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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by OlympicIRL

  1. Current Standings (12/36) 1 Slovenia 7 19 Germany 37 2 Italy 57 20 Czechia 44 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 21 4 Moldova 30 22 China 16 5 Poland 26 23 United States 34 6 India 9 24 New Zealand 6 7 Greece 25 25 Malta 25 8 Mexico 40 26 Slovakia 15 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 42 10 Romania 26 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 51 29 Netherlands 19 12 Denmark 28 30 Hungary 21 13 Kazakhstan 9 31 Lithuania 23 14 France 22 32 Canada 32 15 Argentina 28 33 Ireland 28 16 Chile 32 34 Portugal 23 17 Great Britain 66 35 Sweden 43 18 Ukraine 36 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Great Britain 66 2nd Italy 57 3rd Brazil 51 4th Czechia 44 5th Sweden 43
  2. Current Standings (11/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 37 2 Italy 56 20 Czechia 44 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 21 4 Moldova 30 22 China 12 5 Poland 15 23 United States 34 6 India 9 24 New Zealand 6 7 Greece 25 25 Malta 23 8 Mexico 40 26 Slovakia 10 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 34 10 Romania 26 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 51 29 Netherlands 19 12 Denmark 28 30 Hungary 21 13 Kazakhstan 9 31 Lithuania 23 14 France 22 32 Canada 32 15 Argentina 28 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 26 34 Portugal 14 17 Great Britain 59 35 Sweden 31 18 Ukraine 36 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Great Britain 59 2nd Italy 56 3rd Brazil 51 4th Czechia 44 5th Mexico 40
  3. Current Standings (10/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 37 2 Italy 56 20 Czechia 44 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 19 4 Moldova 30 22 China 2 5 Poland 15 23 United States 27 6 India 9 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 24 25 Malta 18 8 Mexico 29 26 Slovakia 10 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 34 10 Romania 26 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 51 29 Netherlands 19 12 Denmark 20 30 Hungary 21 13 Kazakhstan 9 31 Lithuania 14 14 France 19 32 Canada 32 15 Argentina 28 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 14 34 Portugal 10 17 Great Britain 59 35 Sweden 31 18 Ukraine 36 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Great Britain 59 2nd Italy 56 3rd Brazil 51 4th Czechia 44 5th Germany 37
  4. As opposed to horizontal hunger which is the hunger you feel when lying at bed at night and you're suddenly craving a 3 course meal
  5. Mind you, I have quite a few questions about California from watching this review of California Games
  6. I definitely appreciate having a backup, the chances are quite high of me mistyping or miscalculating when manually updating the scoreboards on the hop.
  7. I'm off to make dinner now. If I'm back on time I'll continue posting the scoreboards. Hopefully there are no errors
  8. Current Standings (9/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 37 2 Italy 52 20 Czechia 32 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 19 4 Moldova 20 22 China 2 5 Poland 15 23 United States 27 6 India 8 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 16 25 Malta 11 8 Mexico 29 26 Slovakia 10 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 34 10 Romania 26 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 46 29 Netherlands 13 12 Denmark 20 30 Hungary 21 13 Kazakhstan 9 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 19 32 Canada 29 15 Argentina 28 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 14 34 Portugal 10 17 Great Britain 48 35 Sweden 31 18 Ukraine 27 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Italy 52 2nd Great Britain 48 3rd Brazil 46 4th Germany 37 5th Croatia 34
  9. Current Standings (8/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 30 2 Italy 52 20 Czechia 20 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 19 4 Moldova 20 22 China 2 5 Poland 15 23 United States 17 6 India 0 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 16 25 Malta 11 8 Mexico 29 26 Slovakia 10 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 25 10 Romania 26 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 44 29 Netherlands 13 12 Denmark 15 30 Hungary 17 13 Kazakhstan 9 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 19 32 Canada 29 15 Argentina 17 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 14 34 Portugal 10 17 Great Britain 45 35 Sweden 30 18 Ukraine 21 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Italy 52 2nd Great Britain 45 3rd Brazil 44 4th Germany 30 4th Sweden 30
