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[OFF TOPIC] Quiz Thread


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Of course. :p



Pts. 100


What Microsoft operating system are many people using nowadays?



  A: Floors 7           B: Walls 8
  C: Doors 9      D: Windows 10



♦                 P t s .  1 0 0                 




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Mmmmh like last time, number 2 is quite tricky for a non native English speaker.


I'm sure is not Friendship nor Internship. It could be Premiership, especially since that League is more overseas than anything else and played on an island.


But, I'll take a (safe) path an choose B: Containership

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4 minutes ago, mrv86 said:

Mmmmh like last time, number 2 is quite tricky for a non native English speaker.


I'm sure is not Friendship nor Internship. It could be Premiership, especially since that League is more overseas than anything else and played on an island.


But, I'll take a (safe) path an choose B: Containership

Yeah, the vessel was meant here. B is right.



Pts. 200


   What puts out to sea?



  A: Friendship          B: Containership      
  C: Premiership            D: Internship




♦                 P t s .  2 0 0                 



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Nothing to add to that, yes. :d



Pts. 300


   Baby lizards ...?



  A: hatch   B: dormer 
  C: skylight               D: trapdoor         



♦                 P t s .  3 0 0                 



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