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Everything posted by Braulio

  1. Yes! Donovan in the free skate AND most likely gets the automatic Olympic Quota, rules practically indicate that!
  2. For me Moguls have become a bit borring to watch with everybody doing the same tricks and now with the Final, Super Final, Ultra Final Format And given I don't understand a bit about the scoring, how they get the scores?
  3. Laura Galvan impone nueva marca y record nacional en los 1500 Metros con 4:08.14
  4. Mexico calling, would like to participate and making my debut at this competition
  5. Klinec world champion! silver for Lundby and bronze Sara Takanashi!! Kramer 4th
  6. Takanashi bad luck strike at major continues, well now she was just 0.2 out of a medal at a major championship Karma owes her a gold medal, let's hope is the Olympic one at Beijing
  7. Can you explain why Bendika participation damaged the qualification process of many NOC? Sorry if explained before, did not read anywhere else
  8. So not even neutral autorized russian athletes at the European Championships!
  9. Covid concern ??? Russia as per se, wasn't going to be allowed to participate. But maybe the 'Russian Athletics Federation' will send athletes
  10. Jose Carlos Herrera, en efecto. Lastima que se perdio a ese talento. De Alberto Alvarez te puedo comentar que segun he visto en sus redes, sigue en activo, compitio en el mundial de Doha si no recuerdo mal. Ha entrenado bastante en California, en el Centro Olimpico, por lo que supongo que intentara ir a Tokio. Y si, en Rio tuvimos sorpresas como en el lanzamiento de martillo varonil, con ese cuarto puesto (que parecia medalla de bronce hasta la ultima ronda) pero los resultados de esos Juegos Olimpicos no han podido concretarse en un buen ciclo hacia Tokio. La unica excepcion ha sido Edgar Rivera con su tambien cuarto sitio en el Mundial de 2017 en salto de altura pero tampoco ha podido emular lo hecho desde entonces, actualmente se encuentra en Europa y ha competido con resultados modestos.
  11. Italian Raisport showed the Qualification races live I have them, though I dont know if its allowed to share the links to watch and if yes, where to share those links
  12. Saul Garcia, never heard of him before, mexican competing for HAITI??? wow So, Mexican rowers can only get ONE quota from this competition right? I hope Kenia Lechuga can go to the final world olympic qualification (if there is one held) and get that spot
  13. A ver si encontramos pronto al sucesor de Alejandro Cardenas y Juan Pedro Toledo, uuuuuh ya llovio desde esos tiempos! Recuerdo a un chico que se metio a la semifinal en Rio de los 200 metros; pero no he sabido mas de el. Ni recuerdo su nombre! pero en efecto, no hay planeacion en nuestro deporte en general. Lastima, estoy seguro que por ahi debemos tener decenas (si decenas) de Guevaras, Cardenas, Riveras, para destacar en el atletismo; toda vez que con pocos recursos se ha visto que se ha hecho algo decente. No sabia que participaban mexicanos en el mundial de esqui nordico. Ojala obtengan papeles decentes, suficientes para que logren puntos de cara a una posible clasificacion olimpica en 2022 Tenemos a 5 competidores: Pedro Montes de Oca, Rodrigo Rangel, Antonio Pineyro y Jonathan Soto,
  14. Paola tiene muy buen futuro, en efecto, en Doha se quedo a decimas de haber clasificado a la FINAL, creo es guardando las proporciones un resultado aun mas sorprendente que el que tuvo Ana Guevara en su momento en su primer mundial aunque claro en los 90's en los mundiales de Atletismo se competia en 4 rondas, una mas que actualmente. Esta marca se antoja entonces como un buen presagio de cara a la temporada outdoor, ojala que pueda tener el apoyo para una gira europea seria importantisimo foguearse y llegar al cien a Tokio. A Valente lo vi 'bien' a secas, en sus dos oportunidades en la American Track League no destacó. Su paso a las ligas mayores debera darse rapido si es que pretende clasificar a Tokio, cosa que sinceramente veo dificil, quiza sus Juegos son los de Paris 2024.
  15. Paola Moran, finaliza tercera en la final directa de los 400 metros con marca personal de 52.87, en la cuarta etapa de la American Track League en Fayeteville, Arkansas. Buen resultado en este momento de su temporada, marcar nuevo registro (bajo techo) de cara a la temporada Outdoor El mexicano Valente Mendoza, en los 400 metros, fue sexto de seis participantes en final directa sin mejorar su marca de la temporada.
  16. Hola! veo que en taekwondo tienes 3 plazas en chicos pero creo recordar que un pais solo puede aspirar a 4 plazas maximo, 2 en chicos y 2 en chicas, por lo que Espana tendria solamente maximo 2 categorias en chicos.
  17. The amount of DNF both men & women today was ridiculous Poor Italians, no medals and a fourth place so so distant; hopefully they will get some hardware for the parallel or the team event. Though Bassino will face inmense pressure individually as the big favourite for the GS, let's pray that italians win a medal before her performance. Mikaela taking her sixth gold, 9th overall at World Championships. Today she looked so confident and poised. This sets her very well for the SL & GS. Though media is never satisfied, now talking about her 'medaling at every event' come on, let her enjoy the moment! is always talking about what's netx, records, wining streaks, just let her enjoy !! Vlhova's attitude... well is not like she finished 4th twice like Ledecka or DNF like Brignone. ENJOY YOUR SILVER MEDAL GIRL!! Bronze for the current olympic champ in the event, Gisin. Switzerland ladies still rolling taking medal at every event thus far. Austria another gold with Marco Schwarz, just beating Pinturault and I think Marco will take the Slalom, have this feeling. I did not like the start list order from 1st after Super G to the last.
  18. In the end Serena proved her confidence and experience, impressed with her movility and fitness overall considering the times and not playing a lot lately because of the pandemic. Still her first serve was very shaky but once she recovered it, was enough to hold her serve. Savalenka could be a great player for the future but she is lacking confidene, experience under pressure and calming down her temper.
  19. Very happy for Lara Gut, what an incredible race and winning momentum, fifth Super G of the season and of course WORLD CHAMPION in Super G! Many times she has been unlucky but this season is paying her off. Glad she took the gold medal. Corine Sutter Silver (a bit of surprise) And very glad Mikaela got that bronze medal after everything she went through this last year. Small mistake near the end that almost made her go out but she pulled it and finish! The split times were AMAZING almost 1 full second ahead but then the near disaster strike but sill was enough for the podium. Ledecka 4th with also a mistake. This will give Mikaela lots of confidence coming next monday Super Combined (Super G + Slalom) right now is some days off as she wont race the downhill Romed Baumann silver medal was shocking as the 4th place from the canadian skier! starting 28th Bib
  20. Congrats to GBR and ESP for the gold medals! close finish in both races!
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