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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Well, we all know that these new additions are a joke. What, we will have 6 teams in baseball/softball, 10 people per category in karate... And people think that women's boxing quotas are thin.
    1 point
  2. Of all new sports, sports climbing is definitely the best addition in my opinion Completely different than all other sports and not some X-Games "let's just have some fun and don't care about medals" kind of sport. This whole combined thing is just weird, but alright.
    1 point
  3. shame for IOC to introduce such sports in Olympics
    1 point
  4. kapil857

    India National Thread

    NRAI actually had a detailed selection policy for the Olympics which considered scores from international tournaments as well as selection trials. It involved considering your best 6 scores across tournaments and trials + bonus points for doing well in international tournaments and winning quota. And they followed the policy to the tee. Its just that all the quota winners anyways came out on top as per the criteria of the policy. The one person who didnt come out on top was Sanjeev Rajput as Gagan finished 2nd in the 3 position category ahead of Sanjeev despite Sanjeev receiving significant bonus points for winning the quota. A few people on this forum have also said that Pooja Ghatkar should have been selected ahead of Ayonika but Ayonika was selected not because she won quota but because she was way ahead of Pooja in the selection policy (and Ayonika's quota didnt matter at all. As per NRAI policy, winning a quota or performance equivalent to winning a quota gets you 3 merit points. BOTH Ayonika and Pooja got those 3 merit points based on their performance in the Delhi qualfier since Pooja's performance was quota-equivalent with a shooter having finished below her getting a quota) Also, NRAI officially declared that Manavjeet was selected ahead of Kynan based on the selection policy for Kynan's quota. And then there was an application with ISSF to award Sanjeev's quota to Kynan. So, had ISSF turned down the quota exchange request, it would have been Kynan mising out and not Manavjeet. So we don't have pure trials in shooting but it is a detailed policy based on scores achieved in trials and at international tournaments. And it works for an unpredictable sport like shooting where you don't want selection to be based on a single trial as anything can happen on a given day. However, wrestling is a far more predictable sport than shooting with the stronger wrestler generally coming out on top. Also, it is unfortunately a sport where every country has only one representative in major international tournaments and thus u cannot compare the performance of two wrestlers at the same event. WFI anyways selects the wrestlers to represent India at all tournaments, except the Olympics, through trials. Why not even use trials for the Olympics ?? Trials are required to ensure that (a) the best wrestler at the time of the olympics actually goes and (b) to provide a chance to a wrestler like Amit Kumar who got injured at the time of quota tournament but is healed by the time of the olympics. At best, what they can do is give an advantage to the quota winners at the trials. They can adopt the chess model where you have a challengers' trial for all the wrestlers other than the quota winner. The winner of this challenger's trial then challenges the quota winner for the olympic berth. If required, this final trial can also be a best-of-3 with the quota winner given the first win by default. So that would imply that the quota winner has to defeat his challenger just once whereas the challenger has to beat the quota winner twice. Further, such trials can even be televised to make wrestling in India more popular. There was so much hype this time for a Sushil vs Narsingh trial. WFI missed a huge opportunity to hold it, televise it, and earn some moolah. In my opinion at least, trials are now a necessity with India having multiple wrestlers in the same category at around the same level.
    1 point
  5. carivan

