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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. Just now, Olympian1010 said:

    Talk about a hasty generalization of an argument there. I mean, if I can remember which logical fallacy it is, it most be a truly dumb statement.


    I’m going watch whatever films I feel like watching. That’s called human rights.   


    And I'm gonna refuse to watch Disney films. That's also human rights or not? :mumble:


    Btw, BBC censored Michael Jackson's music based on these pedophilae accusations so it's not exactly a fallacy like you say :lol: 


  2. I was expecting Haecki to make the jump by year 3-4 on World Cup and I feel like her first two seasons were actually better. Maybe it's the expectations but she's had a number of very bad days. Kamila Zuk is the perfect example where junior success can't quite make the difference in seniors, I mean Marketa Davidova was her main rival back in junior and she's doing a lot better overall in World Cup. And there is pressure on Davidova with Koukalova and Vitkova gone. Haecki should be having Davidova-like results but she doesn't.

  3. Selina Gasparin is 36 years old, she will probably retire after Beijing OG. The "rise" of the Swiss women's team has an expiration date and Lena Haecki has been extremely frustrating to watch the past couple of years. When she had a bad day then it's really bad.


    I talked about Raubichi making the most of the Russian venues blacklisting and Nove Mesto has a chance to be carried by Marketa Davidova even with Koukalova and Vitkova gone.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    I was just saying that UWW (while being heavily “persuaded” by the IOC) might be inclined to remove Greco-Roman, for the more “youth” Beach Wrestling. Personally, I think Wrestling is safe like you said.


    I just don't see Beach Wrestling as Olympic sport. Russia and Middle East countries have enough money to influence IOC's decision :p Asia is a desired market for anyone so any Asian-strong sports like badminton are here to stay as well.

  5. Wrestling has a long history in Eastern Europe, ex-USSR and Middle East. It's gonna be extremely tough to remove it from the Olympics as it's also one of the ancient classics. There was an uproar when they tried to get rid of it already so I just don't see that happening. Thankfully wrestling is big in US high-schools and college so I don't suppose USA will push to get rid of that too much.


    Golf & tennis are two sports where Olympic gold medal is worth less than a win in Major. These two sports could be easily removed and I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Women's golf being dominated by the South Koreans is another reason USA might wanna look pass it after a while. Then again, golf only got back in 2016 so I suppose it will have to stay for a while yet - unless more big names will openly ignore it like they did in Rio (zika virus was an obvious BS excuse).

  6. 1 minute ago, Olympian1010 said:

    I think the fact that Wallace is going to race with a “Black Lives Matter” livery on his car this week already turned those people away.

    I'm talking the future. Races are still closed to the public as we speak so there's nobody to turn away to begin with.


    Wallace in no Dale Jr or Jeff Gordon. He's not the face of NASCAR and with his results, there's little chance he ever will be.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Gone With the Wind will be back though. It’s not gone forever. It’s just having a prompt about historical context added to it. The same could/should be done for other films. 

    I’m going to refrain for this discussion further, as it detracts from the more important issues we’re dealing with at the moment.


    If USA hasn't learned a history lesson some 160 years after the Civil War, they will never learn it IMO. Just how long can you wait? :dunno:


    I can understand most US people think Africa is a country but re-education on Civil War and slavery in 2020? Like really? What have you been doing the past several decades (other than fighting wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq & Afghanistan)? :p

  8. 9 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    That’s censorship and rewriting history! We should march into the streets and demand justice. How dare they try to inform us! ?


    Honesty, people are way too upset over this. How about you get upset about the institutional racism that led us here in the first place.


    It's a by-product of progressive or liberal people being offended by just about anything in return. We live in the entitlement era after all. I tell you, if this was some LGBT show taken down, social media would be burning with anger right now and HBO would be forced to apologize in public. Sweeping Gone with the Wind under the carpet like it's no censorship doesn't hold much ground.

  9. 1 minute ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Adding a prompt to the description of the movie, or right before it begins, that begins a discussion about the greater historical context of movie doesn’t seem like a bad thing to me. It certainly isn’t censorship. We have put off serious discussions about these topics for generations, and you can see it has affected people.

    It's not HBO's responsibility to teach history though. We know USA tries to buy themselves a clear consciousness but some one-off description before a single movie ain't gonna do the trick nationwide IMO. Even George Washington was a slave owner and I don't think his statues are going down anytime soon. USA isn't progressive enough for that to happen :p

  10. 1 minute ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Like @Agger said, “Gone With the Wind” doesn’t really paint a realistic picture of our history. I did learn the history about our Civil War & Reconstruction Era. However, many incredibly important details are left out of history books. We also don’t spend enough time on discussion of those events in history classes. 


