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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Surely they will unless I am missing something.
  2. Cwnt see WADA not overturning this. One month for a banned substance is very low even for accidental consumption. I’ve only ever heard that short for something banned only in Competition and therefore not seen as fully doping. .
  3. It’s going to be fun when FIFA find out Trump won’t budge and let some players in just weeks before.
  4. Doesn’t seem very likely the IOC will get there demands regarding WADA.
  5. Doing more in daylight again means a more congested schedule with some possible clashes between the Alpine and the Cross - Country or Biathlon. Do you have a link to this new schedule?
  6. The IOC could fall apart over 2028 and the possibilty of countires being banned (Including maybe China), Who knows how that will go.
  7. Why is Iran still playing qualifying. They not going ti be let in the USA to play if they did make it.
  8. They might not be any games. The IOC relationship with Trump is poor and if he bans some countires from entering the IOC might say - bye bye- contract breached. .
  9. The IOC and Trump have a bad relationship. Could get very messy if things go wrong.
  10. Are FIFA prepared for Trump not letting some teams in. Will be far more noticeable than a few Olympians not being let in
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