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Everything posted by Mkbw50

  1. I'm glad Coe didn't win, because I don't like him. The name of the person who won doesn't really matter, just what they do. We'll see what she gets up to. I'm much less interested in the trans thing than whether she keeps up Agenda 2020 and tries to make the Olympics cool. I think all of them would have. Also surely that means she's giving up any government job she has in .
  2. Thanks a million for doing my job for me during the Paras Now, this time, for real, I need a snooze.
  3. Normally this type of thing just makes me jealous of other people's achievements, but I'm getting properly patriotic over this performance
  4. Warrington just missed out by 0.08s but that was an entertaining race
  5. The bronze medal match in Boccia not being on YouTube is a shame
  6. This 1000m blind cycling event seems absolutely brutal
  7. Channel 4 not showing this final live is pretty criminal
  8. Huge drama in the para taekwondo...
  9. This Paralympics has been quality so far
  10. More4 is getting on my nerves now. Show live sport please. (Yes, I know it as available on YouTube)
  11. And WRs being smashed all over. Van Gass got one without even getting a medal
  12. Both breaking WR and will race for gold in the C3 3000m Ind. Pursuit
  13. @TeamGBThe table tennis semi finals are also medal events, because (as just happened) you get a bronze for losing
  14. broadcaster Channel 4 has two channels, plus streams on YouTube
  15. This has been a pretty exciting start to the day, wasn't at all expecting the blowout over
  16. During the OC the commentator said that they have 'everything live'
  17. I must say, for tennis, the call for Murray's games seemed a bit pitiful
  18. I guess they are thinking most people will not be like us, nerds to one sport in particular or turbo nerds with spreadsheets and results systems In that way, I preferred them as a 'general audience' viewing but even my friend who is more normal than me (!) but is an athletics fan was getting very annoyed
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