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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. Debates are useless in the internet-age. Too much politics on daily TV these days. Most people don't give a damn about yet more talking heads on TV. You can check out anything online anyway so why bother with political debates?



  2. Can't rewrite history. And to avoid cherry picking on Mercedes, we should call out Porsche and Volkswagen too. After all Ferdinand Porsche designed the Volkswagen Beetle on Hitler's request  :dunno: Not to mention all his other work with the fighter tanks & others. Funny how nobody remembers that.

  3. Well, the driving standards have improved somewhat in the 00s. Ide wasn't as much out of his depth as the likes of Deletraz or Taki Inoue 10 years earlier.


    I mean, Taki Inoue had some Monty Python moments like getting run over by a medical car in Hungary and getting flipped over by the crane at Monaco too.


    Japan has had some sketchy F1 drivers in the 80s and early 90s for sure.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Federer91 said:

    Schumacher is infinitely more likeable and charismatic. He had a string of memorable rivalries for many years with just as exceptional and interesting drivers, which has been lacking in F1 in the last 7-8 years. He had the aura that made you believe he was the best. No one was talking about the car 15-20 years ago, like they do now. Everything about Hamilton's persona on and off the circuits is off-putting and the whole world, bar an island, is dreading the time when history will be disgraced..


    Schumacher likeable? You sound like a Ferrari fan? Most of the neutral F1 world had enough of him sooner rather than later (which doesn't reflect respecting his driving skills).


    David Coulthard would agree with me!


  5. 11 minutes ago, Vektor said:

    So? That's doesn't mean people can't criticize him. And while "nobody can tell them what to do", the public image of any professional athlete does matter to their team because a large portion of their income depends on how many merch people buy. 


    LeClerc is the new tifosi favorite already. He rendered a 4-time WDC expendable after just one season of being his teammate. He doesn't need to worry about his public image at all :p

  6. 11 minutes ago, Vektor said:


    Hamilton doesn't "yell" "or else". He just wants a selfless act of showing unity on an issue. Drivers are obviously free to say no to that, but Hamilton is also free to call them out on it for choosing to not do it. Personally I call bs on the "I want to focus on the race" excuse. There are many formal stuff that takes places before every damn sport event, including races. Would anyone be fine with someone saying before a world cup match "sorry guys, I will skip the anthems because I want to focus on the match"? Or the same for the Indy500:  "sorry guys, I am not an American, I won't stand up for their anthem, I want to focus". 


    I have no idea wtf Leclerc is thinking with that statement. It reads like he doesn't want to do it because it would hurt the feelings of some people (aka. racist). The only people who would see that formal gesture as controversial are racists. 


    You do realize Leclerc's family owns half of the housing estate in Monaco? Nobody tells the rich what should they do - especially if Hamilton earns 40 million pounds annually himself ;)  F1 is not for philantrophists and never will be, period.

  7. 3 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Oh don't get me wrong, I do agree with the whole anti-racism thing, obviously. It is there, it is a problem and it should be kicked out. I just don't think forcing people to show support in the way you show support ("or else...") is the right way to go.


    I won't start being against Hamilton though because of this.


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    It's cool. I follow F1 since 1991 so I won't lose my sleep over this kneeldown issue whatsoever :p

  8. 49 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    I hate Hamilton basically forcing everyone to do what he wants them to do. It is perfectly fine for drivers to say "I am 100% against racism, but in a race weekend I am going to focus on my race and I won't be taking a knee." This does not make them complicit in anything, this makes them people who say they are against racism (which is a good thing, I'm sure we all agree).


    The whole thing is that one should have the freedom to choose those things, just like Hamilton should absolutely be free to show a protest or support or whatnot. It's not freedom (and also not a genuine show of support) if people are only doing it because Hamilton yells in their ears that they have to do it 'or else'.


    The progressives don't really understand that. They want to enforce their way of thinking on everyone else and accuse them of hate if they don't. That's weak and I'm never gonna agree to something only because someone else tells me what I should support or not. I'm not surprised F1 has pressed pause on this political statement. There's too much ego in this sport to bother with such a sideshow like BLM tbh.

  9. 1 hour ago, Vektor said:

    Maybe we shouldn't tell the one black driver of F1 to "check his privilege" regarding BLM. 


    As for taking a knee... unity on this matter would be nice because the Austrian GP is basically the first large international sport even since the protests started. But I guess some F1 drivers are so removed from reality that they can't see the importance of it. 


    And I don't see any reason to hate on Hamilton for saying "silence is complicit". Unless you also want to hate on civil rights movements who spread the exact same message. 


    Most F1 drivers are narcisstic egoists. You're seeking unity in one place where you won't find it :p


    Not to mention the Mercedes dominance has worn out a lot of fans on Hamilton ages ago already. He's one of the least sympathetic black athletes in the world for sure.

  10. 36 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Plus they had already said they'd protest if Mercedes would use it in a race weekend, so all they did was keep their word. Nothing wrong with protesting it, especially after the whole Ferrari thing of last year.

    I won't be surprised if RBR only filed the protest to get their own DAS later this season. Ferrari admitted they need to re-design their car which means 2nd place in the standings is there for the taking.

  11. Thorbjorn Olesen is back. His court hearing won't happen until December 2021 so yeah, European Tour couldn't keep him suspended for 2,5 years when it's "innocent until proven guilty" law system around the world :p

  12. 52 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    And as expected, protest against Mercedes' DAS.


    Meanwhile, 89-year old Bernie Ecclestone has had a baby this week, his first son. Good chance the poor kid won't even ever really know his dad. Ecclestone doesn't seem to care though: "When you're at my age, you're not afraid of death, you're just thankful", he said rather egotistically.


    FIA said DAS is legal for 2020 already so that will go nowhere IMO (but they banned it for 2021). Then again, Horner & Marko are bitter losers so it's no surprise they are moaning again :lol:  Colin Chapman is rolling in his grave.

  13. Islam can't be taught in Polish schools either. Hell, most of Europe doesn't want any religion at schools?


    Czechoslovakia as a whole is the most laicized country in Europe - well, two countries now. That is very much as progressive as it gets right now. So nobody will be talking about anti-Muslim bias in your country - and most certainly not in Poland either. Atheism is the new black :p

  14. 51 minutes ago, Col_Frost said:

    I agree. At least someone still thinks about safety. In Poland for example there are rules where spectators can sit but nobody seems to care about it. We opened stadiums two weeks ago (25% of capacity).


    Politicians & police in Poland are scared of the ultras starting riots in the stands. Nobody will stop a football match over breaking social distancing rules here :lol:

  15. 2 hours ago, Dolby said:

    Honest question: What is this Polish Muslim Church? Are you guys referring to mosques? Or is Polish Muslim Church, a sect of Christianity? Some details please. 




    Islam isn't a Christian sect! These are two different religions ;)


    There are only five mosques in Poland. Virtually all of Muslims living in Poland are descendants of the Tatars which used to live in Lithuania during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth era. That's the northern-east part of modern Poland.


    Since communists supported the Arab world during Cold War there are some descendants of student immigrants who came here in XX century but the oldest Muslim community are basically all ethnically Tatars.



    Like Vojthas mentioned earlier, the Muslim Religion Association (aka the Polish Muslim Church) is based in Bialystok (north-east Poland).

  16. 19 minutes ago, Vojthas said:

    Still, I think much more people do give a damn about Polish Muslim Church than about your opinion on Polish Muslim Church.


    So what? I'm talking about a two-party system in Poland that gains more shape year after year since 2005. No wonder it does so well since people like you care more about bicycle tracks and a Muslim Church of all things :dunno:

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