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[PREDICTION CONTEST] Paris 2024 Olympic Games - Miscellaneous 1


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Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

You don't need to be an expert to take part in a Prediction Contest. 

If a mistake penalizes you, always keep in mind that everyone is in good faith.


Competition Details
City :FRA Paris :FRA
Start Date July 27th, 2024
End Date August 11th, 2024
Participants TBA
Silver :WHT TBA :WHT
Bronze :WHT TBA :WHT





In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

  • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
  • Copy the selected content
  • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
  • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
  • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
  • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





For this Prediction Contest you are predicting medal winners for each event of the Prediction Design.

For Athlete/Nation you are predicting to win Gold Medal, write X in the Cell which belongs to the Gold Medal Column. For Athlete/Nation you are predicting to win Silver Medal, write X in the appropriate Cell and do the same for a Bronze Medal winner/winners. 

Do the same for each Event of the Prediction Design.





Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Men's Judo -60kg 

Day 1

July 27th


:AZE Balabay Aghayev      
:FRA Luka Mkheidze      
:GEO Giorgi Sardalashvili      
:JPN Ryuju Nagayama x    
:KAZ Nurkanat Serikbayev      
:MGL Ariunbold Enkhtaivan      
:KOR Lee Harim   x  
:ESP Francisco Garrigos     x
:TPE Yang Yung Wei      
:TUR Salih Yildiz     x
:UKR Dilshot Khalmatov      
:UZB Dilshodbek Baratov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Points will be awarded as follows:

- For right predicted Gold Medal Winner - 4 points.
- For right predicted Silver Medal Winner - 3 points.
- For right predicted Bronze Medal Winner/s - 2 points.
- For right predicted Athlete/Nation but wrong place/medal - 1 point.
- Bonus points: 1 bonus point will be awarded to predictor who predicted all medalists correctly, regardless of the order (1-2-3, 1-3-2, 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 3-2-1, 3-1-2).

In Boxing, Judo, Taekwondo and Wrestling events you have four picks as you pick two bronze medallists. You will get 2 points if any of the two athletes you picked for bronze will win this medal. You will only get 1 point if any of the two bronze medallist picks will get silver and/or gold. Example: If you pick Athlete A and Athlete B to win bronze medals in a boxing event, and both athletes instead end up with gold and silver, you will get one point for each right predicted athlete, but wrong medal place. You will in this case get 2 points in total. In short you, you can't earn more than 2 points for one or more right predicted bronze medallists. If you (by mistake or on purpose) picked two or more Athletes/Nations for the same place in one event (except the sports mentioned earlier), and if the total number of picked Athletes (options) for that event isn't over three, you'll get exactly 1 Point for each of them NO MATTER WHICH POSITION (and one bonus Point if you predicted all top 3 Athletes/Nations). If the total number of picked Athletes/Nations in one event is over three, you'll not get any Points for Athletes/Nations picked for the same position. 

The first physical medal presentation is binding. If, for some reason no medals are presented for an event during the Games, this event will be eliminated in this contest.





Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Men's Judo -60kg 

Day 1

July 27th


:AZE Balabay Aghayev      
:FRA Luka Mkheidze      
:GEO Giorgi Sardalashvili      
:JPN Ryuju Nagayama x    
:KAZ Nurkanat Serikbayev      
:MGL Ariunbold Enkhtaivan      
:KOR Lee Harim   x  
:ESP Francisco Garrigos     x
:TPE Yang Yung Wei      
:TUR Salih Yildiz     x
:UKR Dilshot Khalmatov      
:UZB Dilshodbek Baratov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      



1. Ryuju Nagayama - 4 Points

2. Lee Harim - 3 Points

3. Francisco Garrigos - 2 Points

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 10 Points


1. Ryuju Nagayama - 4 Points

2. Salih Yildiz - 1 Point

3. Lee Harim - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 7 Points


1. Ryuju Nagayama - 4 Points

2. Dilshot Khalmatov - 0 Points

3. Lee Harim - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 5 Points


1. Ryuju Nagayama - 4 Points

2. Any Other Athlete - 0 Points

3. Dilshot Khalmatov - 0 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 4 Points



"Captain"-points - Explained: Each user can select up to 10 "captains" for this contest. Each "captain" will double its' points for his, her's or the team's event.


