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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. It was an all-time low for Winterton & Dixon just when I gave them a chance after the Polish crew went into blabber mode. They focused on Clare Egan's medal chances when Davidova was 50 secs ahead of her and leading the damn charts What were they looking at other than ignoring Eastern Europeans by default?
  2. Poland has one female skier and maybe two slalom guys who are completely worthless. We can't field a 6 person team even if we pull Marcin Szafranski from the Eurosport TV booth
  3. Too late. The damage has been done. Especially to all skiers who got screwed before the final.
  4. Of course it will be added. It's NEW and flashy and millenials love it. Alpine combined takes too long and is boring but the parallel shit is the new drug and perfect for TV. Who needs integrity and fairness?
  5. Unbelieveable bullshit! Liensberger still won both runs by at least 0,6 secs. Just GET RID of this parallel bullshit already!!! Yeah, it's unfair and the 0,5 mandatory gap screwed more people than just Liensberger in the final. This competition has turned into even a bigger joke that it was before.
  6. Are Faivre and Shiffrin still dating? Now he has a gold medal for himself too
  7. Schmid blows it on red course. Guess Germany had their luck before with Baumann & friends
  8. Bassino wins on equal time again! Italy really gets some luck today! Liensberger won 1st run by like 1,2 secs. but FIS rules make that irrelevant.
  9. Big error for Zubcic and Faivre wins on blue course.
  10. Liensberger wins by over 1 second but of course it doesn't matter I seem to recall the first season when they introduced the parallel shit they still counted the real gaps after 1st run? The mandatory 0,5 gap only came in later for whatever reason.
  11. This is straight up garbage! I suppose FIS doesn't care about anything though. More team event & parallel shit for years to come!
  12. Third time Moltzan makes an error today and now she loses on the red course
  13. Yep, even Bassino beats Brignone on the red course. Way too predictable.
  14. Exactly. Whoever gets blue in 1st run has a HUGE advantage because of the mandatory 0,50 gap. It's obvious red course is worth more than 0,50.
  15. Holdener out. Red course in 2nd run will win all the match-ups IMO.
  16. No chance, the mandatory 0,50 gap on the blue course in 1st run won't be enough IMO. They really should count the real difference.
  17. De Aliprandini beats Odermatt by 0,01. Finally some luck for the hosts.
  18. Maryna G-D into quarter-finals! So she gets a government scholarship for Top 8 finish at World Championship level
  19. Top 8 would be awesome. Nobody in Poland is delusional enough to think about medals in alpine skiing Hey, blue course wins - well, it's Brignone over Filser so yeah...
  20. Wierer should win the individual crystal globe on countback after Hauser dropped off the podium. Hojnisz will qualify for the mass start with her Top 20 finish here.
  21. Gold for Davidova. Tandrevold will deny Hauser a medal.
  22. Someone tell these ES morons Davidova is 15/15 too
  23. MIke Dixon needs to STFU with his Eckhoff fanboyism. For once she's totally irrelevant in a race And she shut him up with two more misses.
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