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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Radek is on the Casanova prowl again? Hide your daughters and throw out the keys!
  2. Our Skiing Federation has confirmed he signed the papers so it's pretty much official in Poland Justyna Kowalczyk will remain as part of the staff but she never wanted to become a full-time HC now that Alexander Veretelny has finally decided to retire at age 72 (given he was the head coach of either our biathlon or cross country senior teams since 1987 with little breaks ).
  3. Martin Bajcicak has been announced as the new head coach of the women's senior team replacing the A.Veretelny/J. Kowalczyk tandem (they recommended him for the job together with Lukas Bauer, the mean's team coach). Don't know whether that's good or bad news for the Fialkovas? @hckosice
  4. Rob Gronkowski is back! He has un-retired to join Tampa Bay Buccaneers (who else?) and his old buddy Tom Brady. Tampa still had to trade 4th & 7th round picks for his rights owned by the Patriots since his last contract will only expire at the end of 2020.
  5. Hey, look! Another clash of the generations debate is brewing. We good vs them bad Someone needs to drop the nuclear bomb so we can all descend from the trees again
  6. South Korea denies Kim JU is seriously ill. Another over-reaction from the Western media then
  7. Most people generally dislike when other people tell them what to do (or what to eat)
  8. Djokovic is one of these gluten free diet maniacs too. Same BS as Tom Brady's avocado ice cream stuff. The anti-vaccination morons made hay from the false autism links in the 90s and there's no way to get rid of that. Even lobotomy was flunked faster than this but of course the social platforms to spread lies are much bigger now than they were in the 50s.
  9. This is how politics work. Most of these morons will do everything to get a glimpse of real power
  10. Quite frankly they are too important for the Nations Cup. I could do without them for sure (maybe max 4 per season).
  11. Speaking of quiz, this reminds me of:
  12. Nobody gives a fuck about nursing homes. They're at the bottom of the medical barrel. Geriatrics as a whole brings up the rear as well even though the European societies are getting older year by year. Not to mention the current pandemic is skewed at saving the younger lives anyway.
  13. Polish fencing has been underachieving a lot lately. I don't count for any medals - even in team events
  14. Basketball is more popular than baseball in USA right now. It's the power of NCAA and scholarships. NCAA even covers such niche sports as fencing or waterpolo (where the women's US team is somewhat of a powerhouse globally). Volleyball is probably the most popular team sport in college and USA doesn't even have a pro league so every US player has to go to Europe or Far East to continue their careers. If NCAA fielded an Olympic team, it would probably battle for Top 3 spot in the medal table alone. Every nation has its traditionally strong sports but USA has excelled in sports that is totally obscure in their country through the NCAA system. No other country in the world has developed such a system with maybe the exception of China but that was under the strict communist regime.
  15. India used to be pretty good in field hockey too - just like Pakistan? Hey, even USA doesn't win in Baseball World Classic all the time
  16. That's a big win for Donald Trump's narrative
  17. He was a bob pilot during local Jamaican trials. Never made it onto the Olympics.
  18. This contradicts Olympian1010's statement that all Yugoslavia medals should be awarded to Serbia bc "Serbia dominated Yugoslav politics" (even though Broz Tito wasn't even a Serb to begin with ). Baltic nations athletes would most likely refuse to compete for Russia even though if Russia had a better national team perspectives.
  19. Russian-speaking Ukrainians would compete for Russia most likely. If they couldn't make the Russian team though, they'd compete for Ukraine IMO. Just look at the Kazakh tennis team, outside of Zarina Diyas every woman representing Kazakhstan in the last decade or so is actually Russian (Shvedova, Voskoboeva, Pervak, Putintseva). So it's not actually down to preference but the level of competition within the Russian team. Someone like Natalya Goncharova was born in Ukraine and represented Ukraine until 2010 when she switched nationalities. Not to mention because Russia is much stronger than Ukraine in women's volleyball. Here's one for @heywoodu Kim Staelens was born in Belgium to Dutch & Belgian parents and chose to compete for Netherlands who had a much better volleyball team than Belgium (still has even though Belgium has improved since).
  20. NASCAR is a redneck country anyway? These guys are setting zero standards given some of the post-race brawls and calling out names plus wrecking people on purpose during races. So you can expect these drivers are not the sharpest tools in the box. I hear the African-Americans use the n-word all the times in the movies so I guess it's not going anywhere
  21. Kyle Larson has been fired by Ganassi Racing for using some racial slur during online game. They suspended him at first but then McDonald's pulled the sponsorship from the #42 car and the wheels came off. NASCAR is losing sponsors left, right & center so you can't afford to lose one like McDonald's and keep fielding a car if you're not a start & park entry.
  22. Yeah, it's tough to compare economical powerhouse USA with most of the other countries in the world. Not to mention USA and its two party system is a joke but hailed as the best democracy in the world by those involved in it. Rich will never understand the poor.
  23. She's not wrong. Most tennis players engage in sexual intercourse between each other. It's not like only women are accused of low standards here. Stepanek & Kyrgios are hardly Mr. Nice Guys. Everyone should remember the Kyrgios/Wawrinka beef over Kokkinakis banging Donna Vekic whom Wawrinka left his wife for. Jurgen Melzer had many WTA "girlfriends" too. Last time I checked Kyrgios was dating Anna Kalinskaya. Robson herself had a falling out with ex-BFF Eugenie Bouchard over the attentions of their coach. It was after Robson's career went sideways and Bouchard was trending up and wanted the coach only for herself. Of course she flamed out in ultra-quick fashion and Robson never recovered from the original wrist injury either. It's been all kinds of mess otherwise. Flavia Pennetta & Gisela Dulko's doubles pair split over Carlos Moya IIRC, Dulko has dated other Spanish ATP players too. Pennetta eventually married Fabio Fognini ofc. Andrea Hlavackova split with Lucie Hradecka because she was apparently involved with Lucie Safarova's coach and wanted to play doubles with Safarova for this very reason. I lost track of all these changes and splits based on pure sexual background and I don't even know how many lesbian doubles pairs split (Lisa Raymond & Rennae Stubbs was deffo one).
  24. Well, she wasn't dating Radek Stepanek which prevented the doom
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