Each user will have to mark their "captains" for each event with an "*".





Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Men's Judo -60kg 

Day 1

July 27th


:AZE Balabay Aghayev      
:FRA Luka Mkheidze      
:GEO Giorgi Sardalashvili      
:JPN Ryuju Nagayama x*    
:KAZ Nurkanat Serikbayev      
:MGL Ariunbold Enkhtaivan      
:KOR Lee Harim   x  
:ESP Francisco Garrigos     x
:TPE Yang Yung Wei      
:TUR Salih Yildiz     x
:UKR Dilshot Khalmatov      
:UZB Dilshodbek Baratov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      



1. Ryuju Nagayama - 8 Points

2. Lee Harim - 3 Points

3. Francisco Garrigos - 2 Points

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 14 Points


1. Ryuju Nagayama - 8 Points

2. Salih Yildiz - 1 Point

3. Lee Harim - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 11 Points


1. Ryuju Nagayama - 8 Points

2. Dilshot Khalmatov - 0 Points

3. Lee Harim - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 9 Points


1. Ryuju Nagayama - 8 Points

2. Any Other Athlete - 0 Points

3. Dilshot Khalmatov - 0 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 8 Points


TB Rules

If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of correct Gold Medal Winners will be compared, then number of Silver Medal Winners and at the end number of Bronze Medal Winners.



Contestant 1: 6x10, 12x4, 10x3, 7x2

Contestant 2: 6x10, 12x4, 8x3, 8x2

Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


Contestant with most points wins the competition.


The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Events.


You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the Events you predicted AND which haven't started. 

In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first Event of this contest - July 27th, h. 08:30 (GMT +2).


You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first event of the Prediction Contest. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished events and the events that have started (heats included). Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread only.


If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, 1 - Nagayama, 2 - Lee, 3 - Garrigos, means Nagayama wins gold medal, Lee silver and Garrigos bronze.


Every contestant can hide their own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:


You cannot see this


If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.

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You CAN hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




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Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Men's Judo -60kg 

Day 1

July 27th


:AZE Balabay Aghayev      
:FRA Luka Mkheidze      
:GEO Giorgi Sardalashvili      
:JPN Ryuju Nagayama      
:KAZ Nurkanat Serikbayev      
:MGL Ariunbold Enkhtaivan      
:KOR Lee Harim      
:ESP Francisco Garrigos      
:TPE Yang Yung Wei      
:TUR Salih Yildiz      
:UKR Dilshot Khalmatov      
:UZB Dilshodbek Baratov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Archery Team

Day 2

July 28th


:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:IND India      
:INA Indonesia      
:MAS Malaysia      
:MEX Mexico      
:NED Netherlands      
:KOR South Korea      
:TPE Chinese Taipei      
:USA United States      

Men's Fencing Individual Epee

Day 2

July 28th


:EGY Mohamed Elsayed      
:FRA Yannick Borel      
:FRA Romaine Cannone      
:FRA Luidgi Midelton      
:HUN Mate Tamas Koch      
:HUN Gergely Siklosi      
:ISR Yuval Shalom Freilich      
:ITA Davide Di Veroli      
:ITA Federico Vismara      
:JPN Koki Kano      
:JPN Any Other Japanese Athlete      
:KAZ Ruslan Kurbanov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Mountain Bike 

Day 3

July 29th


:BEL Jens Schuermans      
:DEN Simon Andreassen      
:FRA Victor Koretzky      
:FRA Jordan Sarrou      
:GER Luca Schwarzbauer      
:GBR Charlie Aldridge      
:GBR Thomas Pidcock      
:ITA Luca Braidot      
:RSA Alan Hatherly      
:SUI Mathias Fluckiger      
:SUI Nino Schurter      
:USA Riley Amos      
:USA Christopher Blevins      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Equestrian Eventing Team 

Day 3

July 29th


:AUS Australia      
:BEL Belgium      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:IRL Ireland      
:ITA Italy      
:NZL New Zealand      
:NED Netherlands      
:SWE Sweden      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Women's Judo -63kg 

