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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2022 in all areas

  1. If somebody wants to listen songs at Spotify, can use my playlist: Unfortunately, ukrainian song isn't in spotify database Other songs are here in playlist
    5 points
  2. james89

    Figure Skating

    Summer McIntosh’s sister won a bronze medal at the World Junior Figure Skating Championships
    1 point
  3. my picks... Swimming, men's 200m Fly...who else? I think this is one of the most obvious picks so far... it's the winningest athlete in the history of sport, Michael Phelps... Swimming, women's 200m of the classiest swimmers of all time, capable of winning gold medals as baby girl and as a true woman... Krisztina Egerszegi... Rowing, men's Single Sculls...this is one of the event with the richest history of the Olympics, more than 100 years of glory with many great champions... not an easy choice, but imho nobody has yet equalled the true GOAT, Perrti Karppinen... Canoeing, men's a discipline heavily marked by the Scandinavians, I feel I have to go with the only man winning 3 gold medals, Gert Fredriksson... Sailing, men's Skiff (49er)...looking at the results all this sailor have reached outside the single Olympic event, it's a close battle between Outteridge and Burling, but I feel I have to pick Peter Burling, the man with most wins other than the Olympics (considering also other classes)...
    1 point
  4. I will try listen songs later today or tomorrow, today despite off work day I have no time because of birthday celebration.
    1 point
  5. Not really, if the tournament was to be held today, both men's and women's tournaments would contain nations solely from the top 15 and this is before nations begin farming for points. Here's what the entrants would look like: Men: Women:
    1 point
  6. I have listened to all the top tier bookie favorite songs and man, this might be the worst Eurovision in a very long time, maybe the worst since I started watching ESC. Last year wasn't that great either, but at least I got a very strong feeling about Italy winning early on and it proved to be right. This time... I am not feeling any of the songs, which is a first for me. Either some good staging saves the contest or Ukraine will win by default. But I do "secretly" hope that the UK somehow pulls this one off, the song has some winning potential in this weak edition, and it would be a great to see a country to go from the double 0 points of 2021 to win in 2022.
    1 point
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