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    football, figure skating, curling

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  1. Ones developing well while the other is a mess. Can’t say I’m surprised.
  2. Just because Qatar is hosting the World Cup doesn’t mean they should host the Olympics. Their climate is way too hot for the July/August window.
  3. Looks like the Pyrenees-Barcelona joint bid is almost dead.
  4. When will the COC start exploring the Toronto 2036 bid?
  5. Come on, don’t be shy Canada. Save us from Egypt and India.
  6. There's little time or appetite for a vote on the 2030 Olympics?
  7. According to the official Paris 2024 Tiktok account, The mascots will be revealed in September 2022.
  8. Wouldn’t that be yet another English Olympics after LA 2028 and Brisbane 2032?
  9. If Sapporo gets 2030 then it wouldn’t hurt for Canada to eye on 2036.
  10. I’d rather celebrate 60 years after the debt Olympics than 100 years of the Germany Olympics.
  11. Imo, those countries are bad choices. Why choose Egypt as the first African country to host the Olympics? They’re better off giving it to South Africa. As for India, wasn’t their CWG bad in 2010? And why should they celebrate 100 years after the controversial 1936 Berlin Olympics?
  12. Any word on the other countries bidding for 2036?
  13. Is there any news about the Paris 2024 Mascots? Like was there a Mascot competition in France? And any idea when they'll be revealed?
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