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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by OlympicIRL

  1. Including this year's entries, 771 songs have officially taken part in the Totallympics International Song Contest. 405 songs have officially taken part in the 11 editions of the TISC Open. Over the next few days I will tap into this rich history and post some of the previous TISC Open entries. I will try to post something from each nation that has participated and I will use a random generator to select which songs are presented. Hopefully there will be some forgotten favourites for everyone to enjoy.
  2. There are many songs that remind me of my brother and my sister who passed so I will just post a couple. This song reminds me of my older sister. She was a big fan of Kylie when she first came out and she bought the album on cassette. She would play the album in our kitchen over and over. She had me and the rest of my brothers and sisters dancing to the locomotion, very fond memories And this song reminds me of my brother for a completely different reason. It is not a song he liked, in fact I am not sure if he ever got to hear the song. It reminds me of him because at the time of his passing and the weeks just after, I spent a lot of time in my teenage bedroom listening to music and this song was all over the air waves at the time and every time I hear the song it brings me right back to that time and how I was feeling.
  3. Yes, there are dozens of riders with the potential to medal. Healy is certainly in the list. Given the fact there are so many in contention it’s definitely only an outside chance.
  4. Don’t agree with you there, Healy definitely has an outside chance.
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