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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. 1 minute ago, phelps said:


    Brignone is already allowed to start every race she wants in the finals...all those with 500+ points in the general standings are automatically qualified for all 4 final races despite her discipline ranking...


    Chapter #11 of this document


    Oh, yes. I forgot about the FIS total points crap. The lack of all-arounders makes it almost extinct these days.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Dunadan said:

    Not if Shiffrin comes back...and after all Crans Montana and La Thuile were not in her schedule even before her father's death.


    With Ofterschwang off I don't see her coming back tbh. Though she can easily make up 200 pts on Brignone with the two slaloms left. Same goes for Vlhova obviously.


    If Brignone somehow still leads the overall before the Cortina slalom would she be allowed to start in the slalom there? She's 30 pts off Top 25 in slalom standings so she'd need a huge result in Are to qualify by default.

  3. 1 minute ago, Dolby said:

    I think Bernie would be able to retain the Black/Hispanic vote. Not sure what is the voting preference of Jews but I think it normally leans towards Dems but may swing to Trump in case of Trump v Bernie. Another Dem group that might swing to Trump or abstain instead of voting for Bernie is Indian-Americans, but only first generation ones. But both these groups are not that big in number that it would make any difference. Biggest issue for Dems is how many moderates and independents would vote for Bernie and what impact would selecting an independent have on party structure. 


    Trump is the most Israel-friendly POTUS ever while Obama had some run-ins with Netanyahu IIRC. I'd say the US Jews will support Trump in a landslide.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Democrats are in a unique position where black voters will probably support Bernie (and many already do except in the South), but many white voters won’t support Biden. The black vote is honestly one of the hardest things to predict in American politics because Black Americans have been so disenfranchised. Latinos also support Sanders in huge numbers right. Plus, Sanders carries an insane amount of the under 45 vote, that the Democrats also can’t afford to lose. If Biden wins, I think the Democrats lose. If Sanders wins, it’s close. If Warren wins, we’re in the White House.


    Warren has a better shot to beat Trump in heads-up poker than Sanders & Biden? I thought the same was said about Hilary Clinton and look how that ended. Women voting for another woman shouldn't be taken for granted after Clinton's failure.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Well, Sanders leads every Super Tuesday poll, so it may be a short lived victory. South Carolina likes remembering battle losers anyway :p


    What's the racial brakedown in supporting sociallism in USA anyway? I suspect Biden gets a lot of free black votes as Obama's VP but what if the blacks actually don't support sociallism strong enough to carry Bernie all the way to WH? Is this a genuine problem or the Dems count on a huge black majority voting in effect against Trump and not for sociallism. Elections have been about voting for the lesser evil a lot everywhere in the world. What if Trump is actually the lesser evil and ethnic minorities won't carry a strong enough vote to give Sanders the win in November? :mumble:


  6. People are usually scared of disease. Travelling masses of sport fans across the continent obviously fuels the fear. Nobody wants to find out whether he's prepared to face the virus because in most cases he's not. I'm not surprised Czech Republic acts this way tbh.

  7. USA really needs a third major party to make those fat cats think of something else. The two big parties either have a President or a majority in Senate/House of Representatives. So they always hold some kind of power at any given point in time. How often it happened that one party actually had all three offices under control? I guess not that often?

  8. 1 minute ago, hckosice said:


    Obviously, I know our countries suffered a lot during the communist era.


    I wouldn´t blame him so much, He is young, he has his ideals, I understand him. Everyone should have some views and oppinions at his age, I was not so much different around my 18 :d but yeah, obviously he can not know anything about the communism we had.


    This was a really bad system, bad, bad and bad.


    I told him that several times but he thinks I'm the ignorant who knows nothing. Yep, he's like the classic USA, their way is the only right way and everyone else is wrong :lol:

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