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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Does Netherlands even have an Army? Haven't heard much about it since the Balkan War in 1995
  2. You can't compare a social discipline in Far East & China to Europe or USA though
  3. You can't expect a guy from California to understand what's going on in places like Slovakia or Poland
  4. It happens in Italy too. Whenever a public curfew is announced military always is the one enforcing it. That's basically standard procedure in a state of emergency worldwide.
  5. Nobody has them enough. Nobody. The world hasn't seen a pandemic like that in 100 years so what do you expect? The anti-vaccination morons lobbied to the point most infectious diseases are though to be gone and never existed. Measles or rubella were ignored over the last 30-40 years and you expect the world to be ready for a previously unknown virus like COVID? I bet there was more money spend worldwide on breast implants or lip fillers than ventillators so I'm not surprised there is shortage in supply.
  6. Since there is no vaccine, everything is unproven and subject to criticism
  7. Rob Gronkowski was actually wrestling here or was it some clown spoof?
  8. You can't trust a single politician to handle this pandemic. Nobody was ready for it and since there is no cure (vaccine) they're all fucked. Hell, Florida still had spring break gatherings or whatever when the virus was rampant in Europe. USA being a federal country with states being basically independent actually didn't help their cause. Not to mention nobody will rally around Trump in Democratic states regardless of what he says/does. This is still a political battle to be won rather than than a health crisis.
  9. Tom Dempsey who kicked a then-NFL record 63 yard field goal at the old Tulane Stadium in November 1970 has passed away due to COVID-19. This record stood for 43 years until it was broken in 2013 at the high altitude in Denver by Matt Prater. Three other kickers have equalled Dempsey's mark during that span but they all used the more favorable soccer kick approach. Dempsey was born without fingers on his right hand and toes on his right foot. This was just about the only positive thing that happened to the New Orleans Saints in the 70s as they were a horribly bad franchise at the time.
  10. UK politicians wasted 3 years on this Brexit deal so what did anyone expect? Hell, COVID stopped more UK-EU negotiations so let's face it, the UK political scene has been nothing but total shambles since 2016. Labour Party hasn't had solutions for anything for the last 10+ years at the very least and their last "sociallist way" ended in a complete disaster.
  11. That's Sir Keir Stramer. How on Earth do the Labour want to secure the blue-collar voters when their party is led by an Oxford graduate lawyer who has been knighted?
  12. No surprise here. USA is a global power house. They will do everything to screw the world over during this pandemic time. The last time someone stood up to them and made them sweat economically was the 1973 oil crisis. With 330 million population it's obvious USA was never prepared for this pandemic and they wouldn't have been prepared if Trump wasn't a president either. But they're making up the lost ground now and nobody will do anything to stop it.
  13. The whole relocation plan is dead anyway (since the fall of 2017) so even our resident anti-government media barely mentioned the TSUE verdict. Everyone knows it's completely worthless. Hell, EU needed almost five years to finally make a final decision, it's dust in the wind
  14. Andrea Iannone (MotoGP) has been banned for 18 months following the positive test he had at Sepang last November. The ban runs until June 16, 2021. He tested positive for 2α-methyl-5α-androstane-3α-ol-17-one anabolic.
  15. You don't have to agree with me. Different people have different opinions. As for extreme social reforms & liberalism, how is Bernie Sanders doing? This guy's failure proves to me people are not holding out for those extreme reforms just yet
  16. Authoritarianism is simply a better political system than liberal democracy especially in a time of a global crisis
  17. @bestmen What happened to the fennec fox?
  18. Piotr Malachowski who intended to retire after the Olympics said he's going to continue for 2021. Anita Wlodarczyk split with her coach Kaliszewski who's been with her since 2009. It's basically the same crap how this guy split with Szymon Ziolkowski months before 2012 OG.
  19. Freak/celebrity MMA gala Fame MMA 6 just ended in Poland (location undisclosed). It seemed like one of the girls in the Main Event was high on drugs. She behaved under influence on entry and lasted three rounds with a busted up nose
  20. Yep, July/August is perfect for NBC. Nothing but baseball on TV and baseball is no longer what it was. They moved PGA to May so August is only Tour Champs and then NFL season starts in September. May/June makes no sense, sharing swimming/athletics with NBA Finals is a terrible idea.
  21. You must be VERY bored then. This joke you seem to think is funny only soldifies the stereotype Americans are just a bunch of narcisstic morons who think Africa is a country tbh
  22. Once you stop disrespecting Slovenia and Slovakia on purpose maybe you will understand
  23. Limit the number of participating nations to like 40 and you will get your wish
  24. I had internet access banned for 10 years at my work because my boss wanted us to focus on the job rather than browsing internet. Then everyone had internet on the mobile phones anyway so the ban was lifted because it made no sense anymore. I actually don't even own a smartphone myself. How many of your friends can say that?
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