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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. Само нека они вежбају и вежбају и вежбају, доћи ће и резултати
  2. Јесте слабашан али свеједно смо се бар појавили на неком озбиљнијем такмичењу
  3. Ја сам мислио да нећу доживети да неки наш гимнастичар направи неки, иоле пристојан, резултат. Напокон
  4. I am really positively surprised, don't expect something like this from our team at all. And this game with Sweden was really great.
  5. Whuuuutttt I must back on "Serbian river beach". For me personally the best one is Štrand, in city of Novi Sad (on river Danube)
  6. Happy birthday Finland and thank you so much on Nightwish and Tarja Turunen
  7. But we are EU candidate country and we must do what Brussels ask from us. We are not part of Schengen area yet, but have visa free regime with EU (and all European countries) Cause I am not too much involved in Italian politics, are the results of this referendum good or bad?
  8. It was too many Serbian immigrants. Unfortunately. And we all know when and why all that Serb migrations started, no need to remind you. Syrian refugee crisis started much before Russia was involved in that war. And there is many immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Libya, Ethiopia etc. Europe is not a refugee center and if every single person with problems come to Europe what we native Europeans will do here? Cause our prime minister is idiot and Angela Merkel's ass kisser. But from the other side, all that immigrants are coming to Serbia from EU (Greece and Bulgaria are EU members if I am correct;) ).
  9. I am talking about their immigration policy in general. I think that guy from Poland is last one who can talk about european politics of open doors. Western countries made bullshits on Middle East and Northern Africa, then say welcome to all that immigrants .... and than what, close the borders and left all that people in my country. And Poland was one of very first EU countries who said NO for all that immigrants. If Austria, Germany, or any other country want million of refuges that's fine for me. But it's not fine when left them in my country.
  10. It's a good news for millions of illegal immigrants, not for Europe. Lets made new islamic empire in the heart of Europe.
  11. Stvarno smo usavršili taktiku "muva bez glave". Bravo
  12. E došlo vreme da vidimo šta Dragica i kompanija stvarno mogu. Ne očekujem ništa ali hajde
  13. And for Austrian history. Hope that Norbert Hofer can win this time
  14. Ово као да је бирала прва дама госпоја Николић
  15. If we got more than 5 tourists athletes that will be a great achievement
  16. Congrats to Argentina on well deserved title And Delpo, what amazing player
  17. I meni je tu nešto sve čudno oko OSS-a
  18. But people were free to travel were they want. Of course, Tito was dictator but he developed entire country, education was free, health care too and were available to everyone. Today, if you are without money you can die, even from ordinary pneumonia.
  19. Did western empires release their colony? They first looted everything they could rob, killed millions of people, draw artificial boundaries and than release continent? And still you take all the best from your former colonies and leave to them garbage and industrial waste. That is why Africa drowning in poverty today. Western countries never understand what is truly socialism, or they understand but wan't to accept cuz it is in collision with neoliberal capitalism. And that's the reason why Muammar Gaddafi or Bashar Al Assad are "monsters" but Saudi's regime is great. I saw it as hypocrisy. As I wrote, Obama start with wars in Syria and Libya, Bill Clinton did the same in Afghanistan and Iraq, former British PM Tony Blair publicly admitted that he lied about Iraqi chemical weapons... and soooo on. Please don't give me all that shits that one side come from Hell and other one from Paradise. Clinton Fondation today operates oil fields in Libya, Madeleine Albright is owner of Kosovo Telekom (guess what she was State Secretary in time when US bombed Serbia, and NATO general Wesley Clark who was main figure in Serbia bombing today is owner of several mines in Kosovo)...... My dear friend politics is business and business is politick, everywhere and on every time.
  20. We can talk about results of Portuguese colonial control in Angola. Plus Portugal gave asylum to Bautista who was worst than Castro. It's interesting than many Eastern Block country in Europe was very poor in communist era, but people in former Yugoslavia lives very good in that time. Yugoslavia was only socialist country where you could buy all western products
  21. At last he never attacked any other country. Barack Obama won Nobel Peace Prize and start two wars (Libya and Syria) were almost million people lost their lives, and millions of them become a refugees. I never said Castro was saint, far from that, but he was a much better leader than his predecessor Fulgencio Batista who ruled in a tyrannical manner. But he had full US support. As I said, Castro is not a saint, but he was a great leader
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