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Everything posted by Braulio

  1. That is almost what the BBC does, talk talk talk talk and some fluff then some sports action, then talk talk talk With Athletics this is coming to the point of not watching with their analysis of the analysis, over analysis while there are field events and they don't even bother to cover while talking and talking and talk again We will see if this time with their 'limited' broadcast (of 350 hours totally) if they focus showing SPORTING ACTION or waste time with their talking
  2. We will have a very good coverage either on national tv channels or on the web National TV channels TV Azteca (Channel 7) and Televisa (Channel 5) will most likely show highlights and mexican focused, they never show the full sessiones but a mix of various sports live or like I said highlights Then we have Clarosports and I will rely on this, since is the official broadcaster in Mexico and LatinAmerica, for better coverage and full sessions you will be able to watch every sport, every discipline live and on demand either on their website or youtube channels they said will be available. Once Clarosports puts their olympic dedicated website I will put here so you can check it
  3. In Mexico's case Positive scenario: Day 1 (July 24) Could represent a first medal in Mixed Team Archery, right now we have a consistent duo in the World Cup so with a good day they could make it. This makes me remember London 2012 when our Men's Team placed 4th losing the bronze medal after almost making it to the final but nerves took the best out of our team and no medal. Archery could give a first medal on day 2 but first we have to qualifty this sunday to the games as a full team with the ladies. Best scenario? Day 4 (July 27) this day can give Mexico more than 1 medal: with Briseida Acosta one of our best hopes of a medal in Taekwondo and Carlos Sansores, both our only athletes in Tokyo so our two shots at a medal will be this day (the last of competition) in synchro diving the women's 10m platform if our duo gives a performance like they did in the prelims at the recent world cup the medal is possible. And if everything falls in place our Softball team could be fighting for a most likely Bronze Medal. @mrv86are you with me?
  4. Britain has several option for wining medals in Tokyo, maybe the medal for Johnson-Tompson is in danger but I can see Dina taking at least a bronze, brits tend to do well in the relays and also they have a shot at 800, 1500 in both men & women. I predict something between 3 to 6 medals, can't see Britain not taking at least one
  5. Pues el 'Control Tecnico' de Clavados se realizara este fin de semana en el CNAR a puerta cerrada. Es solo un filtro, no significa que quienes queden en el top 2 en individual y primeros en sincronizados seran los elegidos. Se tomara en cuenta segun un comunicado de la FMN 'Trayectoria, disciplina y perspectiva' queeee tal!!??? y la lista de los elegidos sera publicada entre 1 a 3 dias DESPUES del domingo 13 que finaliza dicho 'control tecnico' Otro proceso sucio, manchado. Que significa esto? que solo es una pantalla para querer legitimar en algo sus decisiones al elegir a ciertos representantes. Por ejemplo se me ocurre que bajo esos 3 criterios pues los miemrbros de la FMN dirian: - Elegimos a Paola Espinosa por su TRAYECTORIA y a Ivan Garcia por la trayectoria como medallista olimpico (hace 9 aƱos) mundial (hace 6) y panamericano - Elegimos a.... por que desde nuestra PERSPECTIVA creemos que ellos han estado mejor durante todo el proceso y pueden tener las mejores opciones de resultados en Tokio. - La falta de DISCIPLINA de algunos elementos quienes no se han adherido al programa de entrenamiento y su ausencia durante ciertos periodos nos hace tomar en cuenta que no tienen el compromiso bajo nuestra PERSPECTIVA. Con esto justifican dejar fuera potencialmente a Rommel, Kevin Berlin, Jahir En fin, una burla y otro drama que se nos puede venir. Deberan mejorar MUCHISIMO Paola e Ivan si es que pretenden ir individualmente, los menciono a ellos porque asi es, son 2 clavadistas que han sido beneficiados antes y que no han dado resultados individualmente desde hace mucho. Para mi el nivel que mostraron en la Copa del Mundo de Tokio inclusive en sincronizados me deja dudas. Kevin Berlin, Randal Willars en teoria deberian superar a Ivan Garcia quien ya esta probado que falla y mucho individualmente. No soporta la presion, en sincro quiza como la responsabilidad es compartida pues sale menos nervioso PERO es igual de inconsistente. Paola Espinosa me adelanto a decir que NO deberia superar a las chicas que vimos en la Copa del Mundo de Tokio, Arantxa Chavez quien fue quinta, Dolores Hernandez campeona panamericana, realmente pensamos que viendo como tiro de mal en el sincro, esta para superar a las chicas mencionadas??? Pues eso, veremos que pasa!
