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Totallympics Fanatic
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    BruT06 reacted to Petar1973 in OI PARIZ 2024.-1.8.2024. (četvrtak)   
    "raže"" nije točno napisano!!!
    A ovo koliko možeš glupost nadrobit je da čovjek ne povjeruje. Jesi razočaran Kumrićem? Jesi sigurno. Dečko je bio neutješan i plakao. Promisli ako imaš čime (šta sumnjam) kako se osjećao Černogoraz, Krišto, pa i taj Kumrić koji za smiješnu naknadu marljivo 4 godine treniraju, da bi došli na najveću svjetsku pozornicu i ušli u besmrtnost, a onda im san propadne za milimetar. Toliko si isfrustriran da ti vjerojatno treba i pomoć. Rekao sam ti već nekoliko puta, barem nauči hrvatski jezik i pravopis. To bi kao pravi domoljub trebao biti preduvjet da možeš bilo šta reći. A kad naučiš pisati onda možda i shvatiš šta znači uložiti trud u nešto, pa ćeš bolje razumjeti da Palma Čargo leti na dasci i da bi tebe vjerojatno lopatom kupili kad bi se popeo na nju i da je dala sve od sebe da bude što bolja i boli je uvo za krkana kao što si ti.  
    Sorry ostatku ekipe, ali ja ga stvarno ne mogu ignorirati!
  2. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Super Mario in OI PARIZ 2024.-2.8.2024. (petak)   
    Pa za Vorobevu je uspjeh da se uopće kvalificirala s obzirom na bolest i ozlijede, a i godine su tu već.
    Prva 2 plova je sasvim korektno odradila, u 3. plovu je očito bila neka greška, najverojatnije krivi start. Taj plov će se ionako brisat treba nastavit dalje.
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  4. Haha
    BruT06 reacted to Monzanator in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Vekic on clay? I won't be surprised if she loses to Bronzetti R1 tbh.
  5. Love
    BruT06 got a reaction from Makedonas in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Vekić (what do you think about her chances?
    1st round Bronzetti
    2nd round Andreescu/Tauson
    3rd round Gauff/Tomljanović
    QF Putintseva/Kostyuk/Sakkari/Siniakova
  6. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Super Mario in OI PARIZ 2024.-29.7.2024. (ponedjeljaK)   
    Po meni u cijelom meču Pavić čak i lošiji, baš su nezainteresirano izgledali.
  7. Haha
    BruT06 got a reaction from prso1000 in OI PARIZ 2024.-29.7.2024. (ponedjeljaK)   
    *Cernogoraz,a ne Crnogorac!!! 
  8. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Rafoo in OI PARIZ 2024.-29.7.2024. (ponedjeljaK)   
    Bravo Donna👏👏
  9. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Duki1994 in OI PARIZ 2024.-29.7.2024. (ponedjeljaK)   
    završio je prvi dan kvalifikacija u trapu , možemo na kraju biti zadovoljni
    dvojica imaju 74/75, njih osmorica 73/75 , njih sedmorica 72/75.  njih 17 je u igri i tu je sve otvoreno
  10. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Super Mario in OI PARIZ 2024.-29.7.2024. (ponedjeljaK)   
    Perfektne zadnje 2 serije, trenutno 6. no još trojica ispred njega pucaju. Prvi ima 74/75 bit će sve jako blizu.
  11. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Federer91 in Tennis at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Djokovic - Nadal is tomorrow in the afternoon  Perfect placement.
  12. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Duki1994 in OI PARIZ 2024.-28.7.2024. (nedjelja)   
    I da zavrse 20ti nisu se oprostili od medalje, ima tu jos puno regata i bit ce tu jos svasta tako da glavu gore , imat ce oni svoju sansu 
  13. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from BTTF in OI PARIZ 2024.-29.7.2024. (ponedjeljaK)   
    Evo, dosta preklapanja u rasporedu između 12 i 14 sati. Nadam se pomicanju jedrenja barem za sat vremena. Uz ovo, sutra poslastica Nadal- Đoković oko 14 sati. Moram priznati da mi nije jasna logika sastavljanja rasporeda u tenisu. Vekić i Pavić igraju prekosutra. Sutra se igra 5 od 8 susreta mješovitih parova. S druge strane, u muškim parovima je danas jako puno susreta odigrano i ako je vjerovati prvotnom rasporedu turnira, Mektić i Pavić da bi stigli raspored, ako sutra pobjede u 1.kolu, 2. igraju odmah prekosutra, a moguće je da će četvrtfinalni meč igrati isti dan kad i osminu finala ili polufinale. Sigurno je da ako budu prolazili, igrat će svaki sljedeći dan.
  14. Like
    BruT06 reacted to prso1000 in OI PARIZ 2024.-28.7.2024. (nedjelja)   
    Da logicno, sto meni nije jasno zasto ne puste nesto i na HRT 3.
  15. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from maestro in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Aurel Benović is in men's vault final (3rd in qualies)!
