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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Shit day for Canada. Expected, because as Canadians we're not allowed to enjoy two good days in a row Tomorrow has some potential. I'm actually going to the China/Germany hockey game. Thought it was CAN/USA when I signed up for it, but I'll take what I can get, there was no other option. Go Canada, and all that.
  2. We can talk about the rest of the world catching up to Canada in curling, but we then also have to talk about Canada, all three teams, missing relatively easy shots again and again and again to win games. Jones and Gushue only have one loss, so it's not the end of the world. But no Canadian curler has played to their potential in Beijing.
  3. So frustrating to watch CAN vs SUI CAN: Misses shot, terrible. SUI: Misses shot, great result. CAN: Misses shot, terrible. SUI: Misses shot, great result. CAN: Misses shot, terrible. Repeat.
  4. ROC just scored 6 on Denmark???!!! I have to go find video of that end!
  5. Netherlands got bronze in womens relay in 2018 by finishing 1st in the B final because Canada and Korea were DQed in A final. This might explain some of the "interesting" decisions here in Beijing, since a Chinese official said after that DQ that Korea would pay in 2022. Also, Netherlands got a WR in the B final, creating an even more crazy situation where the WR got bronze.
  6. Very happy to see on the podium. The more countries medaling and doing well in this sport, the better.
  7. Imagine a long distance race in track where feet clip and the falling runner gets advanced. That's how ridiculous this is. But, like I said, I'm just glad Canada didn't get DQed. They absolutely shouldn't have, but we've seen worse here in Beijing.
  8. Well, at least no penalty to Canada. That's all I was hoping for. China could have taken out a gun, shot the other competitors and blew up the venue, and still made the final. Like the Canadian commentator just said, "The referee has an opportunity to do this................."
  9. Incidental contact. Chinese just happened to be the ones going down. But like I said, doesn't matter. China will be in the final no matter what.
  10. Doesn't matter, China will be advanced, Canada will be penalized. No matter what.
  11. Kind of sad listening to the CBC guys trying to convince viewers that there's still a point to watching short track tonight. It's a great sport, too bad Canada has a problem performing at the Olympics the last few times. Oh well, on to the 500m and relays (and still the 1000 final, go Fontana!)
  12. Canada's shit day continues, both Canadians out of short track. No medals today.
  13. Bloemen doesn't have it in the 10k. Canada paying for the success yesterday. Team Pursuit not looking good.
  14. Jennifer Jones loses her first Olympic match ever to Japan. Multiple chances to win or tie, but missed every time. Hopefully they can rebound.
  15. Jennifer Jones loses her first Olympic match. Had soooooo many chances to win or at least tie and, just like in mixed doubles, just kept missing.
  16. Ok, well, I'm heading out to meet friends for lunch right next to this arena. GO CZECHIA!
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