Day 4

July 30th


:AUS Katharina Haecker      
:AUT Lubjana Piovesana      
:CAN Catherine Beauchemin-Pinard      
:CRO Katarina Kristo      
:FRA Clarisse Agbegnenou      
:GBR Lucy Renshall      
:HUN Szofi Ozbas      
:ISR Gili Sharir      
:JPN Miku Takaichi      
:KOS Laura Fazliu      
:NED Joanne van Lieshout      
:POL Angelika Szymanska      
:SLO Andreja Leski      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Artistic Gymnastics

Team All-Around

Day 4

July 30th


:AUS Australia      
:BRA Brazil      
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:NED Netherlands      
:ROU Romania      
:KOR South Korea      
:USA United States      

Women's Diving 10m Synchro

Day 5

July 31th


:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:MEX Mexico      
:PRK North Korea      
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Women's Rowing

Quadruple Sculls

Day 5

July 31th


:AUS Australia      
:CHN China      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:NED Netherlands      
:ROU Romania      
:SUI Switzerland      
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics

Individual All-Around

Day 5

July 31th


:BRA Diogo Soares      
:CHN Zhang Boheng      
:CHN Zou JIngyuan      
:GBR Jake Jarman      
:ITA Yumin Abbadini      
:JPN Kenta Chiba      
:JPN Daiki Hashimoto      
:JPN Wataru Tanigawa      
:KAZ Milad Karimi      
:UKR Illia Kovtun      
:USA Brody Malone      
:USA Fred Richard      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Fencing Foil Team

Day 6

August 1st


:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:EGY Egypt      
:FRA France      
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:POL Poland      
:USA United States      

Men's Rowing Pair

Day 7

August 2nd


:AUS Australia      
:CRO Croatia      
:DEN Denmark      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:IRL Ireland      
:ITA Italy      
:LTU Lithuania      
:ROU Romania      
:RSA South Africa      
:ESP Spain      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      

Women's Trampoline

Day 7

August 2nd


:AIN Viyaleta Bardzilouskaya      
:AIN Anzhela Bladtceva      
:CAN Sophiane Methot      
:CHN Hu Yicheng      
:CHN Zhu Xueying      
:FRA Lea Labrousse      
:GBR Bryony Page      
:GBR Isobelle Songhurst      
:JPN Hikaru Mori      
:NZL Madaline Davidson      
:ESP Noemi Romero Rosario      
:USA Jessica Stevens      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Judo +100kg

Day 7

August 2nd


:BRA Rafael Silva      
:CUB Andy Granda      
:CZE Lukas Krpalek      
:FIN Martti Puumalainen      
:FRA Teddy Riner      
:GEO Guram Tushishvili      
:JPN Tatsuru Saito      
:NED Jelle Snippe      
:KOR Kim Minjong      
:TJK Temur Rakhimov      
:UAE Magomedomar Magomedomarov      
:UZB Alisher Yusupov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Badminton Mixed Doubles

Day 7

August 2nd


:CHN Feng/Huang      
:CHN Zheng/Huang      
:DEN Christiansen/Boje      
:FRA Gicquel/Delrue      
:HKG Tang/Tse      
:JPN Watanabe/Higashino      
:MAS Chen/Toh      
:KOR Kim/Jeong      
:KOR Seo/Chae      
:TPE Ye/Lee      
:THA Puavaranukroh/Taerattanachai      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Shooting 25m Pistol

Day 8

August 3rd


:AUT Sylvia Steiner      
:BUL Antoaneta Kostadinova      
:CHN Zhao Nan      
:FRA Camille Jedrzejewski      
:FRA Mathilde Lamolle      
:GER Josefin Eder      
:GER Doreen Vennekamp      
:GRE Anna Korakaki      
:HUN Veronika Major      
:IND Any Indian Athlete      
:IRI Haniyeh Rostamiyan      
:LAT Agate Rasmane      
:KOR Yang Jiin      
:TPE Tien Chia Chen      
:UKR Olena Kostevych      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Shooting Skeet

