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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Number of medals with 2 days to go: (Population of 30 k): 1 (Population of 267 k): 1 (Population of 68 million): 0 (Population of 83 million): 0
  2. Congrats, but not surprising, given that Germany has a bunch of no-names + Lückenkemper. Germany absolutely didn't deserve to make the final with this pathetic line-up.
  3. Got injured during the long jump (left hip). I think he will retire. At the 2021 olympics he was going for a medal and then also got injured during the high jump. Usually decathles peak in their late twenties, but apparently Kaul peaked as a 21 year old.
  4. Funny, considering that they had a guy named "Wolf" in the team ...
  5. Apparently he doesn't train this event because he thinks that he is "too heavy" and doesn't want to risk an injury. With his jumping ability he surely could get to around 2.10 m if he would train for it.
  6. Never understood this "hype" about decathlon, not sure if decathlon is really more prestigious. I never heard anyone say that modern pentathlon or triathlon are more prestigious than swimming/cycling/running/equestrian/fencing/shooting.
  7. How nice of you. Canada already has 2 (extremely surprising) golds, how about you leave something for others ...
  8. Edit: The previous ranking apparently was wrong (sadly the calculator on the german athletics website seems to use wrong points tables): Apparently the actual ranking for the best first day in decathlon looks like this: 4743 Warner 4738 O'Brien 4736 O'Brien 4728 Eaton 4722 Warner Don't see Neugebauer getting into the top 5, but maybe he has a shot at getting to 4700 points. When Mayer set his world record he only had 4563 points after day 1, which is only the 69th best first day ever.
  9. Still a lot of opportunities to flop (hurdles, high jump, pole vault).
  10. Neugebauer now has 111 more points after 3 disciplines than he had during his best decathlon (when he scored 8836). 37 points more per discipline, if the trend continues he will improve his PB by 370 points and score 9206 points ...
  11. Incredible performance by Australia! I thought that the match would be a lot closer. They are definitely favored over Germany right now.
  12. I doubt that Neugebauer will jump 5.20 m in the pole vault here, so after his good long jump he at least has some room for failure. Kaul on the other hand has no clue how to hit the board. Would be amazing if Germany would only win 1 medal and it would be by an athlete who trains in the US.
  13. Luckily we are not in the US (Flint ...) where noone gives a shit about water quality, so you don't have to worry about the athlete's safety.
  14. Can't believe that Germany didn't make sure to have better weather, what a failure. Yesterday an undisclosed source told me that some athletes complained that the water was too wet ...
  15. The same problem as in many other disciplines. Everyone (Röhler, Vetter, Hofmann, Hussong) is injured. Same with Mihambo, Baehre, Klosterhalfen and many others. German coaches are mostly clueless, their greatest strength is that they can turn any healthy athlete in a wreck in no time. Most of the good german coaches were sent away, but luckily for us all those amazing former GDR coaches helped other countries like GB, China, India or Australia to become better.
  16. Amazing performance by german-coached Chopra. Great to see that we continue the trend of shooting ourselves in the food by "allowing" our best coaches to improve our competitors. Jürgen Gröbler did it with british rowing, Heiko Salzwedel did it with british track cycling and Dieter Kollark did it with Gong Lijiao in women's shot put.
  17. 1) There is a lot of room between fast and "faster than you think". My grandma can also run faster than you would think, doesn't make her fast/an athlete. 2) Not sure if i would qualify someone as an athlete who can run fast once for 2 seconds and then needs 20 minutes to recover (which luckily can be used to show a dozen commercials). American football is 90 % standing around/commercials.
  18. So americans look at race walking the way europeans look at UFC, baseball, softball, lacross and football? Edit: The more i think about it the more sense it makes. Football/Hammer throw/Shot put = Sport for fat people who are too lazy to move, but still want to call themselves athletes. Makes sense that americans/north americans are good at both.
  19. Absolutely horrible organization by Hungary. This shitshow, golf carts crashing into each other injuring athletes, call room so hot that athletes almost get a heat stroke. Obviously not all world championships can be as perfect as Berlin in 2009, but this is beyond embarrassing for Hungary.
