So, I have decided to go with the risky route and honestly, having participated in TISC so many years, I kind of have the feeling from which users I can expect some points, because they find this style of music fairly appealing (or at least I'm lead to believe they do). It's a very old song, like, I was not even born kind of old, by a very famous (at that time) band FOJE and yes, it's the third time Lithuania decides to compete with a song in Lithuanian (The lyrics, of course, translated below by me and I advise you to read them along with the song), as of now, it seems to work out 50% of the time, so let's see if my feeling to pick this song is going to be justified in the months to come.
FOJE - Kitoks Pasaulis (A Different World)
Verse 1
Žiūri aplink, stebiesi viskuo, (You're looking around, surprised by everything)
Daiktus matai savo šviesoj. (You see all of the stuff in your own light) (own light = from your perspective)
O jeigu viskas yra ne taip (But what if everything is not how you perceive it?)
Ir tu pasaulį regi atvirkščiai? (And you're seeing the world the wrong way?) (differently from everyone else)
Galbūt ne garsas skamba tyloj, o tyla garse. (Perhaps it's not the sound that is playing in the silence, but the silence playing in the sound)
Ką apie tylą žinome mes? (What do we even know about silence?)
Galbūt ne šviesos žiba tamsoj, o tamsa jose. (Perhaps it's not the lights that are shining in the dark, but the dark is shining in the lights)
Kiek dar nedaug suprantame mes. (There is so much that we don't understand)
Verse 2
Žiūri aplink, viskas tvarkoj, (You're looking around and everything seems fine)
O ar žinai, kas bus rytoj? (But do you have any idea on what is going to happen tomorrow?)
O jei pasaulis apsivers? (What if the world turns upside down?)
Kitom akim žiūrėti privers. (Will force you to witness everything through different eyes)
Galbūt ne garsas skambės tyloj, o tyla garse. (Perhaps it's not the sound that will play in the silence, but the silence will play in the sound)
Ką apie tylą žinome mes? (What do we even know about silence?)
Galbūt ne šviesos žibės tamsoj, o tamsa jose. (Perhaps it's not the lights that will shine in the darkness, but the darkness will shine in the lights)
Kiek dar nedaug suprantame mes. (There is so much that we don't understand)
Verse 3
Tu pabandyk pasižiūrėt (You should try looking around)
Gal kiek netaip, gal kiek kitaip. (Perhaps not like that, perhaps a little bit differently)
Tikiu, paprasti daiktai apsivers, (I believe that the simplest of things will turn upside down)
Ką nors neregėto ir naujo atvers. (They will open up something new that you have never seen before)
Chorus 2x