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Everything posted by AmericanHero40

  1. Golan Heights was won in a war, maybe USA should also give back California to mexico?
  2. Immigrants that came the legal ways, that went through Ellis Islands and awaited their turn. Not jump the border or overstayed their welcome. Most immigrants that will apply for asylum will get it, they have to wait
  3. You watch what the MSM let's you watch, it's not the truth, Israel are never the bullies, and it's not even a matter of a left or right, few weeks ago they shot hundreds of missiles on the big cities, we just shot the missiles down, but never shot our own, ir israel was the bullies then there would not have been Palestine by now, with the strength of our army.
  4. Are there concentration camps in Mexico? Gas Chambers in Guatemala? Murder trains in Nicaragua? big difference. Can you just go to Australia and Stay? what about UK? can i just go and that's it? i dont know the immigration laws there but i'm gonna guess that the answer will be no. So why are we any different? why are we suppose to take anyone but it's ok if other countries won't
  5. My guess is that the powers that be in the democratic party will try to rig it towards biden like they did towards hilary, because Biden is the only one with actual chance against Trump in the general elections.
  6. Devide between us and people who want to destroy us? right, because it was "peace" before, honestly you don't know what's going on in Israel by looking at the media, so that's not just you, that`s everyone, but this can't be further away from the truth
  7. I would explain to them that their parents came to the country illegally trying to cross borders illegally which they had no right of doing, that they had to request asylum and wait for the application to be processed. Their parents are at fault here, not the government, and btw Obama started the child separation policy, and built the cages. But no one mentions that
  8. So Biden will be a better candidate then Clinton? give me a break, Creepy Joe is an even bigger joke. You can look at it both ways, you can think that it's not a democracy, but at the same time having an electoral college means your vote is equal to the vote of someone from Idaho, or Nebraska. look at the map of districts won, the country is almost entirely Red, besides the city areas where the elite reside. So you say that only the Elite matters. No, Electoral college worked since 1775 and it still works now, just because you dont like the results doesn't mean it's the wrong way. How about Newsome? is he doing a good job? so good that people already trying to recall him, how about Garcetti? what did he do besides bringing the olympics, which honestly even a chimp can do in L.A The reason the illegals are at fault is because the state is spending an insane amount of money on illegals, it's money that could be spent on housing the homeless and building more affordable living instead of the crazy housing prices we have now
  9. He also accepted the Golan Heights as a territory of Israel, keep fighting the Squad on stuff that they are saying against Israel. He is very Israel friendly, and i'm sure that the jewish vote is part of it. But at this point, why would any self respecting Jew will vote for a party that is Bringing us superstars like AOC, Omar or Tlaib that are openly anti semitic (among other things)
  10. Even Obama who i obviously dislike, said few weeks ago that the democrats went too far left. For their sake i hope that Biden will get the nomination, because if it will be Bernie or Warren..... it definitely wont end well for them
  11. It's honestly simple, you dont have green card, your visa expired, you shouldn't be here, apply for asylum, go by the legal channels and that's all good, but don`t cut corners and think that you should get some special treatment
  12. Worst president in history is number 44. The redwave took over the senate and yes the house was lost but we will get it back. And stop saying popular vote , popular vote doesn't matter, only the electoral college, so no, hillary didnt win, she lost. And how exactly did you vote for Pelosi if she's a house representative of San Francisco? hmmm. Yea i never been to Lancaster so i can't talk about that, but hollywood is full of homeless. Homeless that cannot get housing due to the cost of the illegal immigrants to the state. The american people see the president that puts america first, lowest unemployment ever, lowest unemployment between blacks and latinos, highest gdp, rebuilding of the military. If some foreign countries don't like it? well i'm sorry, that's the point of putting america first. He might not be PC, but he will do whatever is best for the country (btw who destroyed ISIS? wasn't obama). He did everything he promised, and he's leading polls already, so settle in, 2020 will be fun, but hey you might get your wish of a dem president, but you'll have to wait until january 2025
  13. If they didn't know any country but this, that would make them citizens.... wouldn't it? unless you mean DACA that 100% should be cancelled, it is unconstitutional and obama had no right to enact it and it needs to be cancelled asap
  14. The country was founded exactly on a Electoral college, it was something the founding fathers came up with, and not Reagan or Nixon. Obviously i meant undocumented, and they have right to live, but not here, only in their own country.
  15. So that means you were from San Francisco, you're ok with how pelosi destoryed the city? and how schiff destroyed hollywood? L.A and San Francisco are full with vagrant homeless, drugs, diseases and shit flowing on the streets, and who's fault is it? the democratic leadership. Hopefully some time in the near future the people will wake up and start electring republicans who will clean the streets, kick out the illegals, provide homeless housing and become a real city and state again. I'm proud that the only Republican in the city assembly is from my district. IF you think that the elections will come down to 1,000 you're in for a rude awakening in November. This elections will not be even close. The american people see through this Impeachment scham, They understand that it's a totally partisan thing that is run by people who are trying to overturn elections vote. And furthermore the same people even say that if they don't impeach, then he will win, look at what Pelosi, Nadler or Hillary said, they are fully admitting it that he will win. So they start a Hoax, started with russia, found nothing, went to ukraine, and trying to impeach, however it will backfire because obviously it won't go through in the senate, but in the senate we will have the majority so the clowns like the bidens will be summoned to testify, and guess what, the swamp will be drained. So due to that november will see a red wave that was yet to be seen, Trump will easily win, but the house will be taken back. Trump have been an amazing president, that is putting America in front, and it's a huge change from the worst of all time. Obama that put America last.
  16. Thats BS , illegals vote, dead people vote, the dems steal elections and it's good thing that some judges actually removes the fraud voter rolls. California is full of them, if only the people who are allowed to vote will vote then the dems will not win another elections. and the electoral college is what's preventing the country from being decided only by new york and california, everyone matters and thats how it always should be.
  17. Who takes precedence in qualification to the OQT's, Russia qualified to OQT's from the Euro's and the WC's, so do they take the next available from which tournament?
  18. Well Baker was gone most of the season last year and they still did better, and sure there are the 2 players that played with the 15's in the world cup, i guess they'll come next round? hopefully next round will be better, after all fiji and australia also missed one quarter final this season.
  19. Really bad start from USA in the first 2 tournaments of the season. Maybe shows that last year was a fluke, hopefully it will be better next month, however not one win against a major team is a problem.
  20. Sorry bro, i'm all in with trump, have been for a long long time, and enjoying every moment of it
  21. Good for him for finally standing up against the impeachment hoax that wasted millions of our tax payers money. He did jump on time, Red wave is coming November 3rd and it will sweep everything in it's path, the swamp will be drained. This is a beginning of a beautiful time for USA that started in november 2016 and won't stop any time soon, Thank you Adam Schitt, Thank you Pelosi, Thank you AOC #MAGA
  22. Not like the womens ever made it anywhere..... dont see a distinction honestly
  23. Will be interesting to see if usa can put some sort of competitive teams in 2028. Or maybe ihf will force them to qualify
  24. If you're talking country wide no one cares about anything beyond the main sports outside of Olympics. But still I wouldnt put water polo in the same sentence as handball.
  25. Same can be said for any sport, the olympic channel shows world league, world championships, volleyball is not even that, it's on flosports. main channels are almost the big 4 sports(nfl,nba,mlb,nhl), premier league and mls, college football, nascar. But if you want to catch anything outside of those you'll probably find it on the olympic channel
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