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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. What the hell is going on? Does have a limit? Or their level uncreased so much or level of other teams has dropped? They defeated 12:1, team that won bronze in Sochi. Now, leading already 7:1 against Finland, bronze medalist from Pyeongchang and more than 20 mins to go ....
  2. Jasmine Baird checked her phone with her coach, put it to the pocket and started :-D :-D :-D
  3. Well, he was proven guilty 4 year ago. Despite being the Games during the covid time, these people would be watched not only by public. And I don't think they want to allow similar type of fiasco at the home Games..... Maybe this dude was offered some sort of redemption .....
  4. Don't underestimate even having 0:4 they played some really tight games ....
  5. Games announced began with fireworks before the Olympic fite being lit?😳😳
  6. Funny was how the BOCOG president said the whole speech in a slang 😅😅😅. His pronunciation was similar to the local language here in Chongqing😅😅. My and my wife laughed quite a lot😂😂😂
  7. Yeah, thanks. It is more complicated then people can imagine. Maybe we can talk about it one day .... Anyways, at least I have winter vacation from school and I am in the same time zone. So no limitation in watching💪💪😅😅. Hoping to meet some of the guys from totallympics during the Paris Games .... Hope everything is less strict than now, especially covid sh*t
  8. I wasn't able to get to Beijing due to some restrictions.... I had to stay in Chongqing kinda sad about it. But nothing I can do ....
  9. Guys, anybody knows anything about this story??😳😳
  10. If I am not wrong that's how it is...... Nobody can leave the bubble. Isn't it the primary purpose of having the bubble?
  11. Well, what types of complaints? I would say testing is fine. And after being positive downgrading quarantine to 2 days is kinda fair I think ....
  12. Ohoh, that's pretty harsh ...... Dont wanna defend or praise anyone. But you cannot judge 1,4 billion people as 1....... What I was trying to say is that my feeling is that people who are in the audience do not care much about the Games or the certain sport. Only "invited" ppl can attend. There are millions of chinese ppl who would love to attend and cheer either for chinese or their favourites from other countries. Believe me..... Btw.... If similar scenario happened in another country, I guess it would not be much of a difference...... Real fans and sport lovers or athlete lovers are irreplacable by some "rich ppl with good contacts"
  13. It was kinda shame to watch the "audience" ...... The biggest support were the team members. Rest people sitting, being bored, staring into their phones, and wave a flag from time to time ..... Sorry to say that but to me it looks like people are forced to go there in order not having empty seats even though they don't care about it much or know anything about the sport ....... Anybody agrees?
  14. It's just 2-3 games for each team. Nothing has been decided yet. Of course, it's a surprise that Italy is only undefeated team as we would expect that from or ...... Hopefully, will take the status away from them tomorrow :-D
  15. media says that athlete can compete if he has 2 negative tests in more than 24hrs. They said it regarding the case of Jarl Magnus Riiber. Can anybody confirm this information?
  16. ice hockey team update .... Šimon Hrubec (G) may be able to fly to Beijing tmr Michael Špaček (F) - has still high level of virus and his attandance in Beijing is probably done David Krejčí (F) - the most experienced player tested positive today in Beijing Jan Ščotka (F) - reserve player, tested positive today in Beijing Matěj Blümel (F) - as a close contact also in isolation in Beijing well, well, well, .......
  17. Defeating and is maybe kinda expected as all the teams are kinda on the same level ..... Bigger wonder would be if Italy's score was 2:0 after playing and :-D
  18. China just lost to Sweden 6:7 as Sweden played an amazing 8th end with 3 stones
  19. A sport disaster for Jan Kubičík is snowboadcross who caused himself nearly the same injury as Eva Samková couple months ago. He broke his shin bone in the ankle level, he is outta Games and COC is trying to manage his replacement as fast as they can ..... Radek Houser, who placed 26th (10th quali) in last WC should come to China.
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