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Everything posted by AmericanHero40

  1. When it comes to president I only care about now. Believe me that in january 2025 I will stop caring about him. Hopefully his replacement will be a republican but realistically it probably wont be.
  2. Congrats on the death of the democratic party. Now it gets fun in the senate. A partisan vote without any proof. The dems failed to accept the results of the elections. And for 3 years did nothing for the american people. Even the amazing USMCA was on the shelf for a year
  3. I could care less how he talks. I care about his actions. And the amazing actions and policy for the american people that put america first. That's what I care about. I dont always agree with his twittering. Or the way he talks. But I agree with his policy, his economics and all he's done in the past 3 years
  4. Laugh it up, enjoy this day, because today will be the last day the dems will win anything, the senate will quickly throw out this sham, and i just wish i can already be in november of 2020, to see just how big our victory is going to be. Good to be king.
  5. Sorry, The democrats are the ones spreading lies, they have nothing and it will come out in senate court, i'm enjoying this show and the death of the democrat party. Thant along with FBI illegal surveillance that was already released. Bye Bye Fascists
  6. USA definetly operating out of israel. They might not have their own bases but have definite presence especially in the air force bases. They even run dogfighting drills with the Israeli air force. When I served in the air force I met ton of american soldiers.
  7. Well it was done since the vote is tomorrow. Though it's pointless. I mean obviously they will have enough votes tomorrow. And obviously it will fall crushingly in the Senate. So yes. Good luck
  8. Give me a break. Did you see the ig report on the fisa files? Obama ordered an illegal surveillance of the trump campaign. His VP made billions from Ukraine and should be locked up. Obama was the worst president of all time. Criminal who should be behind bars. Trump have no impeachable offenses in this partisan impeachment that is bring brought forward just because they wont beat him in November and they know it. And once they will impeach him. Get ready because the court in senate will be really really fun. Like I said. Red wave is coming and the dems will never forget the day they decided to put forward this scham. We have been winning since november 2016 and we will keep winning all the way to 2024. Bank on it
  9. Oh I have no doubt that l.a will do an awesome job. And the venues generally in safe areas. But if you think that they will leave the homeless the way they are. Or ice wont go in and deport in a city where they and the feds will have control over on the run up to the olympics then you will be wrong.
  10. Unless you mean antelope valley. But l.a county is definetly not a sanctuary county. Just Santa clarita down the freeway from you are very much against sanctuary policies.
  11. And btw. I mean it. You should join in with the nolympicsla people if those are your views. There will be a massive waive of deportation leading up to it and there is no way they are leaving downtown looking like it is now so i dont know what but something will definetly be done with the homeless and probably wont be to everyone's liking
  12. First of all ICE shouldn't be abolished but much more empowered. To the point where they will have power over local authorities. Where those sanctuary city idiots cannot block them from deporting illegals. And btw those responsible are the obama administration. So while I would love to see Barry behind bars. That's not happening. And by be cleaned I obviously mean deported and not anything else. There is so much murder and rape that is done by illegals. You dont want me to send you links.
  13. I really have no sympathy for illegal immigrants who jumped the fence or overstayed their welcome , who just want to come here to be a burden on tax payers. I'm sorry that you have a shitty situation in your country but it's really not our problem, there are a lot of problems around the world, and i dont intend to solve all of them. Thank god for ICE and the wonderful work that they are doing by cleaning those people
  14. No it's really not, my parents are awaiting authorization to immigrate, it's about 1.5 years process, it's not like we can pay to make it faster, we sit and wait just like everyone else
  15. Sure, if they come in legally, do everything that suppose to, no problem, fill out all the necessary documents, wait the necessary amount of time, then by all means, come on over, just don't jump the fence and excuse the condition in your country to come into mine
  16. LEGAL immigrant hates ILLEGAL immigrants. Those are big words that you omitted.
  17. I see. Just so you know. Israel is the number 1 country in the world for medical advancement. And a lot of the things that are used around the world you dont even know that came from israel. So if you were god forbid diagnosed with something really really bad. And you had to use a cure developed in israel, you would say no?
  18. So we should open our borders even though we cant even take care of our own citizens and veterans and let in whomever wants to come? Yea hard pass on that. Though honestly. With opinions like this I'm surprised you support l.a Olympics because it seems like your opinions coincide with the nolympicsanywhere movement
  19. So it might be a problem. Just like every other country. So why are we special. Why do we have to take them and most other countries wont?
  20. Then I wouldve awaited my turn. Again. Will Canada take those immigrants? Probably not
  21. US welcomed me legally. By first coming here on a student Visa. Finishing that. Then getting work visa. Then getting a green card. Then a citizenship. I didnt hop the fence. I didnt overstayed my welcome. I followed the legal channels and after many years got my citizenship. Whoever wants to is more then welcome to follow the same rules. Not cut corners.
  22. Oh so you will take them in Brazil? how about Canada will they take them? maybe Australia? Why is it always USA? Stay out, we're full
  23. Just a direct response to a question of whether the jews should've been sent back to germany during world war 2
  24. Again the difference is that there are no Gas Chambers in Mexico, if there was a genocide going on in Guatemala, sure, but there isn't. So stay there and apply for asylum. Luckily the wall is going up rapidly and pretty soon we will have a proper border
  25. Also Arizona and New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Part of Texas. Also while we're at it let's give back Konigsberg to Germany.
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