Day 8

August 3rd


:ARG Federico Gil      
:CZE Jakub Tomacek      
:DEN Jesper Hansen      
:EGY Azmy Mehelba      
:FIN Eetu Kallioinen      
:FRA Eric Delaunay      
:GER Sven Korte      
:GRE Efthimios Mitas      
:ITA Tammaro Cassandro      
:ITA Gabrielle Rossetti      
:QAT Rashid Saleh Al-Athba      
:USA Vincent Hancock      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Day 8

August 3rd


:CRO Aurel Benovic      
:GBR Harry Hepworth      
:GBR Luke Whitehouse      
:HUN Krisztofer Meszaros      
:ISR Artem Dolgopyat      
:ITA Any Italian Athlete      
:KAZ Milad Karimi      
:PHI Carlos Yulo      
:KOR Ryu Sunghyun      
:TUR Emre Dodanli      
:TUR Ahmet Onder      
:UKR Illia Kovtun      
:USA Any American Athlete      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Tennis Singles

Day 8

August 3rd


:AIN Mirra Andreeva      
:CHN Zheng Qiwen      
:CZE Marketa Vondrousova      
:CZE Any Other Czech Athlete      
:FRA Caroline Garcia      
:GRE Maria Sakkari      
:ITA Jasmine Paolini      
:KAZ Elena Rybakina      
:LAT Jelena Ostapenko      
:POL Iga Swiatek      
:ROU SImona Halep      
:UKR Elena Svitolina      
:USA Coco Gauff      
:USA Any Other American Athlete      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Table Tennis Singles

Day 9

August 4th


:BRA Hugo Calderano      
:CHN Fan Zhendong      
:CHN Wang Chuqin      
:EGY Omar Assar      
:FRA Felix Lebrun      
:GER Dang Qiu      
:GER Dimitrij Ovtcharov      
:JPN Tomokazu Harimoto      
:NGR Quadri Aruna      
:POR Marcos Freitas      
:KOR Jang Woojin      
:SLO Darko Jorgic      
:SWE Anton Kallberg      
:SWE Truels Moregard      
:TPE Lin Yun Ju      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Artistic Gymnastics


Day 9

August 4th


:ALG Kaylia Nemour      
:BRA Jade Barbosa      
:BRA Flavia Saraiva      
:CAN Elisabeth Black      
:CHN Zhou Yaqin      
:FRA Melanie De Jesus Dos Santos      
:FRA Morgane Osyssek-Reimer      
:GBR Alice Kinsella      
:ITA Angela Andreoli      
:ITA Manila Esposito      
:ROU Any Romanian Athlete      
:USA Simone Biles      
:USA Jade Carey      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Mixed Shooting Skeet Team

Day 10

August 5th


:CHN China      
:CZE Czechia      
:EGY Egypt      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GRE Greece      
:IND India      
:ITA Italy      
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:PER Peru      
:KOR South Korea      
:SWE Sweden      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Men's Canoe Slalom KX-1

Day 10

August 5th


:AUT Felix Oschmautz      
:BRA Pedro Goncalves      
:CAN Alex Baldoni      
:CZE Jiri Prskavec      
:FRA Boris Neveu      
:GER Hannes Aigner      
:GER Tillmann Roeller      
:GBR Joseph Clarke      
:ITA Giovanni De Gennaro      
:NZL Finn Butcher      
:ESP Manuel Ochoa      
:SWE Isak Ohrstrom      
:SUI Martin Dougoud      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Sailing Dinghy ICLA 7

Day 11

August 6th


:AUS Matthew Wearn      
:CYP Pavlos Kontides      
:FRA Jean-Baptiste Bernaz      
:GER Philipp Buhl      
:GBR Michael Beckett      
:IRL Finn Lynch      
:ITA Lorenzo Chiavarini      
:NED Duko Bos      
:NZL Tom Saunders      
:NOR Hermann Tomasgaard      
:PER Stefano Peschiera      
:ESP Joaquin Blanco      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Sports Climbing Speed 

Day 12

August 7th


:CHN Deng Lijuan      
:CHN Zhou Yafei      
:FRA Manon Lebon      
:FRA Capucine Viglione      
:INA Desak Dewi      
:INA Rajiah Sallsabillah      
:ITA Beatrice Colli      
:POL Aleksandra Kalucka      
:POL Aleksandra Miroslaw      
:ESP Leslie Romero      
:USA Emma Hunt      
:USA Piper Kelly      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Skateboard Park

