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  1. Well, the spanish federation decided not to send several boats to the World Championships and have them focusing instead in the final qualification regatta......
  2. It's March 13, even if the french race is canceled he still has plenty of time to get a 20km decent race. But, however, reading the "panic" around him I don't think he knows his 2018 europeans count for the ranking....
  3. Now that I'm looking his case, I don't think he'll even need a 50km race. If I'm not mistaken, the 2018 Europeans count for the olympic ranking. And he was second there with a great mark. So just doing a decent 20KM would allow him to enter easily by ranking.
  4. I don't think you need any qualifiying mark for that event, so it shouldn't be a problem if the slovak federation wants to send him there.
  5. Can't he compite at the world team race walking championships? They aren't cancelled yet.
  6. Catalonia (and some of the mediterranean) is interesting, the north is pretty and green, and the south is very culturaly rich and has amazing arab influence; but everything inbetween (including Madrid) is bland and boring. That's why I think Summer Olympics are a big reach. Madrid has no iconic monument, interesting landscape or special athmosphere, so it would look very random and with no personality. Other citys like Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza and Bilbao are more beautiful and interesting and they could hold smaller events like European Games and do an amazing job... Or even Madrid. But just not the Olympics.
  7. I just think Madrid is ugly and a non-interesting city to host the Summer Olympics.
  8. So what kind of Olympics are those if each sport is in one diferent country? Spain should stop all those Olympic ambitions and settle for something smaller and more realistic, like European Games or Youth Olympics.
  9. Put cross country athletics in Winter Olympic and the problem is solved.
  10. I root for this small countrys even if they finish last. Is not like they're taking out any medal contenders for the game. Plus, there are like 35 quotas available in Men's Laser and even more in the woman's event. If a "big" country hasn't qualify yet is because they don't deserve it. Better have countrys with small representation have another athlete then a country like Spain that has around 300 athletes in the games add one more guy when he's not going to add nohong valuable or even a story to follow.
  11. After what happend at the 2016 qualification tournament, I can't be happier now
  12. damn........ cross-country athlete Manex Silva ( ), who is actually basque, is doing so much better than the boy representing :ESP
  13. Australia/NZ should always compete against Africa or Asia, it makes no sense having an Oceanian quota cause it's basically a free cuota for Australia (not like they need it in a lot of sports because they are competitive).
  14. yay!!!! first ever medal for Spain in Winter Youth Olympic, and I wasn't expecting this one at all!!
  15. I like my name (Jonander) a lot.
  16. Well, actually at these games in Spain there are 3 federations involved since Ski-Mountanering aint in the Snow Federation. It's with Sport Climbing and other sports under the umbrella of "Mountain Sports".
  17. Wow, it hurts... Congrats to , it was a great match
  18. 29-29 20 seconds left, ball for Spain............ we can do this!
  19. 29-29 and only a minute and a half left... I'm nervous!
  20. I guess it would happend but not mountain skiing hurts.
  21. Marathon World Championships gets hosted along the London Marathon for the last years.
  22. And how the hell does this 3x3 thing work?
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