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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. And it start for less than 3 hours. Finally one superb great sport competition this year
  2. [hide] Preliminary Round May 5th - May 16th, 2017 16 Nations, 2 Groups, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th from each Group qualify to Quarterfinals. Group A Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden 1 Russia May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States 2 Germany May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia 1 Denmark May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia 3 Italy May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany 2 Sweden May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy 5 Russia May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States 3 Denmark May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia 1 Slovakia May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany 3 Russia May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States 2 Sweden May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy 3 Latvia May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia 1 Denmark May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States 3 Italy May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia 1 Germany May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia 3 Denmark May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden 2 Latvia May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden 5 Italy May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark 1 Germany May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia 2 United States May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia 2 Slovakia May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy 1 Germany May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia 2 United States May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark 3 Sweden May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark 2 Italy May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia 2 Latvia May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden 2 Slovakia May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia 1 United States May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany 2 Latvia Group B Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland 3 Belarus May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic 2 Canada May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland 2 Slovenia May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus 3 Czech Republic May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway 1 France May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia 3 Canada May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland 2 France May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway 3 Switzerland May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus 3 Canada May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland 1 Czech Republic May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia 2 Norway May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland 2 France May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland 3 Belarus May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland 1 Slovenia May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic 2 Norway May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada 2 France May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic 2 Slovenia May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France 1 Belarus May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway 3 Finland May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia 1 Belarus May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada 2 Switzerland May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France 3 Czech Republic May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland 1 Finland May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada 2 Norway May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France 1 Slovenia May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus 2 Norway May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic 1 Switzerland May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada 1 Finland [/hide]
  3. As I said, it was now or never for UK. And it's now. Nice to see them in group A
  4. Like athletes from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Kuwait, Emirates and so on.....
  5. So South Korea will probably become part of elite division for the very first time. Nice. aNd Austria will back too.
  6. Islamic solidarity??? lol What is next, Games of Christian brotherhood or World Budisth champs
  7. Korea have really great team this year and after they won Kazakhstan its obvious they will play elite champ next year. And for second spot it will be between Kazakhstan and Hungary. In group B is now or newer for UK
  8. EU was a big possibility some 20 years ago but not today....
  9. Who normal want to be part of EU now, except banana countries from european east? I really hope we never become part of that neo liberal freek called EU. ALLEZ MARINE
  10. Juliya was not on that idiotic black list. However the best option will be baning of entire post soviet block. I am sick of them and their fucking politics. Only Estonia can stay
  11. well bomb is some.kind of firework, very explosive one
  12. Језик прегризао. Стварно сам разочаран. Нисам очекивао победу над Румунима, али онај пораз од Аустралије је стварно био превише. До сада смо углавном добијали Шпанџе, Исланђане и Белгијанце, ваљда ће и овај пут бити тако. Исто је било и прошле године, вадили су се у задње две утакмице. Јбг
  13. And this year logo is Celebrate Diversity
  14. What to expect from Ukrainian nazi regime
  15. Sorry but this song is awful. Maybe the worst song of the year
  16. Great winner and top 3 candidate for sure. And all show was amazing, Swedes are masters for stuff like this. For now i really love songs from Italy, Belgium, Macedonia, Estonia, Sweden and Serbia. And Azerbijan is very good this year too.
  17. Ti si se pretpostavljam zavlačio tamo da vidiš ko se sve pre tebe uvukao u istu? Već rekoh da su ljudi na ovim prostorima opterećeni politikom i vide je u svemu, od pakovanja margarina do crkvenog hora. Ti stadioni će ostati za buduće generacije, ne bitno ko ih je i pod kojim pobudama sagradio
  18. A gde da treniraju ti neki novi klinci? Na livadi? Taj novi stadion koji treba da se gradi u bloku 45 je glavni uslov za dobijanje evropskog prvenstva u atletici 2024. Da neće valjda da se održava na raspaloj Marakani ili još raspalijem JNA. U ovoj zemlj u sportsku infrastrukturu nije ulagao niko decenijama, ali su se zato svi slikali sa sportistima nakon što oni naprave određen uspeh. Zabole me dal je na vlasti Picousti, Čmaroglavi ovakav ili onakav (kako ih već zovete) važno mi je da se ulaže u sport. Pričajte vi šta hoćete ali u sport se ulaže i sportisti dobijaju novac i za pripreme i nagrade za postignute uspehe. Koji zadnji sportista se odrekao zastave Srbije i otišao vani u zadnjih par godina? Politika me ne zanima ni jedan posto, zanimaju me isključivo rezultati. A ova atletska dvorana u Beogradu sasvim sigurno će biti rasadnik nekih novih atletskih talenata u narednim decenijama. Nemamo 10 Ivana? Pa sa dosdašnjim ulaganjima dobro da smo dobili i ovu jednu.
  19. Ајд трчи па сруши Пионир, Маракану, Спенс, угаси Партизан и сл јер су сви они подигнути за време Титовог комунистичког режима. Невероватни сте и болесно опседнути политиком. По први пут у историја у Србији се гради национални атлетски стадион, а твоја прва реакција је ово..... Ја заиста не разумем
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