Two big news from Indonesia:
1. Our Sports Minister is charged with bribery, he has now stepped down (after congratulating sambo athletes earlier that day)
2. The parliament is preparing a bill to revise the criminal code (current version is inherited from the 1918 Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsch-Indie) which includes new "interesting" articles such as:
In addition of the ban on spreading communism and Marxism, spreading atheist and agnostic views or inciting people to stop believing religions are now punishable (4 years in prison)
Any form of abortion is now punishable (the new article said that "asking/giving consent for abortion" is punishable thus conflicting with the legal exception for health reasons or rape victims)
Performing black magic is now punishable for 3 years in prison, bonus 1 year if the damage is financial
Showing, advertising, or offering contraceptives to children is now punishable by law (except for certified officials)
Cohabitating is now punishable if someone reports you
Minimum prison sentence for corruption is now only 2 years (instead of 4)
Anti defamation law has been modified, which made it possible for journalists to be jailed because the subject did not like their article or felt attacked by it.
Looks like I have to make a long-term plan to live somewhere else