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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. I think that this time we have a good prospect of having more than 1 competitor for the first time since Salt Lake City. Schleper is the strongest card to qualify in Alpine, but sthe spot could also be taken by Jocelyn McGillivray who competed this year in YOG. For the first time we have a decent competitor in Freestyle, Robby Franco who came 6th in Sloepstyle at the last World Championships. Sandra Hillen could try to qualify again in this discipline as well as Fernando Soto in Snowboard Cross. Also we could the return of a Mexican figure skater, with Donovan Carrillo showing great improvement at this year's Jr. Grand Prix competitions.
  2. No inconvenience at all, see you on 19th... And best wishes for your presentation
  3. Yes, he's not... he's never have to actually work... he will try to force those Mexicans he deports to build it I'm not glad he won, but I think America will have to deal with its President more that the rest of us... the only think that gets me down is that now I have to earn over 20 pesos to buy one USD.
  4. Good show by the Dutch team... I think they just presented themselves as serious contenders for the ticket to the final round.
  5. Another decent performance by the Mexican squad. I think what is important is that they win enough confidence to try and be promoted to another division next year.
  6. Thanks a lotfor sharing the info and video. A good result for these women indeed, too bad they couldn't hold that lead in the end.
  7. And Chicago won in extra innings 8-7 What a game, and what a comeback for the Cubs! I can imagine the fans around Wrigley Field right now... it must be a total celebration
  8. And now rain interrupts the game after 9 innings... who wrote the script for this?
  9. So far, an entertaining 7th game.
  10. BTW, excellent job @Werloc Sorry I was busy at the office at that time, but it helped me to get home early.
  11. And the Cubs did it! They forced a 7th game in the World Series.
  12. Well, I'm not surprised about Rodriguez... she's real good and has some potential, unfortunately the Mexican federation does nothing to support and find good coaches for them to improve.
  13. Mexican women are currently in the Netherlands to play a couple of games against the locals as part of their preparation for next round, although I'm only hoping for them to be able to score and don't allow 10 or more goals per game.
  14. Looks that Cubs took a little revenge on the 2nd game, winning 5 runs to 1.
  15. Don't worry, I understand life happens If you'd like some help, I can give you a hand.
  16. Interesting info. I didn't know that "García" either meant "bear" or "young"
  17. In Mexico, the most common names were Juan and José (for boys) and Maria (for girls), both often followed by Guadalupe ("Lupe" or Lupita") as middle name (Think for example about the case about Lupita Nyongo, born in Mexico City) Now according to the National Population Registry's Bureau, these were the top 10 names last year: Girls: Sofía, Camila, Valentina, Isabella, Ximena, Natalia, Mía, María Fernanda, Nicole, Melanie. Boys: José Luis, Miguel Ángel, José Francisco, Jesús Antonio, Alejandro, Juan Carlos, Ricardo, Daniel, Fernando, Jorge. Yet, I read that in the state of Nuevo León (one of the largest in the country) tthere's been a grow from 1990 until now were Britany, Kevin and Brayan (yes, that's how they usually spell it in Mexico ) About the most common surname, I'm pretty sure it's Hernández, which means son of Hernán or Hernando, itself a variation of Fernando (Ferdinand)
  18. Alejandra ZAVALA wins the 10m Air Pistol World Cup final for the second time (first in 2014) after a shoot-off against Korakaki of Greece
  19. New world record in Women's 500 Time Trial: 32"268 Jessica SALAZAR
  20. They shall call this the "Gasquet exception"
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