И това ни е елитното първенство. Да не говорим за всички други по-малки спортове какви състезания имат и каква посещаемост. До там сме стигнали, че когато отиваш да гледаш някой мач или състезание ти отговарят "Ти добре ли си, защо ще си губиш времето да ходиш да гледаш тези слабаци". А парадоксалното е, че дори и Новак Джокович и Леброн Джеймс да дойдат, сигурно залата пак няма да пълна..
  22. The race is good, but it is lacking a flavor of Pogacar
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