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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Be interesting to see if this goes to CAS and/or faces legal issues and chaotic protests in support and against in certain countries. There is already talk of rival demonstrations in favour and against at London Diamond League this summer.
  2. It’s not just that. It’s part of the whole cutting numbers to raise standards policy.
  3. Team England has set a limit of about 50 for Atheltics. Down from the 75-100+ the last few have had,
  4. Europe and Egypt are the same time zone’s so I’m not sure they will go for that. Also on paper Saudi/Qatar/UAE would be less risk than Egypt due to being more experienced at hosting events.
  5. James West very unhappy on his Instagram at not being selected.
  6. If the UK bids it will be Manchester not London if Coe has anything to do with it.
  7. I don’t like the time trials that much in the snow sports when the best doesn’t start last.
  8. I can’t imagine they can reschedule it and being a team event that probably cancelled
  9. What time does it start this morning. Wiki says 11.00 GMT+ 1 but my TV says 12.15 GMT+1
  10. What time is the relay today. Wiki says 12.30 GMT+1 but my TV says says 14.00 GMT+1.
  11. The Men’s 50k on Saturday is not live on British TV.. Only available on streaming. Highlights on in the evening, The Women’s is on through on Sunday. .
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