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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Fernando de Noronha leads the team championships with 34 points. It's VERY close though.
  2. Don't worry, soon enough I'll be snowed in with all excel files and my eyes will drop out.
  3. 12 points at 2017 Open, 9 points now... That's it, I'm changing my avatar!
  4. Meanwhile, Estonia is now at 3/3 success rate of scoring points in the first votes. Great Britain only for the second ever time gets on board in first votes!
  5. Fun fact before we start. All winners and 26/27 podium finishers have scored their first points of the contest in first or second vote.
  6. I have some bad feeling about our prospects. Hopefully we wont end up with 0. On the other hand, I feel like will bring me some joy in the team competition.
  7. And time for a big post with just over an hour left to the big show... 2018 Annual Jubilee Delivers an Opening Ceremony to Remember TISC-News will have LIVE UPDATES post. If you're away from home but would like to stay in touch with the action, or perhaps if you need a quick recap of the events then this might be your place to be. It will mainly feature some main big points and scoreboard updates. Now onto the stats... As tradition goes, here is the table of points requirements for each nation to match its average, best or worst TISC performance. And let's not forget the lovely Committee... I hope I managed to become more organized compared to the previous editions, only time will tell.
  8. It's cool that they're broadcasting, despite not competing. Btw, the Czech song you entered for FoM would have probably scored points from me.
  9. Well, must be the first time someone torched a flame while wearing a business suit...
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