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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Yeah, but we have the same people running each party for a while. Schetyna is more occupied with keeping his party leadership after he was Tusk's biggest enemy for a long time. There is nobody new in our poitics, well, maybe Zandberg but he's too radical to ever win power. L&J vs CP battle goes on for the last 15 years and people quite frankly don't care about the PR IMO.
  2. You know best the two biggest political enemies in Poland were on the same side of the fence pre-1989. What do you expect? Outright left-wing sociallism isn't winning anything here anymore. We've had that for 40+ years and it's over. They've got 10-15% of the market and that is it. They try to play the progressive game but it doesn't move the needle in Poland whatsoever. When two centre-right-wing parties have to draw a line, Law & Justice goes into the central-controlled sociallist ideas and Civic Platform tries to appease the riches & plays the ideallistic game (which they don't believe in anyway).
  3. Who cares about equality in sports? Let me know when we have 2 Asians, 2 Latinas, 2 Whites and 2 Blacks in the 100m dash final
  4. If you have a smartphone (because cell phones are sooo old school) and a social media account you can be tracked down in like 20 seconds anywhere in the world. The rise of technology has made the whole security thing so irrelevant I bet even the most liberal hard-liners don't believe it's a conspiracy theory anymore.
  5. You have to remember every company was state-owned until 1989 in Poland. Then privatisation came flying in and majority of these companies were sold for pennies and quickly folded on the open market which left hundreds of thousands people unemployed. Law & Justice speaks to those people who simply didn't get rich in the 90s and feel like only a small ammount of "elitists" made money on the privatisation in the 90s. They're not far off in their assumption, the rich always only get richer after all. Civic Platform is the party of businessmen, lawyers and doctors etc. The current head of opposition's biggest party Civic Platform was a radio station owner & a manager of a basketball club in the 90s (the club was sponsored by the radio he owned). That's a loooong way removed from being a next-door-guy which majority of the Polish society is. You ain't gonna win a single election in Poland being anti-Church and radically liberal. The most popular left-wing post-1989 politician in Poland, the former President Kwasniewski never actually dwelled on the Church matters whatsoever, he always ignored it and scored easy bonus points from the society to the point he won the 2000 re-election in a 50%+ landslide.
  6. Polish people mostly care about the size of their wallets. Law & Justice has finally realized it hence even the opposition has said they won't take away the social transfers even though they said "the country can't afford it" when they were in power. Funny how money makes the world go round?
  7. Polish Catholicism has lapsed a lot but it doesn't mean these lapsed Catholics support same-sex marriage and other liberal agendas. That's the big difference between some of the Western countries and Olympian's theory. Just because someone doesn't attend the mass it doesn't mean he/she supports LGBT rights! Polish people quite frankly do not care about this. We as a nation aren't as ideallistic as those liberals wants us to be. Far-right is a huge minority in Poland, Korwin-Mikke is a joke and everyone knows that. However Law & Justice appears to be strictly far-right by Western standards, in fact it's the post-1989 right-wingers who are trapped in the never-ending conflict first started by Lech Walesa (against then PM Mazowiecki). And guess what, most of the Polish society doesn't give a damn about constitution, the courts, the priests and all that jazz. That's the biggest trick, we simply do not care and that's why the liberal minds don't understand how to wrestle back the power from Law & Justice I don't attend church for several years now but I'll never support the left-wing sociallist parties. Try to figure that out!
  8. Well, it will take at least 50-60 years before Poland even resembles the liberal Western countries. The entire generation who still remembers - even vaguely - the communist occupation will have to die first (including myself). However with Russia still doing their best Empire impression with the likes of Putin in charge that fear you find so repulsive in conservative politics will never go away IMO. Hell, UK and USA are afraid of the Russian influence too but they have the English channel and Atlantic Ocean to cover their ass. If Russia ever decides to drop the hammer guess which country will be the first to fall? Of course Poland. Russia has nuclear weapons stationed in the Kaliningrad enclave and everyone and their mother knows it Even the left-wing Guardian:
  9. Nothing funny here. Polish was strictly forbidden in schools, offices and in public overall. Bismarck wanted to exterminate Poles the same way Hitler did some 40 years later. Private lands were confiscated, in the Russian zone you could be shipped to Siberia into the coal mines for singing national anthem among other things. Imagine some Mexican offical sending you to Yukon mines (and you're getting jailed straight away) for waving the US flag and then we can have jokes about nationalism being a bad thing . You will NEVER understand why Poland isn't so happy to follow the German or Russian world order after all those years of oppression
  10. Can't blame Poland for being conservative after 123 years of Russian/Austrian/German occupation - a mere 20 year break - and 40 more years of Russian communist occupation. You will never understand that and it's the main reason why Poland isn't as liberal as some of the Western countries to say the very least. We've had enough of foreign influence in our history to be so nationalistic right now. And yeah, this is OUR experience as a nation. Imagine USA being under Mexican rule for 120 years with English being forbidden as a language and then we can talk about whether conservatism is such a bad choice
  11. It's obvious he will defend the most-Israel friendly President USA has had in the last 50 years It's a no-contest here.