  20. 1) "Refugees are the Ukrainians. The Afgans, etc. are migrants!" Some ukrainians are refugees and some aren't. Some afghans are refugees and some aren't. The only thing i know is that you can't tell from the distances whether a random person from Ukraine/Afghanistan qualifies as refugee or not. I don't even think that you can even tell whether they are actually from Ukraine/Afghanistan. This is a completely different topic. Neither you nor any other person in Hungary can just randomly decide who qualifes as a refugee and who doesn't. I guess in the end this is just an excuse to not have to take in any people from Afghanistan. Even if i would follow your logic, i would have to ask the following two questions: a) So how many ukrainian refugees has Hungary actually taken in (compared to countries like the Czech Republic or Moldova)? b) What about people from Syria? Are those also no real refugees? Again: I have no problem with hungarian people not wanting to take in any refugees, but don't make up obvious lies. 2) "Hungary do not spend money to the migrants? Barb wire, surveillance system, vehicles (their reparation after the migrants throw them concrete pieces), border guards! EU doesn't pay anything!" I think the EU should help securing the border, but please don't act as if you are doing this for the EU. You are doing this out of your own interest. The refugees just switched to a different route and therefore all of this didn't really help other european countries. 3) "The EU buys ammunition for Ukraine! But Hungary does not supply weapons to Ukraine, so the Hungarian part goes elsewhere!" So where does the hungarian part go? Not only don't you supply weapons to Ukraine (which doesn't bother me), but you still help Russia financing the war (by buying their gas) and you are also actively sabotaging NATO. How about you just admit that Hungary is completely dependant on Russia and doesn't want to lose cheap gas? At least that would be honest. I don't blame Hungary for doing that, but don't act as if there are no alternatives for Hungary and don't act as if you don't understand that this is hurting other EU countries that transfer billions of euros every year to Hungary. 4) "If the EU spends money on migrants, every country has a share in it!" No idea what that means. So what share does Hungary have? 5) "Again! You said that every EU taxpayer has the right to know how much Orbán is getting rich. I agreed! I wrote that I would also be interested in this (migrants)!" No idea what that means. 6) "If I am correct, Germany is just building its first LNG terminal. So Russian gas would be good for Germany, but the Nord Stream somehow blew up. So Germany is forced to represent this position!" Germany has had many LNG terminals for quite some time, so your information is incorrect. Also Germany stopped buying russian gas (through Nordstream) before the pipeline was blown up. 7) "What do you think? Putin calls Orban and orders him? Putin knows Orban is not else just a pm of a small country. A trading partner." Pretty much, Orban is the light version of Lukashenko for Putin. Russia has been using gas to blackmail other countries for almost two decades. If you really believe that Hungary is just a "trading partner" for Russia, then i have a bridge to sell you ... Orban repeatedly has sabotaged the EU/NATO by taking over russian positions. You might also look into what happened with the Nabuco pipeline. 8) "You said there are landlocked countries that don't rely on russian gas! There are five landlock countries in the EU! I think Luxenburg never used russian gas. The other four: Austria and Chechia partly, Hungary and Slovakia mostly supply russian by gas. So no, the others did not solved anything!" As far as i know the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany stopped receiving russian gas last year because Russia couldn't accept that they support Ukraine. Italy, Austria and Hungary on the other hand still import russian gas. The difference between Italy and Hungary is that Italy plans to stop importing russian gas soon (as far as i know), while Hungary just signed a new contract to import even more russian gas. Italy is also helping Ukraine with weapons, while Hungary blocked 500 million euros of military aid in the EU. You can spin it whichever way you want, in the end Hungary is doing whatver Russia wants (blocking military aid, sabotaging EU/NATO) and in return they get cheap gas from Russia. This might be in Hungary's best interest, but please don't act as if there are no alternatives. Hungary just doesn't give a shit about any of their EU/NATO partners. I don't criticize this behavior, but i criticize EU countries like Germany for allowing Hungary to behave like that. Austria also isn't much better than Hungary. 9) "The Hungarian FM said before a cnsultation meeting he gets some sms: "Will you block it, wont you?" Yes, because the FM or Orban (in this question) do not care about the others. So that Hungary is the black sheep! Political parties won election because they said "we stop the migration!" Or this: But then: Do you still believe what the politicans say?" No idea what you are trying to say. I am not sure why i have to repeat that i have no problem with Hungary not wanting to take in refugees. I have a problem with countries like Germany allowing Hungary to cherrypick. If Hungary doesn't want to take in refugees and constantly acts against the interest of other EU countries (importing russian gas, blocking military aid), then they don't need to get any money from countries like Germany. Hungary only wants the money but doesn't want to give anything in return. Poland at least took in tons of ukrainian refugees (after claiming that refugees from Syria are culturally too different), but Hungary just doesn't provide any help whatsoever. 10) "billions of euros. One explain from the many: Hungary got money from the EU to develop the trasport service of Budapest. Budapest ordered Mercedes-Benz Conecto buses, so the money went back to Germany." I couldn't find anything about this deal on the internet. Only thing i could find was a deal made by Daimler in 2012 to provide 159 Citaro busses. Doesn't sound like a huge deal, especially when you consider that Merceds has invested billions of euros in Hungary over the past few years. Not sure how much of that money actually goes back to Germany (instead of the (mostly foreign) shareholder's pockets) and benefits the german taxpayers. 11) "In Hungary the ratio of residential-industrial gas consumption is 40-60. And the German companies take part in the consumption of the cheap russian gas. Which is not that cheap than before because the Russians are not stupid!" Again no idea what that means. Could you maybe name the german companies that "take part in the consumption of the cheap russian gas"? 12) "Ahman Iliev was in Hungary four days ago. Agreed to store 50 million cubic meters gas in Hungary!" Nice to hear that Hungary is trying to diversify. I think this will make Hungary less dependant on Russia. Also nice that you have established yourself that there is an alternative to russian gas even for landlocked countries. Sounded different before, but maybe i misunderstood you.
  21. Disappointing result for Germany and also unlucky (Stapenhorst hitting the post). Nonsense to say that Belgium is clearly better than Germany, i guess to say something like that you have to have a lot of antipathy for Germany. Sadly the german group was super weak, so they weren't really prepared for today.
  22. Probably about as excited as european fans will be if Hughes breaks the 200 m european record.
  23. Pathetic performance compared to those of Ingebrigtsen. BBC will hopefully talk nonstop about Burger's embarrassing performance for the next 3 days.
  24. Indeed, grandpa Hudson-Smith obviously doesn't have as much potential as guys like Ingvaldsen or the jamaican guy, not to mention that Gardiner will probably come back.
  25. The Netherlands could finish top 5 in the nations ranking next year, very impressive. Most impressive european nations: /
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