  6. Blame that harsh bars scoring/judging, there they lost those now needed tenths that took away the olympic ticket
  7. So disappointing for Mexico, heads need to roll within our federation though it wont happen
  8. With all respect to the costa rica girl but I can't believe Mexico with 4 girls can't beat a gymnast from a country with a quarter maybe of the funding/support of what our gymnast receive, not that they get A LOT but come on! This time maybe was the easiest for our gymnast to get a second spot for the Olympis but looks like it wont happen
  9. Fabian de Luna had disastrous floor exercise and Mexico did not make it Olympic spots for USA and Brazil
  10. I can't see any mexican beating the top 2 at the moment Fabian de Luna after 2 apparatus Rings & vault is positioned to score 'well' but those were maybe his best apparatus From what I understood brazilian commentators are keeping an eye on Fabian given he could take away the spot from the brazilian guy though I doubt it. And in parallel bars Fabian just had some errors that will be costly, he touched down with both hands in the final move of the routine so I think now he is out of contention They said that currently Fabian is the first in line reserve gymnast that could take an olympic quota if any of the already qualified gymnast withdraws
  11. Brazilian TV is reporting Zanetti is out of the Games with a right shoulder injury
  12. Poor Jade and well Zanetti injured then he wont be able to qualify to Tokyo I guess??
  13. Los nadadores mexicanos siguen obteniendo buenos resultados en los eventos del Mare Nostrum Series, quedandose a pocas centesimas de marcas personales aunque las marcas A para los Juegos siguen estando lejos. Mientras tanto en Clavados seguimos en SILENCIO, nadie sabe cuando se realizara el selectivo ni las reglas, la Federacion de Natacion sigue mutis como ha estado casi desde hace un aƱo. Es increible que estando a 50 dias de los JJOO en un deporte que es carta para medallas de las pocas en Mexico y tengamos este desastre con esos ineptos al frente como son Todorov y Claudia Ruiz junto con sus protegidos (Team Espinosa) Sera que estan prolongando lo mas que se pueda este selectivo, dando tiempo a Team Paola a que agarren mas nivel para no ir a dar tan mala impresion como fue en la Copa del Mundo de Tokio??? solo de ese modo se entenderia la inclusion en el equipo de Espinosa (hablando individualmente). Pues vaya usted a saber!! seguimos en silencio y los clavadistas pues entrenando, entrenando sin la seguridad de nada! se suponia que era a finales de mayo el selectivo y bueno 3 dias de junio y no hay fecha, no hay reglas, no hay nada! En otros deportes, buen resultado para el conjunto de Mexico en Gimnasia Ritmica en la Copa del Mundo de Pesaro, finalizando octavas general aunque esta vez no han conseguido pase a las finales por aparatos. Lo positivo es que se ha enfrentado a las americanas (USA) y les han ganado por mas de 5 puntos en la general y eso de cara al Preolimpico es prueba que se les puede y debe superar. El gran rival seria Brasil como ocurrio en los Juegos Panamericanos de Lima. En Atletismo Edgar Rivera consigue marca personal y record mexicano con 2.31 metros en Salto de Altura en el Meeting de Samorin, Eslovaquia. Aun no obtiene la marca A para los Juegos que esta en 2.33 metros pero se mete en el ranking de quienes podrian clasificar bajo este criterio. En otros temas, se consiguen mas plazas para Mexico Golf: equipo completo, 2 hombres y 2 mujeres Badminton: 1 plaza varonil Atletismo: se confirman oficialmente las ya conseguidas en marcha 20 Km varonil (3) femenil (3) 50 km varonil (2) y las de maraton (6)
  14. Athing Mu, the american sensation over the 400m ran 49.68 yet another American U20 record and it was in the quarterfinals! Girl is running a lot, I don't think she will have anything left when US Olympic trials come though would like to be prove wrong
