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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Yeah, the car pierced the barrier and got ripped in half. That would have been fatal in the 70s.
  2. Fireball shunt for Grosjean. Straight from 1970s!
  3. Colombo misses out by 0,4 secs so Kinga Zbylut will score the final point in 40th. Hojnisz 31st, Zuk 36th. A small bounce back for after yesterday's disaster.
  4. Tomingas 7th! Well done Only two places behind Eveli Saue's PB.
  5. And she got some air time indeed. Maybe a shocking Top 10 for ?
  6. Hanna Oeberg over 20 secs faster than Olsbu! That's your winner.
  7. Olsbu 10/10. Let's see if Herrmann matches that.
  8. Vittozzi 10/10 but 25 secs off Skottheim.
  9. Hojnisz dead last on the first split. Skiing form wanted!
  10. I believe Ingemar Stenmark would be offended by the flag next to his name
  11. Yeah, the name obviously sounds Finnish more than Swedish
  12. Isn't like Ponsiluoma from a Finnish minority in Sweden?
  13. Tomasz Sikora says Rastorgujevs has joined the German team for training full-time
  14. I get it, we're not a powerhouse either, our men's team is basically Guzik getting a random Top 40 in Oberhof and others are crap. Nedza-Kubiniec needs 10/10 to even crack Top 60 which happens like once a season, several others have retired like Mateusz Janik lately. We rely on the Olympic relay Top 8 funding in several sports as well - like Nordic combined or cross country during Justyna Kowalczyk's heyday.
  15. I remember years ago the panel in the target sort of broke and covered the target in half only. And TV commentators wondered if that was counted as a hit or not. That was ca. 20 years ago and I don't remember who was the athlete involved anymore.
  16. I had Samuelsson in my manager game all of last season and he was a HUGE disappointement Obviously I didn't pick him this year
  17. I suppose as long as the Fialkovas are active you just have to pretend there is depth for the sake of the relay? Wheels will only come off once Fialkovas retire?
  18. First SOG I was able to watch live all the way (because Seoul was a bad time zone for me as a kid and I remember Wronski and Legien the most) Some of my memorable moments from athletics: Nobody pays attention to the winner as Gail Devers blows it. Unlike Lolo Jones 16 years later, Devers still had 100m to make up for the drama. Kevin Young's WR. And the 800m finals.
  19. Can we have Karol Dombrovski back? He'd be an immediate upgrade for our men's team
  20. Hey, we have fireworks in the sky! For Vorobnikova who finishes 81st
  21. You know it's a bad day for women when Karolina Piton is the highest finisher
  22. Machyniakova 20/20 but 58th. I see Slovakian depth is even worse than Polish @hckosice
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