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Totallympics Fanatic
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  1. Sad
    Jambo got a reaction from rafalgorka in Athletics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Femke what was that 
  2. Like
    Jambo got a reaction from G-ann in Your personal top 3 Team GB highlights from Paris 2024   
    1. Pidcock's comeback
    2. Yee's Comeback
    3. Keely finally getting gold
  3. Sad
    Jambo got a reaction from AsensioWillemsen in Athletics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Femke what was that 
  4. Sad
    Jambo got a reaction from dullard in Athletics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Femke what was that 
  5. Like
    Jambo got a reaction from Surreal in Team GB Daily: Day 13   
    We had world number 1 in both kayak cross, Franklin and Clarke were probably expected to win medals and didn't in the slalom
  6. Haha
    Jambo reacted to Olympicsnell in Team GB Daily: Day 13   
    Out jumped molly cauldry as well
  7. Haha
    Jambo got a reaction from Olympicsnell in Team GB Daily: Day 13   
    KJT out jumping Morgan Lake
  8. Like
    Jambo got a reaction from JamDH in Team GB Daily: Day 12   
    Its becoming funny now I don't even care anymore
  9. Like
    Jambo got a reaction from Orangehair43 in Team GB Daily: Day 12   
    The BMX racing and the windsurfing one two punch cursed us. Downhill from then. 
  10. Like
    Jambo got a reaction from JamDH in Team GB Daily: Day 12   
    20 Million funding vs how many 100 millions for these games. No reason to lose to Australia 
  11. Love
    Jambo got a reaction from Olympicsnell in Team GB Daily: Day 7   
  12. Sad
    Jambo got a reaction from Josh in Diving at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    China winning with 2 poor dives ofc 
  13. Sad
    Jambo got a reaction from opruh in Diving at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    China winning with 2 poor dives ofc 
  14. Like
    Jambo got a reaction from dullard in Swimming at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    I think people just assumed they were gonna get a standard fast pool, not a cheap shallow one 
  15. Haha
    Jambo got a reaction from De_Gambassi in Swimming at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    I think people just assumed they were gonna get a standard fast pool, not a cheap shallow one 
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