  12. I've said this before, democratic sociallism works well in Nordic countries - small population and huge natural resources you can cash in. If USA population was 5.5 million like Denmark then Sanders would have a genuine shot at making it happen. However it's NEVER going to happen in a country with population of 300m+
  13. I'm like twice as old as you and "my generation" in high school NEVER talked politics. We were more busy with cigs, drinks & chicks My sister majored in psychology and runs her own private practice now and guess what, she's gone all left-wing ever since her uni days. You're not inventing the wheel here, buddy. Even in such a racist country as Poland (by your own account) psychologists are left-wing maniacs And despite all of all, I'm OUT on the "water isn't wet" debate. Maybe it's worth the squeeze in the psychology world and everyone with a degree can think I'm just a complete moron, but it's a total waste of my time. Again, this is 21st century, people don't communicate anymore, they're only trying to sell their own vision and will never accept that they're wrong and someone else might actually be right. That's what I think of "your generation". You saying "water isn't actually wet" only confirms it. I'm OUT.
  14. And your response is the perfect example why the entire politics is a waste of time Some people are going to even argue the water isn't wet just to win a debate. This is so 21st century when "my way is the only way". Got better things to do than arguing what the word "wet" means. Over and out
  15. Trump is nothing compared to the likes of Lyndon Johnson who send thousands of Americans to die in Vietnam during a useless war USA was never going to win You elected a millionaire businessman to office, what did you expect from Trump? These kind of people are always following their own script. Every single member of the lucky sperm club is narcisstic. You expect to be appluaded for saying the water is wet?
  16. Trump is a businessman and has been his entire life. He's not a poitician and never was. To think of him as monster is ridiculous but I understand how bitter all the liberals are after he punked Hilary Clinton against all odds. Besides, nobody gives a fuck about Bill Clinton and his oral sex anymore. So much for a fitting legacy. In 20 years time nobody will remember Trump's impeachment either
  17. Clemens blew it hard, shouldn't have been into a deciding leg anyway and van de Pas won on his first match dart
  18. Of course the "military advisors" are always present , USA officially operates only one radar station but they invested more money in Israel than anywhere else in the world over the last 50 years.
  19. The military & strategic value of Turkey is much bigger than Greece & Cyprus. USA needs a foothold in the Middle East and operating US military bases out of Israel would be prelude to WWIII. Turkey as the secular Muslim country is perfect for the job especially after you lost the Iran alliance following the 1979 Islamic revolution. Jordan might try to play the neutral party but I seriously doubt "being friends with Lebanon" is possible as long as Hezbollah HQ is located there
  20. Turkey was the US ally during WWII and you have military bases build there since the 50s. How many US military bases are there across former Soviet Union countries like Armenia? The last sitting US president who called this a genocide was Reagan, after that everyone was afraid to upset Turkey. Even Obama only spoke of the genocide during his term in Congress, once he got elected President, he backed right off and never used the word "genocide" again. Welcome to big time politics, pal
  21. What's the point of this anyway? They could alternate opening & closing ceremonies between the two stadiums but the same one on both of them? Kroenke's ego must be frickin' hilarious (there's a vague chance he won't live that far though ).
  22. The new stadium in Inglewood will probably be hosting more than just Rams/Chargers games in the future? Unless Kroenke tells everyone to bugger off or demands too much leasing money
  23. I remember when Rams had to settle in Anaheim because they were drawing dead in LA and it still didn't work. There's just too much in-house competition in LA for anything like PanAm or Youth Games to have a shot of being a sell-out success IMO. I'm shocked The Forum is still operational, it's been 20 years since Lakers left? The colleges are all doing mighty fine inside the NCAA system, they don't really need these test events IMO.
  24. Does it really make sense to use the Memorial Coliseum for anything other than Summer Olympics? Probably not. What is your next best shot? Rose Bowl? Still too big for stuff like Youth Games. Obviously the Angels are only merely relevant these days because of Trout, nobody cares about what happens in Anaheim. Los Angeles is doing fine without the "test events" as you call them. And I bet you're confident enough to sell the SOG without these test events to begin with
  25. Olympics is one thing that might work in LA. Other than that you're competing with Lakers, Clippers, Dodgers, USC and maybe the Rams. It's a no-win contest for PanAm or Youth Games and other stuff. Nobody would give a damn about that.
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