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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Yeah, this could be a result that won't count for Wierer's overall points. Ivona Fialkova 4/10. Sigh. The WCh form is gone. Milena Todorova 10/10 so the WCh form in still there.
  2. Only if she finishes 22nd or worse Otherwise the result will count for the overall.
  3. Herrmann 10/10. Race over after bib #3
  4. Let's get real, Ingemark Stenmark and Hanni Wentel were banned from participating in 1984 WOG because they were not amateur athletes. Good luck with IOC banning world class super stars from Olympics these days because they make too much money
  5. [hide] Nation Captains Dorothea Wierer Johannes T. Boe Nation Women Marketa Davidova Denise Herrmann Lena Haecki Ingrid L. Tandrevold Nation Men Emilien Jacquelin Matvey Eliseev Johannes Kuehn Dominik Windisch [/hide]
  6. Yeah, people usually hate when someone tells them what to do. Free will is more important than gender parity
  7. Warren should just pull out and endorse Sanders at this stage. She keeps splitting the progressive vote while everyone else who pulled out has supported Biden which helped him a lot on ST. Bloomberg will endorse Biden too.
  8. Nobody has to wait 4 hours to vote in Poland, I suppose nobody has to wait 4 hours in Denmark either
  9. CNN projects Biden to win Texas. Sanders' expected Cal success will be of the pyrrhic nature.
  10. After skipping France her overall Cup chances were almost extinct already. She put all her chips for the World Champs and cashed in. Wierer has almost 100 pts lead in the overall, God knows if Eckhoff recovers from the WCh disaster and Oeberg is very consistent but she needs to rack up wins to close the gap.
  11. Kamila Zuk is out of Nove Mesto. She picked up an ankle injury during mixed relay in Raubichi and missed the pursuit there already. Turns out it's something more serious. Anna Maka will replace her in NM (welcome 85th place, bwoah).
  12. Oh yes, we even have streets named after FDR in Poland which you might find amusing. He sure gained all the applause from the post-market crash recovery in the 30s. This being said, Yalta Conference was his worst moment, he struck down British Empire but laid a foundation for the Iron Curtain. PS. If FDR was still alive in the summer of 1945 I'd say you don't drop the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. That was Truman's no-nonsence hardball. The biggest what if for me is what if Truman was there in Yalta rather than FDR. He'd probably see through Stalin's bullshit one way or another. Okay, history lecture over!
  13. Well, when Barack Obama says "Sanders is too far left" you better take notice. Obama is the best President the Democrats have had since Harry Truman
  14. Biden is projected to win Massachussetts. Elizabeth Warren can't even win her home state. Hell, even Walter Mondale won Minnesota
  15. Well, accepting the majority's vote is supposed to be a sign of democracy? Bickering whether Cal democracy is different or better than the rest of US democracy sounds... ahem... non-democratic
  16. It goes with party lines. Sanders sits as Independent in Congress, right? He might side with Dems in voting but they don't trust him to be the big horse in the White House race. We have something like this in Poland, an MP runs for office from a certain's party list and is a member of the parliament club if he gets elected but he's not a member of the party itself. Sanders strikes me like a guy who's on the party election list but not a member of the party itself. And party officials will indeed backstab him if he grows too big.
  17. LA County will allow voting to continue after the 8pm deadline due to long lines. USA must be the only country who allows such thing? Thankfully this isn't the general election.
  18. CNN labels Massachussetts as 'Very Liberal'. How come Biden beats Sanders there?
  19. Biden is projected to win Minnesota. This must be an upset? Minnesota is supposed to be a liberal state? I'm kinda lost why that is, there's nothing but snow out there and it's just a posh version of Wisconsin?
  20. Biden is projected to win Alabama, Tennessee & Oklahoma. Sanders is projected to win Colorado.
  21. The question is whether mainstream allows the millenials to run mainstream out of business? US politics is old money, Ivy League and big ego. Rebels are destined to fail. The only way to blow this up if there's a third main party on the scene that will unsettle the 150+ years of GOP/Dems dominance. That's the radical change neccessary.
  22. I told you like 6 months ago all this Dems in-fighting is completely useless and only helps the sitting President. They should have had these 3-4 primaries last fall and now there should be an official nominee in heads-up poker versus Trump already. I wonder how many Dem voters will refuse to vote for Sanders over Trump like you will refuse to vote for Biden? (despite some polls showing beating Trump is more important than the candidate's views). The split within the party is another great boost for Trump yet I feel like it's underestimated in the big picture. He's upset the mainstream odds vs Hilary Clinton already and he might well do this again esp. if Biden voters won't vote for Sanders or vice versa.
  23. Yes, I was a little sarcastic there I told you before the only party primaries should be held in Texas, California, Florida and maybe Illinois. Who wins two out of three or 3/4 gets the official nomination. Everything else simply generates costs and hollow media attention (hell, media talk about politics all year anyway so they don't need all these primaries tbh). Everyone would get to vote in the only voting that matters in November.
  24. Biden is projected to win Virginia and North Carolina, Sanders is projected to win Vermont (duh!). Why I get a feeling this 'Super Tuesday' is only about Texas and California though?
  25. Yeah, Olympics are way too important so the other global championships would have to work around the postponement - the last Olympics which took place outside of the usual window was Sydney 2000 (September) and let's say athletics would probably move their WChamps to September next year and just make the Diamond League finish way earlier instead.
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