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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. Marina je stvarno napravila cudo od ovog tima. Za samo tri godine od ekipe sa dna napravila je evropske prvakinje i olimpijske bronzane. Malo li je. A sta tek reci za Sonju koja je zadnje tri utakmice igrala pod velikim bolovima, ali nije htela da se predaje i ginula je za svaku loptu.
  2. ovo mi je ubedljivo nasa najdraza medalja, a Sonju Petrovic i zvanicno obozavam
  3. We are jealous... yeah sure looool Jelena Isinbaeva can't compete, but Tyson Gay can, and soooooo on. Its not hard be on the top if you goes there over a dead bodies and cheating
  4. I expect great match and of course hope for our win
  5. You can do what you want if you are from USA. That country is cancer of modern world
  6. We send 4 teams to this games and all of them are in best 4, and 3 of them will fight for gold. And tonight we destroyed Australia in every aspect of basketball game. Thank you Sale, thank you guys
  7. Australia on only 14 points at halftime lol Come on Serbs
  8. Don't discuss with him, he is just ... well you know
  9. Nisu nista bolji rezultati ni kod muskaraca. U Rio smo dosli kao jedna od najboljih kajakaskih nacija, a osvojili smi jedno srebro i nijedno finale zenskih posada
  10. Unistili su sve zenske posade. Bravo za kajakaski savez
  11. Congratulation neighbours, your athleets did brilliant job in Rio. Awesome. And last night Sara amazed me
  12. Eh that would be nice. Volleyball and water polo are realistic, but men's basketball is unrealistic
  13. Ne znam zasto ali ja mislim da Mandicka nema sanse da uzme medalju
  14. Mogli bi mi na kraju dogurati i do tih magicnih deset medaljica na kraju
  15. What a start. I expect much more from Italy but will not complain
  16. OMG can't believe aaaaaaaaaa Yessssss yesssss
  17. И четврта медаља је ту, браво. Штета што су имали баш слаб старт, могли су узети злато без проблема
  18. Why we had so bad stars in almost all races..... Still silvet medal is great achievment
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