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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Very weird to mention Tsonga, Dimitrov, Cilic or Del Potro but not Zverev, Krygios and especially Goffin. When Roger and Rafa are fit, they have a 90-95% chance to win it, unless Djokovic/Murray/Wawrinka compete.
  2. Show some respect please, Dimitrov has a negative h2h against Zverev and despite Zverev not being ready to win a slam, he has won more masters than Dimitrov and surely has a better future ahead, so calling him a mickey mouse star is absolutely unjustified.
  3. I hope that this wont be your decision, because you are clearly more than biased, so this decision should not be up to you. Edit: Just because a sample turns up negative, doesnt mean shit, how often did Armstrong's samples turn out negative? If you are even remotely smart, you will never have a detectable amount of PED's in your blood during a competition. If you are smart, you take a long break after the olympics, where no one controls you and then you suddenly turn up dominating everyone else (as a 40 year old). If you do that again and again, then people might begin to see a pattern ... or not.
  4. I never asked you to ... If you believe that she is clean, there is no reason for you to stop watching this sport. If you dont believe it, it should be very hard for you to see her stealing medals again and again and if not, you clearly have become insensitive to injustice, which would be very sad.
  5. Please, let me be more precise: I will not watch biathlon again (of course you cant control that anyway) + not write about biathlon on this forum again if this person wins a medal at the olympics, even if she retires. There is only one thing that would change my mind: If she gets caught and stripped off her medals, i will follow biathlon again. She has stolen enough medals already and i know that my behavior won't change anything, but unlike most other people i haven't become completely insensitive to injustice. Considering that millions of african people are dying every year of hunger, while most people have nothing better to do than crying about which new computer/smartphone to buy, i am aware that i am completely lost here. People don't have principles anymore, they just want to fit in, because it's the easy way.
  6. Freitag was a lock to win this, but then he got unlucky (crash, Stoch again had better wind today ...) and didn't perform at his best. Stoch seems like a very nice guy, so congrats to him, although i hate someone winning twice in a row, so i hoped for a different winner and Freitag was the only one who had it in his hands to beat Stoch, everyone else (norwegians, Prevc, Kraft) is just too weak right now. Sad that the tournament was again decided by bad luck, but you can't really blame the jury today, it was Freitag's own fault. Considering how strong Stoch was again, the tournament would have been over anyway, so losing the tournament isn't so bad, i just pray that he will be at his best at the olympics, he deserves it and it would be absolutely unbelievable if Germany would have to compete at the olympics without the two best athletes in alpine skiing (Neureuther and Luitz) and the two best athletes in ski jumping (Freund and Freitag). The only positive thing is that Germany has 4 athletes in top 8 even without Freitag and Freund, with them it would probably be 6 german athletes in top 10.
  7. I agree, with this landing Stoch never should have gotten more than 17.5 maybe 18 points.
  8. The fact that Kuzmina is still allowed to compete proves that god doesnt exist, otherwise he would never allow such an injustice to happen. If she wins a medal at the olympics i will quit biathlon.
  9. Stoch winning the 4 hills tournament and olympic gold again would be bad for the sport, but you cant blame him for exploiting Freitag's monster choke. I hope that 3 different nations will win the 3 olympic golds this time.
  10. Good news, the combined is a snoozefest most of the time and often very unfair for speed specialists, especially on the mens side. I think Shiffrin would have dominated this event anyway, there is no need to gift her another gold. Of course heywoodu is right about speed skating, i dont get what those officials are thinking. Is there any person that will suddenly say "So far i never cared about speed skating, but now that they introduced the mass start i became a huge fan"? They should just accept that some sports are boring and will never have as many fans as the popular sports like ice hockey or biathlon, so they should just try to keep those people happy, who already follow their sport.
  11. Why only top 3? Top 5 would have been easy for me: 1) Biathlon 2) Alpine skiing 3/4) Snowboarding/Ski jumping 5) Figure skating I picked snowboarding as my third option, because snowboarding halfpipe/slopestlye is better than ski jumping, all the other snowboarding events arent interesting for me. I dont care much about the other sports.
  12. And again Stoch had clearly better wind conditions than Freitag ... i am starting to believe that this is a conspiracy. Respect for Stoch nevertheless, he has an ugly style, but he is absolutely peaking again and he handled the break very good.
  13. What a fucking nightmare, if Freitag doesnt turn this around, this has to be considered as one of the worst chokes in sports history. Of course he again had shitty wind ... Has anyone ever seen Kobayashi having bad wind? This guy always seems to have the best wind conditions.