Day 12

August 7th


:AUS Keegan Palmer      
:AUS Keefer Wilson      
:AUS Kieran Woolley      
:BRA Augusto Akio      
:BRA Pedro Barros       
:BRA Luigi Cini      
:DEN Viktor Solmunde      
:ITA Alex Sorgente      
:ESP Danny Leon      
:SWE Hampus Winberg      
:USA Gavin Bottger      
:USA Tate Carew      
:USA Tom Schaar      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Mixed Sailing Multihull Nacra 17 

Day 12

August 7th


:ARG Majdalani/Bosco      
:DEN Saouma-Pedersen/Borreskov      
:FIN Kurtbay/Keskinen      
:FRA Mourniac/Berthomieu      
:GER Kohlhoff/Stuhlemmer      
:GBR Gimson/Burnet      
:ITA Tita/Banti      
:NED Van der Meer/Bouwer      
:NZL Wilkinson/Dawson      
:ESP Pacheco/Barrio Garcia      
:SWE Jaerudd/Jonsson      
:USA Newberry-Moore/Liebenberg      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Men's Wrestling

Greco-Roman  -77 kg

Day 12

August 7th


:ARM Malkhas Amoyan      
:AZE Sanan Suleymanov      
:BUL Aik Mnatsakanian      
:COL Jair Cuero      
:CUB Yosvanys Pena      
:HUN Zoltan Levai      
:IRI Amin Kavianinejad      
:JPN Nao Kusaka      
:KAZ Demeu Zhadrayev      
:KGZ Akzhol Makhmudov      
:TUR Burhan Akbudak      
:UZB Aram Vardanyan      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Canoe Sprint C-2 

Day 13

August 8th


:AIN AIN      
:CAN Canada      
.CHI Chile      
:CHN China      
:CUB Cuba      
:GER Germany      
:HUN Hungary      
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:MDA Moldova      
:POL Poland      
:ESP Spain      
:UKR Ukraine      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Track Cycling


Day 13

August 8th


:AUS Kristina Clonan      
:BEL Nicky Degrendele      
:CAN Lauriane Genest      
:CAN Kelsey Mitchell      
:COL Martha Bayona Pineda      
:FRA Mathilde Gros      
:GER Lea Sophie Friedrich      
:GER Alessa-Catriona Propster      
:GBR Emma Finucane      
:GBR Katy Marchant      
:ITA Miriam Vece      
:JPN Mina Sato      
:MEX Luz Gaxiola Gonzalez      
:NED Hetty Van De Wouw      
:NZL Elise Andrews      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Wrestling



Day 13

August 8th


:CHN Pang QIanyu      
:ECU Lucia Yepez      
:GRE Maria Prevolaraki      
:IND Antim Panghal      
:JPN Akari Fujinami      
:MDA Mariana Dragutan      
:MGL Batkhuyagiin Khulan      
:NGR Christianah Ogunsanya      
:ROU Andreea Ana      
:SWE Jonna Malmgren      
:TUR Zeynep Yetgil      
:USA Dominique Parrish      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Boxing -51kg

Day 13

August 8th


:AZE Nijat Huseynov      
:CPV Daniel Varela De Pina      
:CUB Alejandro Claro      
:DOM Junior Alcantara      
:FRA Billal Bennama      
:IND Amit Panghal      
:KAZ Saken Bibossinov      
.PUR Juanma Lopez      
:ESP Rafael Lozano Serrano      
:THA Thitisan Panmot      
:TUR Samet Gumus      
:USA Roscoe Hil      
:UZB Hasanboy Dusmatov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Wrestling



Day 14

August 9th


:AZE Osman Nurmagomedov      
:BUL Magomed Ramazanov      
:GEO Vladimeri Gamkrelidze      
:GRE Dauren Kurugliev      
:IRI Hassan Yazdani      
:JPN Hayato Ishiguro      
:KAZ Azamat Dauletbekov      
:MGL Byambasurengiin Bat-Erdene      
:SMR Myles Amine      
:UKR Vasyl Mykhailov      
:USA Aaron Brooks      
:UZB Javrail Shapiev      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Taekwondo -67kg 