    Such an inspiration. He is 24 now. His mother suddenly died last autumn and father died when he was a child. Besides, he had an injury and could not go to Worlds 2023. After that he had big psihological problems. He thought about career end. He had 4 qualification tournaments to be in top 2 on the floor (his best discipline) to qualify for olympics. Before the last tournament,he should be in top 2 and wait errors from opponents. He qualified for Olympics. In 3 months,vault has become his better discipline. Now,he is in olympic final!🇭🇷💪🔝🙌
  16. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from BTTF in OI PARIZ 2024.-28.7.2024. (nedjelja)   
    Sutra finale strwljaštva od 12 sati na HRT2,a rukomet drugo poluvrijeme na HRTi. Po meni logična odluka.
  17. Like
    BruT06 reacted to Rafoo in OI PARIZ 2024.-28.7.2024. (nedjelja)   
    Poraz Malobabić 4:3,no odlican otpor, bravo Ivana
  18. Like
    BruT06 reacted to prso1000 in OI PARIZ 2024.-28.7.2024. (nedjelja)   
    Vekic u drugom kolu.
    Malobabic odlično odigrala, ali na kraju ipak očekivani poraz. 
  19. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from Styrka in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Aurel Benović is in men's vault final (3rd in qualies)!
    Such an inspiration. He is 24 now. His mother suddenly died last autumn and father died when he was a child. Besides, he had an injury and could not go to Worlds 2023. After that he had big psihological problems. He thought about career end. He had 4 qualification tournaments to be in top 2 on the floor (his best discipline) to qualify for olympics. Before the last tournament,he should be in top 2 and wait errors from opponents. He qualified for Olympics. In 3 months,vault has become his better discipline. Now,he is in olympic final!🇭🇷💪🔝🙌
  20. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from Jinzha in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Aurel Benović is in men's vault final (3rd in qualies)!
    Such an inspiration. He is 24 now. His mother suddenly died last autumn and father died when he was a child. Besides, he had an injury and could not go to Worlds 2023. After that he had big psihological problems. He thought about career end. He had 4 qualification tournaments to be in top 2 on the floor (his best discipline) to qualify for olympics. Before the last tournament,he should be in top 2 and wait errors from opponents. He qualified for Olympics. In 3 months,vault has become his better discipline. Now,he is in olympic final!🇭🇷💪🔝🙌
  21. Wow!
    BruT06 got a reaction from Josh in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Aurel Benović is in men's vault final (3rd in qualies)!
    Such an inspiration. He is 24 now. His mother suddenly died last autumn and father died when he was a child. Besides, he had an injury and could not go to Worlds 2023. After that he had big psihological problems. He thought about career end. He had 4 qualification tournaments to be in top 2 on the floor (his best discipline) to qualify for olympics. Before the last tournament,he should be in top 2 and wait errors from opponents. He qualified for Olympics. In 3 months,vault has become his better discipline. Now,he is in olympic final!🇭🇷💪🔝🙌
  22. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from BTTF in OI PARIZ 2024.-28.7.2024. (nedjelja)   
    Ažurirao sam satnicu... Moguće su promjene satnice za tenis i jedrenje, ovisno o vremenu. Nadalje, HRT zasad najavljuje prijenos stolnog tenisa, snimke jedrenja i uključenja u tenis. Govorim o terminima koji se preklapaju. Prvotno su bili planirani prijenosi obje klase jedrenja i tenisa između, ali sad, s obzirom na satnicu, jedrenje će biti u prijenosu ako tenis bude odgođen za 2-3 sata, što nije nemoguće. Ne znam samo hoće li biti prijenosa tenisa dok bude trajao vaterpolo. Pretpostavljam da neće. Uz to, prilažem link za streljaštvo (bez prijenosa): 
  23. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from Adriano in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Aurel Benović is in men's vault final (3rd in qualies)!
    Such an inspiration. He is 24 now. His mother suddenly died last autumn and father died when he was a child. Besides, he had an injury and could not go to Worlds 2023. After that he had big psihological problems. He thought about career end. He had 4 qualification tournaments to be in top 2 on the floor (his best discipline) to qualify for olympics. Before the last tournament,he should be in top 2 and wait errors from opponents. He qualified for Olympics. In 3 months,vault has become his better discipline. Now,he is in olympic final!🇭🇷💪🔝🙌
  24. Wow!
    BruT06 got a reaction from thiago_simoes in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Aurel Benović is in men's vault final (3rd in qualies)!
    Such an inspiration. He is 24 now. His mother suddenly died last autumn and father died when he was a child. Besides, he had an injury and could not go to Worlds 2023. After that he had big psihological problems. He thought about career end. He had 4 qualification tournaments to be in top 2 on the floor (his best discipline) to qualify for olympics. Before the last tournament,he should be in top 2 and wait errors from opponents. He qualified for Olympics. In 3 months,vault has become his better discipline. Now,he is in olympic final!🇭🇷💪🔝🙌
  25. Like
    BruT06 got a reaction from pdr4332 in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024   
    Aurel Benović is in men's vault final (3rd in qualies)!
    Such an inspiration. He is 24 now. His mother suddenly died last autumn and father died when he was a child. Besides, he had an injury and could not go to Worlds 2023. After that he had big psihological problems. He thought about career end. He had 4 qualification tournaments to be in top 2 on the floor (his best discipline) to qualify for olympics. Before the last tournament,he should be in top 2 and wait errors from opponents. He qualified for Olympics. In 3 months,vault has become his better discipline. Now,he is in olympic final!🇭🇷💪🔝🙌
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