    [OFF TOPIC] General Chat

    The first time I heard about was a denial and it looks like someone in Nigeria made it up. And I agree about your second point, like I said earlier it's totally something you read and it's 100% believable. Mugabe sucks that much. Maybe it is and the report I read was wrong.
    1 point
  6. Food for thought, back in 2002, the Olympic Program Commission recommended the exclusion of baseball/softball, canoeing slalom, eventing, pentathlon, race walking events and one of the wrestling discipline (and that was before women wrestling was included).
    1 point
  7. I read a lot of post in this thared, and i think that it was a bit stupid So, i tryed to work on the international federation members. It's only the 1st part, I worked for some days for this datas. In next day i'll post the 2nd part Diving, Waterpolo, Syncronized Swimming, Swimming - FINA [1450 athletes, 46 events] Low-Medium level FINA actually have 208 national members. The sport aren't praticated in all center-africa and in some zone of Middle east. Waterpolo situation in the world is dramatic. We haven't African nations in Rio and we have only 5 asian country in the men's qualification and only 2 in the women's tournament. Synconized Swimming have a reat traditions in eastern Europe and in mediterranean country like Spain, Greece and Spain, all other europan country haven't a competitive team. We have 2 country in Africa (Spain and Egypt), some country in Asia and North America but the situation is better that the waterpolo's situation. Diving is play in Europe, East asia, Americas and in some country of north america and south africa and the world level is very high. Archery - WA [128 athletes, 4 events] High Level The World Archery federation actually have 156 members but the soort is played at good level in all continents Athletics - IAAF [?? athlete, 47 events] High Level Really I must write anything about Athletics? Badminton - BWF [172 athlete, 5 events] Low Level Badminton is played whit a good level in Asia and Europe. All other continente have a low level of badminton. The BWF is totally absent in arabian goulf, northen africa and some zone of center africa, center america and Oceania. Some big country like Saudi Arabia, Bolivia and Egypt haven't a badminton federation. Basketball - FIBA [24 teams, 2 events] High Level I haven't interessing dates to write here Boxing - AIBA [286 athletes, 13 events] High Level This federation in one of the most corruppted but it have a good numbers of competition in all continents. Canoeing, Slalom Canoe - ICF [334 athlets, 16 events] Medium-High level I haven't found a lot of data, but this sport isn't played in some zone of africa and Asia. Th only big county whitout federation is Saudi Arabia. BMX, Road Cycling, Mountain Bike, Track Cycling [?? athletes, 18 events] Low-Medium Level UCI have a different situation for all disciplines. I haven't any interessing statistics for road cycling. MTB and Track Cycling aren't played in Africa and BMX is praticatd only in Americas, Europe and Australia. Equestrian - FEI [?? Athletes, 6 events] Low Level This sport is unknowed in almost all Africa and Asia.. Only 134 National Federation are associated at FEI Fencing - FIE [212 athletes, 10 events] High Level The fencing world level is very high, in London 2012 all continents won almost 1 medal. In some zone of Africa fencing is totally absent and in Oceania only Australia, Guam, New Zealand and Samoa have a National Federation. Field Hockey - FIH [24 teams, 2 events] Low Level So, really? I haven't found a continent when all NOCs are in the FIH. In Europe a lot of small country (but it's normal) and some balcanic country haven't a field hockey federation. In Africa we have only 13 national federations, in Asia the sport is played in almost all continents if we remove the Arabian Goulf. in America we have a lot of center and souther country whitout a federations. Big country whitout a field hockey federation are Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Bosnia and Tunisia. Football - FIFA [28 teams, 2 events] High Level Only in Monaco we haven't a Football federation
    1 point
  8. I will summarise this topic for everyone: My country sucks at this sport or i have no interest in it -> remove said sport from the Olympics My country is good at this sport or i have interest in it -> expand this sport into more categories and athletes/matches /thread
    1 point
  9. Mens Tournament Womens Tournament
    1 point
  10. I would not remove any sports but guide better federations where is corruption (boxing at first, i have feeling gold medalists were known in advance) also i think boxing needs again helmets with sensors like in taekwondo water polo 12 teams for women all team events in fencing no 50m and mixed events in swimming and no mixed events in any sport
    1 point
  11. With IOC allowing a whole bunch of sports to be added in 2020, the thought of removing sports is plain silly to me. And I don't see the point in saying that sport should be out because someone doesn't like, doesn't understand or doesn't follow it (or even because their nations are not good at it!). Olympics are not made for one person's liking, there's something for everyone.
    1 point
  12. Removing the most widespread team sport in terms of nations/continents with realistic medal chances (hockey) would be ridiculous in my opinion. Just like keeping men's junior football is ridiculous. Swimming should definitely not be expanded, adding even more events would have absolutely no added value. They could scrap some weights in for example men's reason to have a weight class for every 3-4kg.
    1 point
  13. I don't get the grief weightlifting gets over doping. Sure, it's a disgrace what's happening to the 2008 and 2012 results but at least they're doing something about it. They were the other ones besides IAAF that had the guts to ban Russia, they would have banned other offenders if IOC had hurried up with the results and already reallocated a medal and banned several countries for the WC next year. Instead, we have people like FINA that protects and pampers dopers. We are hearing a lot about doping in weightlifting precisely because IWF wants to do something about it.
    1 point
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