Day 14

August 9th


:BEL Sarah Chaari      
:BRA Caroline Santos      
:CHN Zhang Mengyu      
:CIV Ruth Gbagbi      
:EGY Aya Shehata      
:FRA Magda Wiet-Henin      
:HUN Viviana Marton      
:JOR Julyana Al-Sadeq      
:NGR Elizabeth Anyanacho      
:SRB Aleksandra Perisic      
:ESP Cecilia Castro      
:THA Sasikarn Tongchan      
:USA Kristina Teachout      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Diving 10m Individual

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Cassiel Rousseau      
:BRA Isaac Souza      
:CAN Rylan Wiens       
:CAN Nathan Zsombor-Murray      
:CHN Cao Yuan      
:CHN Yang Hao      
:GBR Kyle Kothari      
:GBR Noah Williams      
:MAS Bertrand Rhodict Lises      
:MEX Kevin Berlin      
:MEX Randal Willars      
:KOR Kim Yeongtaek      
:UKR Oleksiy Sereda      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Weightlifting -81kg

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Eileen Cikamatana      
:BRA Laura Nascimento Amaro      
:CUB Ayamey Medina Roca      
:DOM Yudelina Mejia Peguero      
.ECU Neisi Dajomes Barrera      
:EGY Sara Samir Ahmed      
:MGL Ankhtsetseg Munkhjantsan      
:NOR Solfried Koanda      
:POL Weronika Zielinska Stubinska      
:IOC Yekta Jamali      
:KOR Kim Suhyeon      
:UZB Rigina Adashbaeva      
:VAN Ajah Pritchard Lolo      

Men's Track Cycling Madison

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Australia      
:AUT Austria      
:BEL Belgium      
:CAN Canada      
:CZE Czechia      
:DEN Denmark      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:NED Netherlands      
:NZL New Zealand      
:POR Portugal      
:ESP Spain      

Women's Boxing -57kg

Day 15

August 10th


:BRA Jucielen Romeu      
:BUL Svetlana Staneva      
:CHN Xu Zichun      
:COL Valeria Arboleda      
:FRA Amina Zidani      
:IRL Michaela Walsh      
:ITA Irma Testa      
:KAZ Karina Ibragimova      
:PHI Nesthy Petecio      
:POL Julia Szeremeta      
:TPE Lin Yu Ting      
:VEN Omailyn Alcala      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Boxing -57kg

Day 15

August 10th


:BEL Vasile Usturoi      
:BRA Luiz Oliveira      
:BUL Javier Ibanez Diaz      
:COL Yilmar Gonzalez      
:CUB Saidel Horta      
:IRL Jude Gallagher      
:KAZ Makhmud Sabyrkhan      
:KGZ Munarbek Seiitbek Uulu      
:PHI Carlo Paalam      
:ESP Jose Quiles      
:USA Jahmal Harvey      
:UZB Abdulmalik Khalokov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Track Cycling Omnium

Day 16

August 11th


:BEL Lotte Kopecky      
:CAN Maggie Coles-Lyster      
:DEN Amalie Dideriksen      
:FRA Valentine Fortin      
:IRL Lara Gillespie      
:ITA Letizia Paternoster      
:JPN Yumi Kajihara      
:LTU Olivija Baleisyte      
:NED Marit Raaijmakers      
:NZL Ally Wollaston      
:NOR Anita Yvonne Stenberg      
:POL Daria Pikulik      
:POR Maria Martins      
:USA Jennifer Valente      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      


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Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Men's Judo -60kg 

Day 1

July 27th


:AZE Balabay Aghayev      
:FRA Luka Mkheidze      
:GEO Giorgi Sardalashvili      
:JPN Ryuju Nagayama      
:KAZ Nurkanat Serikbayev      
:MGL Ariunbold Enkhtaivan      
:KOR Lee Harim X    
:ESP Francisco Garrigos   X  
:TPE Yang Yung Wei      
:TUR Salih Yildiz     X
:UKR Dilshot Khalmatov      
:UZB Dilshodbek Baratov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Archery Team