  15. Guess who AGAIN scored 7 and 8 in the final against Italians ????
  16. Mexico a la final de Equipos femenil en la Copa Mundial de Suiza, segunda copa del mundo y segunda final. Se enfrentaran a las italianas por el Oro el domingo Ademas se va a disputar el bronce en Mixtos. En otros deportes: Tonatiuh Lopez continua con su gran momento y mejorando en sus carreras. Acaba de ganar en Nueva York los 800 metros del evento llamado 'Trials of Miles' con un tiempo de 1:45.24 y lo mejor, viendose realmente bien, cerrando fuerte y con opciones de acercarse o incluso mejorar su record nacional de 1:44.40 que lo tiene ahora como uno de los mejores en el ranking mundial. En la entrevista final ha tenido un momento gracioso al pedirle en ingles a la entrevistadora que le hiciera las preguntas despacio, luego alguien de su equipo al parecer le grito que le ayudaba a traducir, a lo que Tonatiuh dijo 'No, asi me la rifo, voy a contestar yo sino asi cuando voy a aprender a hablar ingles??' Finalmente en la entrevista ha dicho que se sintio muy bien, fuerte, con velocidad para cerrar aun mas empuje por lo que confia en su forma, asi como dijo que competira nuevamente este domingo en un evento del Tour Continental. Lopez podria darnos una gran sorpresa en Tokio, con estos tiempos y viendo la forma en que esta con esos cierres veloces yo podria verlo en una final olimpica.
  17. Is there a posibility for mexican shooter Alejandra Zavala to get some of this quota if she doesn't qualify directly? she have missed every chance thus far in the women's 10m Pistol so I don't know if it's posible for her this option
  18. Well, our ladies (Mexico) did not advance further into the competition. Aida Roman (52 after ranking round) won two matches but lost in the 3rd round where Alejandra Valencia (4) also crashed. Disappointing result for her. The good news is that our Vazquez teenagers, 5h & 6th after ranking round, made to the Quarterfinals but unfortunately lost 6-5 both so they are there just need more confidence and experience. I think we have two potential Mariana Avitia kind of surprises with them. Avitia won the bronze medal in London and top 8 in Beijing at 15 years! Two russians made to the final 4 with a french and Lisa Unruh from Germany (Olympic Silver Medalist in Rio) Our Mixed duo lost in the semifinals to Netherlands and will go for the Bronze Medal
  19. I don't know why Aida is still on the team, with other ladies like our 2012 olympic bronze medalist they have never had any consideration and has been put out of the team but Aida have not produced any notable result since Rio where she bombed miserably and her press interviews and words were just awful and so full of ego that made me lost all the respect I had for her. If Mexico gets the team spot for the Games I pray we don't have Roman in the team or we will suffer big time at the Olympics. I think that for 2 straight games our women's archery team have deserved that elusive medal and failed most in part thanks to low scoring arrows from who? Aida
  20. 18 year old american Athing Mu wins the 400m at SEC Championships with a new US Junior record time of 49.84 Teenagers from Africa and now american will be making big debut this season and going into Tokyo if they all qualify will make the event very very good against Shaunae Miller-Uibo and the current world champion. An historic and potential world record race at the Olympics?
  21. Laura Galvan is becoming slowly but steady a great athlete for our nation and I hope she can do it very well at the Olympics and make a statement so she can get the recognition she already deserves within mexican sports community National Record, Pan Am Gold Medalist and now on to her first Olympics with plenty of time ahead of her and 19th mexican athlete qualified!? wow I guess this will be one of our biggest teams and considering this time the qualifying process is harder than before
  22. Unfortunately is the reflection of what is happening in the country, less and less support for the sport hence the poor results Venezuela has been giving starting some 4-5 years ago that will hit hard bottom from now on unless something happens
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