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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. what can i say about the rivals : the canadians juries they always disappear for long time and intoronto didn't participate so he is not really interested did host one time besides you won the Silver recently , , yes yes beautifull countries but europe did it many times and the editions were pretty similar Wanderer has the capacity for but sure he will be busy working on predictions the neighbor i was always behind you in the ranking , so you won this challenge for my part believe me i'm at over 50% of the work i'm very speed , the LOGO was ready one moment after @OlympicIRL has anounced the candidature , and many things i just need the participating nations to complete the work also i don't want to telling my life but probably2017 will be my last year in this forum so...
  2. i understand but we should follow the rules , there is no priority about the ranking
  3. the vote of heywoodu counts X 3 , he is one of the pillars of this forum
  4. but mexico did host one time besides it's not about showing the countries as you said everybody knows how is Japan,Kenya or Peru if you look at the last editions things were similar i don't see any difference and will not improve if we don't move to another continent
  5. if you vote for me i promise you no more taxes no unemployment , only luxurious cars vacations the highest salaries in the world
  6. i chose these Intro because it showing some sports it's not everything i just took few images at 00:44 i will show much much more if i win the host you will be amazed
  7. ohh nooo c'moon we should vote for the songs we liked not because you gave points before , many users voted for ireland in all the editions anyway i got the points from the users having one good musicale culture the rest is not important
  8. i can't find the results of the 2016 World Jiu-Jitsu championship California i just know that won 1 Gold + 1 Silver /on the sport news
  9. i like the CORRS but this one is not my favorite i prefere "LISTEN TO THE RADIO"
  10. i really hoped few points from USA ya ya 1 is better than nothing thx a lot @dezbee2008 this point is very important you don't know that but one of them lives in Tampa Florida
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