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Totallympics Medallist
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Adriano last won the day on July 22 2023

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    Summer Olympic Games
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  1. So swimmjng sprints in? I hope. And more diving quotas please
  2. For now it is like this for me.
  3. This is the issue. Polish athletes represent our country, should be more patriotic in my opinion, get two passport, learn them culture and lamguage. She failed with that probably.
  4. But Poland raised her Mother, it's sad that she was not patriotic and did not have more influance on daughter to represent Poland. Italy is strong enough
  5. Gold: KOWALCZYK Sara Maria - that hurts, her Mother is polish
  6. Thanks to this choice they are not a "Free World" and Chiba easilg will continiou the way to be superpower with this weak US. It's a great video when his quotas are compared to quotas from this canous painter. This is shocking.
  7. He is fascist. Even use the same narration like famous german/Austrian painter.
  8. Not at all. There are plenty possible various athlete in one disability group even they are similar. When you start in sitting events some of this things could help you (maybe not this pillow for polish athlete), but thanks to different equipment some athletes can have some advantage like more stable position (it is crucial in some serious categories of disabilities). But yeah it is stupid that thwy first let then use (not measure) and after we have a change of results day after (the same was on previpus EC or WC in athletics). I think rhey must treat delegations and supporters more serious.
  9. It's important. For some kind of disabilities this could be helpful to reach better results. Maybe seems stupid but its not.
  10. We must believe for correct classification. He was too weak for S2 mostly, but seems to strong for S1. It's not a rarely problem here during OG. Plenty of this kind of issues. Sometimes we benefit sometines not. For us it's better he is reclassified.
  11. Josh are you into this crazy sport?
  12. Rugby compare to that looks superior. Ah...
  13. I am curious, it's now the time when we will get less than 25 medals, so finally someone will find solution to improve the system of paralympic sport or we will try getting medals by non system organisation in our sport.
  14. The story of gold for Botswana for me is absolutely incredible.
  15. Too many easy finals for winners during this OG, I thought it will be more competetive. Congratulation Denmark
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