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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Liensberger got tired in the end, lost 0,6 secs. in the last section alone.
  2. Shiffrin is really strong physically. She always makes up time on the bottom when other girls wear out. Gained over 0,3 on Gut there alone.
  3. Bassino 1,2 sec slower than Gisin. Brignone DNF. After four skiers it looks like a terrible day for the hosts again.
  4. Rupert Murdoch still makes the world turn. Mark Zuckerberg might think he has the bigger #### but he is wrong
  5. Winning "on my own" is still present in women's cycling whenver Anna vd Breggen or one of her Dutch buddies decide to go for it. But the level of competition there is way lower than in the men's field. And men don't want to risk such a long ride-off on purpose. It's like these 50km mass starts in cross country. Save for Johann Olsson trying to win it with a solo 25km ski twice, it's always a boring slog for 45 kms where only the weaker guys tail off. And then everything happens inside the last 2 kms or even 400 meters in the most extreme cases. Athletes have learned how to bypass the actual racing and prefer to save energy for 95% of the distance.
  6. Cycling needs to deal with the doping issues first. It's the most dirty sport outside of weightlifting. I'm shocked IOC didn't kick it from the Olympic Games yet and go all-in on BMX or something. Besides, everyone seems to be fine with tactics in longer athletics distances so you just can't change cycling with any set of rules. Those helpers who do it for the money, will get their share and actually cycling is dominated by pro teams rather than nations. That's why the team TT at the Worlds finally changed to pro teams and not nation teams. The days when a team leader breaks away with like 60 kms to go and tries to win it all on his own are long gone. Cycling is too competitive to bring back those ideas anymore.
  7. The winning cyclists actually share the prize money between the team? I've read several interviews when the cyclists say it's a common practice. Obviously you can't divide the medals. Like when El Guerroudj only won the 1,500 gold in Athens after one of his teammates was sacrificed as pacemaker.
  8. Cycling is a team sport - not an individual like it appears to be. The strenght of your helpers is more important. The only true individual event is the time trial.
  9. But he's way too slow on skis to win it even with 20/20 IMO.
  10. In Poland we had two guys who used to do cycling in the summer and biathlon in the winter for ES. After Polsat Sport bought the rights on the heels of 2013-15 Polish women success one of those guys went there to join Weronika Nowakowska and Tomasz Sikora joined Eurosport. I have to say the old pairing was the best even though they focused on off-course action a lot (like the color of women's eye-lashes or new boots or rifles). Sikora tends to provide more background information like what does the housing looks like in different venues or other stuff. I quit watching ARD coverage like 5 years ago and I'm back to the oldest source in Eurosport for good
  11. Another error for Jakobssen! Sweden gifts the gold away! How the hell you lose on red course?
  12. Re-run is a BAD idea for Norway since Jakobssen had a terrible time. Norway don't know what they're doing!
  13. Slow winning time for Stjernesud. I'd say advantage Sweden. Jakobssen even slower after mistake. Solevaag blew it alltogether.
  14. Bissig too slow by 0,12 and Germany wins bronze.
  15. Yeah, first round was still acceptable but now it's all advantage red again
  16. Norway beats Switzerland by 0,02 Red course is visibly quicker now.
  17. Sweden dumps out Austria. Roenngren as the weak link didn't cost them.
  18. Marcin Szafranski recalled that win too but couldn't remember the Belgian's name
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