  14. I am absolutely shocked by this result, i was totally sure that Freitag would win easily, but today Stoch clearly had better conditions and got lucky. I hope that justice will be restored soon and for now i dont worry too much, lets just hope that Freitag keeps his nerves and doesnt choke like today. Now it is basically a three way battle between Freitag, Stoch and Kraft.
  15. Russia is certainly missing top 3 results, but interestingly enough they are currently better in the nations ranking on both the mens and the womens side as they were at the end of last year. Switzerland and Slovakia are also having quite good seasons so far. Nations ranking on the womens side at the end of last season/currently: 1) Germany/Germany 2) France/Ukraine 3) Ukraine/France 4) Czech Republic/Norway 5) Italy/Italy 6) Norway/Russia 7) Russia/Belarus 8) Sweden/Sweden 9) Belarus/Czech Republic 10) Kazakhstan/Switzerland Nations ranking on the mens side at the end of last season/currently: 1) Germany/Norway 2) France/Germany 3) Russia/France 4) Norway/Russia 5) Italy/Austria 6) Norway/Ukraine 7) Russia/Czech Republic 8) Sweden/Italy 9) Belarus/Switzerland 10) Kazakhstan/USA
  16. The womens race was a fitting end (on the womens side) to a horrible world cup (overall). We should all thank god that the french arent allowed to host a world cup every season, because they obviously dont know what they are doing. My only wish for christmas is that Kuzmina finally gets caught and that justice is finally done, she already stole enough olympic medals, its disgusting that she doesnt know when its enough, almost as if she wants to be caught.
  17. By (probably) winning the super-G in Gröden, Josef Ferstl did something of almost historic importance for german alpine skiing: - It is the first german podium in men's super-G in almost 7 years (Stephan Keppler was 2nd in Gröden on December 17th 2011) - It is the first german victory in men's super-G or downhill in almost 13 years (Max Rauffer won the downhill in Gröden on December 18th 2004) As you see, Gröden is always a good place for german alpine skiing ...
  18. By reaching the quarterfinal in Astana, Dimitrij Ovtcharov becomes the first non-chinese world number 1 in almost 7 years (last non-chinese number 1 was Timo Boll in march 2011)! Just sad that there are no olympics or individual world championships next year, it would have been amazing to see a non-chinese world/olympic champion, i doubt that he can keep this level until 2020 and even if he does, it is very unlikely that Harimoto won't be absolutely unbeatable by then.
  19. I just don't get it ... Germany is by far the best nation this season but obviously they are too stupid to show it in the team event.
  20. Olympic season and Kuzmina is back winning ... when will this nightmare finally end, when will she finally be caught? This has reached Johann Mühlegg dimensions, it can't get more obvious, if she would be russian, she would have been banned years ago.
  21. So you are a doctor? Edit: If you are indeed a doctor, why don't you just quit your job and play golf 24/7?
  22. Off-topic: First things first! Thanks for uploading all the higlights (also in other sports), i gave you a like not for this special comment, but for your work in general. For me you are probably the user of the year already. On-topic: Amazing day for Germany, Rebensburg's second place probably was just a fluke, as was Shiffrin's victory (who, according to herself, was the only athlete who had clear sight and therefore was pretty lucky), because this wasn't a typical downhill and Lake Louise in general isn't very representative. I don't see Shiffrin regularly finishing on the podium in the speed disciplines and i am not sure whether she should compete in those events at the olympics, although the schedule would allow it (giant slalom and slalom will be contested first). Seeing her recent results, the combine should be her best chance for gold, closely followed by the slalom. Dreßen's 3rd place was the best result for Germany in men's downhill in 13 years! Finally Germany seems to be able to compete in men's downhill/super-G. On the women's side we saw an amazing 8th place for young Kira Weidle who qualified for the olympics with this result. Her 8th place and the 7th place for Ledecka are other sings that this wasn't a typical downhill. I think at the olympics things will look very differently, with Gut and Fenninger hopefully back in top shape.
  23. It's sunday, isn't it illegal to work?
  24. Another norwegen borefest. Thanks to IOC for killing the russians, now cross-country at the olympics will become even more boring. Would be cool if a russian journalist would uncover the norwegian doping system some time soon.
  25. I can't believe it, he is the athlete i wanted to see winning a medal at the Olympics most, who knows whether he would have even continued his career, if he would have known that he wouldn't be able to compete at the Olympics ... I hope that this isn't the end! Horrible start to the winter for Germany, very bad results in ski jumping, nordic combined and bob + the injury of Neureuther + the injury of Freund + the injury of Zimmermann.
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