  10. Current Standings (7/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 30 2 Italy 45 20 Czechia 14 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 7 4 Moldova 20 22 China 2 5 Poland 4 23 United States 7 6 India 0 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 16 25 Malta 8 8 Mexico 29 26 Slovakia 10 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 25 10 Romania 26 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 40 29 Netherlands 12 12 Denmark 15 30 Hungary 17 13 Kazakhstan 9 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 11 32 Canada 24 15 Argentina 17 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 14 34 Portugal 10 17 Great Britain 43 35 Sweden 21 18 Ukraine 21 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Italy 45 2nd Great Britain 43 3rd Brazil 40 4th Germany 30 5th Mexico 29
  11. Current Standings (6/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 23 2 Italy 35 20 Czechia 11 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 7 4 Moldova 20 22 China 2 5 Poland 4 23 United States 7 6 India 0 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 16 25 Malta 3 8 Mexico 28 26 Slovakia 10 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 17 10 Romania 15 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 34 29 Netherlands 12 12 Denmark 15 30 Hungary 15 13 Kazakhstan 5 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 11 32 Canada 15 15 Argentina 17 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 14 34 Portugal 10 17 Great Britain 31 35 Sweden 21 18 Ukraine 21 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Italy 35 2nd Brazil 34 3rd Great Britain 31 4th Mexico 28 5th Germany 23
  12. Current Standings (5/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 17 2 Italy 25 20 Czechia 10 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 7 4 Moldova 20 22 China 2 5 Poland 2 23 United States 7 6 India 0 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 16 25 Malta 3 8 Mexico 23 26 Slovakia 10 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 17 10 Romania 15 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 23 29 Netherlands 9 12 Denmark 15 30 Hungary 15 13 Kazakhstan 5 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 11 32 Canada 8 15 Argentina 9 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 5 34 Portugal 6 17 Great Britain 19 35 Sweden 21 18 Ukraine 21 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Italy 25 2nd Brazil 23 2nd Mexico 23 4th Sweden 21 4th Ukraine 21
  13. Current Standings (4/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 5 2 Italy 18 20 Czechia 10 3 Serbia 4 21 Spain 7 4 Moldova 11 22 China 2 5 Poland 2 23 United States 7 6 India 0 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 16 25 Malta 3 8 Mexico 23 26 Slovakia 9 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 6 10 Romania 10 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 13 29 Netherlands 9 12 Denmark 15 30 Hungary 9 13 Kazakhstan 1 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 9 32 Canada 8 15 Argentina 9 33 Ireland 18 16 Chile 5 34 Portugal 6 17 Great Britain 16 35 Sweden 13 18 Ukraine 21 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Mexico 23 2nd Ukraine 21 3rd Italy 18 3rd Ireland 18 5th Greece 16 5th Great Britain 16
  14. Current Standings (3/36) 1 Slovenia 4 19 Germany 5 2 Italy 10 20 Czechia 10 3 Serbia 1 21 Spain 0 4 Moldova 11 22 China 2 5 Poland 2 23 United States 7 6 India 0 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 15 25 Malta 3 8 Mexico 23 26 Slovakia 9 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 0 10 Romania 0 28 Turkiye 11 11 Brazil 13 29 Netherlands 9 12 Denmark 4 30 Hungary 9 13 Kazakhstan 1 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 0 32 Canada 8 15 Argentina 9 33 Ireland 14 16 Chile 5 34 Portugal 6 17 Great Britain 11 35 Sweden 11 18 Ukraine 9 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Mexico 23 2nd Greece 15 3rd Ireland 14 4th Brazil 13 5th Lithuania 12
  15. Current Standings (2/36) 1 Slovenia 0 19 Germany 5 2 Italy 0 20 Czechia 10 3 Serbia 1 21 Spain 0 4 Moldova 4 22 China 2 5 Poland 2 23 United States 7 6 India 0 24 New Zealand 0 7 Greece 3 25 Malta 0 8 Mexico 23 26 Slovakia 7 9 Israel 0 27 Croatia 0 10 Romania 0 28 Turkiye 6 11 Brazil 13 29 Netherlands 9 12 Denmark 4 30 Hungary 0 13 Kazakhstan 0 31 Lithuania 12 14 France 0 32 Canada 8 15 Argentina 9 33 Ireland 6 16 Chile 5 34 Portugal 0 17 Great Britain 11 35 Sweden 0 18 Ukraine 9 36 Indonesia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1st Mexico 23 2nd Brazil 13 3rd Lithuania 12 4th Great Britain 11 5th Czechia 10
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