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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by OlympicIRL

  1. Even though it is a copy of an older song, it seems like the Kazakh entry was released in 2023. @Ruslan could you choose another entry for the contest? It needs to be from 2018 or earlier to be eligible. @rybak do you have a way to contact our Kazakh friend?
  2. No shame for you guys, you played who is in front of you. Just the stupid draw system. I really hope they change it next time and not make the draw 3 years in advance when the order of world rugby could completely change in that period. I feel so bad for Scotland too as they are a million miles better than England, Wales or Fiji.
  3. I feel your pain . Hugs and respect from an Irish fan to a French fan
  4. These were the semi-finals in truth. The other half of the draw has essentially been a plate trophy
  5. Yeah, if you've only ever seen Rugby Sevens, you would have no idea as to how good rugby is to watch. For anyone who calls themselves a sports fan and you've not been watching these 2 epic semi finals, you need to re-evaluate your life **kidding, but not kidding**
  6. Somehow we are still in this match despite playing against ourselves with all our errors and a really clinical and sharp New Zealand team who mean business here. We need to be so much better in the second half to stand a chance.
  7. I’m honestly glad they are going this route. I have nothing against eSports. I just feel they would be totally out of place at the Summer Olympics. If they want to host a separate eSports version of the Games then what harm and I wish them the best of luck.
  8. Nervous expectation I'd say sums it up here. It's going to be an almighty tough match for us.
  9. Not to mention rowing which will take place in a 1500m course, though I blame World Rowing for seemingly not caring enough to request an alternative location for the rowing.
  10. I am going to take a different slant on it and not worry about what Ireland would add if we hosted. Instead I want to selfishly select what I want instead These choices are based on the assumption that squash and baseball/softball are already in because I would certainly have those in my list (I liked watching baseball and softball in Tokyo). 1. Darts 2. Bowls 3. Snooker 4. Tug-of-war (Ireland would probably add this sport if we had host picks) 5. Cricket T20 (this choice is less selfish, not a fan of cricket but I think it deserves to be there) In addition I would like to add a team event in golf and reinstate all the track cycling events that were kicked off the Olympic programme in recent editions. And of course reinstate the men's 50km walk.
  11. I've been out for the day so just got caught up! Yessss Rhys!! He did it again. Two-time pommel world champion and probably just as importantly, takes the Paris 2024 Olympic ticket
  12. IRELAND Ireland has decided to delve into history this year with the nomination of rock band Thin Lizzy as the entrant to this year's TISC Open in California. It is a re-visiting of our TISC roots as Thin Lizzy lead singer, Phil Lynott, was one half of Ireland's first-ever entry in TISC 10 years ago. For the song entry we have chosen "The Boys Are Back in Town" from the band's 1976 album "Jailbreak". Hope you enjoy Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town Lyrics:
  13. I feel like Malta always register and vote in the last day, it's basically a tradition at this stage
  14. Some the of regularly competing nations that have yet to register this time include:
  15. Our female flag bearer last time, Kellie Harrington, went on to win a gold medal. Sometimes lesser known athletes are chosen for the honour and other times the honour goes to our biggest name, it varies. I think it's similar in most countries.
  16. My picks would be: Ciara Mageean (Athletics) Paul O'Donovan (Rowing) I can't think of anyone more deserving or fitting for this honour than Ciara Mageean. Everything she achieves in her career, her national pride is just bursting through in her interviews and she is just a top human being. For the men's I would actually love to give it to Rhys McClenaghan but since he competes on Day 1, it is unlikely and would be unwise. Paul O'Donovan has achieved everything in his rowing career so this honour would be absolutely deserved!
  17. They will have to wait for another 4 years to try again Uruguay wins 36-26!
  18. I can help with creating the entries table if you like? Or if there’s anything else you would like created just let me know
  19. Wow 3 quotas here for is more than I had hoped for! I was hoping for at least 1 and that we might sneak 2 so to get 3 is wonderful
  20. Great news! I’ve quite a few updates to make since I last updated our qualification tracker a few weeks ago
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