    We know Hollywood doesn't tell the truth and it's only a dramatised version of events. If US people treat Hollywood movies like the "ultimate and only truth" then it's a bigger problem and has little to do with the subject itself. Ted Bundy & Charles Manson are on the rise again and I wonder how many people thought about watching the Tarantino movie and the Zac Efron role that these guys maybe weren't that bad after all. Hollywood & US media in general have a long history of glorifying crime & murder so I don't expect censoring Gone with the Wind will have any significant impact on how the slavery is viewed IMO.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Let me just stress that HBO didn’t banish “Gone With the Wind” from it’s platform. It took it down for the time being, and it will be returned with a prompt that examines and explains the historical context of what is shown/not shown. No one is censoring anything. We should actually be happy that company is being proactive about this issue, and is aiming to educate the populous more on the matter.


    Again, it’s a little upsetting that people are more upset about a movie being temporarily taken down from a service, than the humans rights abuses that led to company to make that decision.


    Don't you teach about Civil War & Reconstruction in schools? I would have thought it's a very important there especially that USA doesn't have a long history so you don't have to bother with ancient & medieval era like in European history classes. Gone with the Wind is too well known for trying to spin this "history lesson" excuse IMO.


    If HBO had taken down some LGBT-themed show with no-name actors involved then social media would be raging mad about censorship. It's not that hard to imagine people are upset with censoring Gone with the Wind here IMO.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    I agree that people should absolutely be looked at from all angles. However, I also understand that we shouldn’t honor people who traded slaves, or killed natives, or fought to keep people enslaved.


    Its important to remember that even history is political. A lot of us were taught the version of history the state wanted us to know, but they often leave out the parts that make them look bad. “History is written by the victors.” Slaves, natives, and refugees are often overlooked in history because people want to forget the “bad times.”

    Yeah, like when those Medals of Honor awarded for the Wounded Knee massacre will be revoked? My answer: NEVER :lol:



    24 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Not a Democrat anymore, not my problem :p

    Well, you still got a problem since the two-party system prevents any reasonable "third way" in US politics :p Bernie Sanders might have won the elections on twitter but not in real life ;)

  13. 10 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    We're also in a new Middle Ages, were statues have to be torn down apparently (which in some cases is not necessarily a bad thing toward the person of whom a statue was made, but it's dangerous to just try and erase history like that). If this keeps going this way, it's a matter of time before centuries old churches and mosques are burned down as well due to their slave connections, which again from a historical perspective is just not good at all. 

    Yeah, Gone with the Wind is politicially incorrect it seems :lol: Americans have no idea how to accept their slavery past so it seems like they figured out they will pretend it never existed? :p


    Btw, only Catholic churches will be burned down, if you burn down a mosque then you'll be labelled as anti-semitic :old:

  14. 12 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Well for those us invested in the health of democracy and our country; we care. What you said right their is the difference between politics and morality/true democracy. 


    All fine and dandy but Democrats are more divided than anyone with their useless "moderate" vs "progressive" battle. This actually helps Trump the most.

  15. 56 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    I wouldn’t write it off before viewing other important statistics like how many people cops have killed, racial make up of arrests, etc. If those rates are more realistic than the rest of the country, then there is some improvement there. If those rates aren’t much lower, then we need to keep exploring options (and passing laws like the Equality Amendment, gun control, school funding, mental health funding, hire more social workers, etc.).

    Camden has 53% black population, 30% Latinos and only 16% whites (that was 2000 Census). So there's a bigger chance most of the criminals will be non-whites and that's exactly what supposedly confirms there's a racism inside the police. I can tell you what the racial make up of arrests will look like - most of them will be non-white and progressive people will scream "racism" all over the news :dunno: 

  16. 7 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    I think the most important take away from this though, is that reform is possible. It might not be perfect, but people are happier with what they have now. At the very least, it was a step in the right direction. That’s a lot more than can be said about most other departments around the country.


    Change for a change ain't the way to go. Since the Camden residents still raise the racial issues - despite Camden hiring more black policemen than white - what is there to follow? Racism is the problem Minnesota tries to solve after all and the Camden example shows they might have solved the corruption problem but racial tensions still remain. So it won't solve anything in Minnesota.

  17. 25 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:



    Read about this the other day, they still re-rehired over 100 officers from the "dissolved" police and some black people living there still bitch about the chief of the "new" police being white and most of the captains likewise. It's hardly a solution to follow. Moreover the issue in Minnesota is not corruption but the alleged racism and brutality so something completely different.

  18. Yeah, that's the WTA I know too. It has to be said Schmiedlova had some loud supporters when she won Katowice Open few years back :p


    However her mental toughness equals to a resistance of a wet paper bag for a while now.

  19. 37 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Hahahahahahaahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :rofl:

    Right, so why would any city want to host the Olympics if it’s seen as a net loss. I love both Baku and Doha. They are excellent at providing world class venues, and Baku actually gets people to show up. However, we can’t be stuck in the Beijing, Baku, Doha, and maybe London/LA cycle forever. That isn’t good for the long-term health of the Olympics. 

    European Games were in 2015. I’m very much impressed with Baku.

    I find it strange you'd support oil countries like Qatar and Azerbaijan while dismissing Iran or Saudi Arabia who make profit from the very same source as well. It's not like Azerbaijan and Qatar are models of democracy either. It's lucky Azerbaijan is busy counting their petrol dollars or else we'd have another war with Armenia going on forever.

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