Day 2

July 28th


:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany   X  
:GBR Great Britain      
:IND India      
:INA Indonesia      
:MAS Malaysia      
:MEX Mexico      
:NED Netherlands      
:KOR South Korea X    
:TPE Chinese Taipei     X
:USA United States      

Men's Fencing Individual Epee

Day 2

July 28th


:EGY Mohamed Elsayed      
:FRA Yannick Borel X    
:FRA Romaine Cannone      
:FRA Luidgi Midelton      
:HUN Mate Tamas Koch      
:HUN Gergely Siklosi     X
:ISR Yuval Shalom Freilich      
:ITA Davide Di Veroli      
:ITA Federico Vismara      
:JPN Koki Kano      
:JPN Any Other Japanese Athlete      
:KAZ Ruslan Kurbanov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete   X  

Men's Mountain Bike 

Day 3

July 29th


:BEL Jens Schuermans     X
:DEN Simon Andreassen      
:FRA Victor Koretzky      
:FRA Jordan Sarrou      
:GER Luca Schwarzbauer   X  
:GBR Charlie Aldridge      
:GBR Thomas Pidcock      
:ITA Luca Braidot      
:RSA Alan Hatherly      
:SUI Mathias Fluckiger      
:SUI Nino Schurter X    
:USA Riley Amos      
:USA Christopher Blevins      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Equestrian Eventing Team 

Day 3

July 29th


:AUS Australia      
:BEL Belgium      
:FRA France     X
:GER Germany   X  
:GBR Great Britain X    
:IRL Ireland      
:ITA Italy      
:NZL New Zealand      
:NED Netherlands      
:SWE Sweden      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Women's Judo -63kg 

Day 4

July 30th


:AUS Katharina Haecker      
:AUT Lubjana Piovesana      
:CAN Catherine Beauchemin-Pinard      
:CRO Katarina Kristo      
:FRA Clarisse Agbegnenou     X
:GBR Lucy Renshall   X  
:HUN Szofi Ozbas      
:ISR Gili Sharir      
:JPN Miku Takaichi X    
:KOS Laura Fazliu      
:NED Joanne van Lieshout      
:POL Angelika Szymanska      
:SLO Andreja Leski      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Artistic Gymnastics

Team All-Around

Day 4

July 30th


:AUS Australia      
:BRA Brazil   X  
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain     X
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:NED Netherlands      
:ROU Romania      
:KOR South Korea      
:USA United States X    

Women's Diving 10m Synchro

Day 5

July 31th


:CAN Canada      
:CHN China X    
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain   X  
:MEX Mexico      
:PRK North Korea     X
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Women's Rowing

Quadruple Sculls

Day 5

July 31th


:AUS Australia      
:CHN China      
:GER Germany     X
:GBR Great Britain      
:NED Netherlands X    
:ROU Romania   X  
:SUI Switzerland      
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics

Individual All-Around

Day 5

July 31th


:BRA Diogo Soares      
:CHN Zhang Boheng   X  
:CHN Zou JIngyuan      
:GBR Jake Jarman      
:ITA Yumin Abbadini      
:JPN Kenta Chiba      
:JPN Daiki Hashimoto X    
:JPN Wataru Tanigawa      
:KAZ Milad Karimi      
:UKR Illia Kovtun     X
:USA Brody Malone      
:USA Fred Richard      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Fencing Foil Team

Day 6

August 1st


:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:EGY Egypt      
:FRA France      
:ITA Italy X    
:JPN Japan      
:POL Poland     X
:USA United States   X  

Men's Rowing Pair

Day 7

August 2nd


:AUS Australia      
:CRO Croatia      
:DEN Denmark      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain     X
:IRL Ireland   X  
:ITA Italy      
:LTU Lithuania      
:ROU Romania      
:RSA South Africa      
:ESP Spain      
:SUI Switzerland X    
:USA United States      

Women's Trampoline

Day 7

August 2nd


:AIN Viyaleta Bardzilouskaya      
:AIN Anzhela Bladtceva      
:CAN Sophiane Methot      
:CHN Hu Yicheng   X  
:CHN Zhu Xueying X    
:FRA Lea Labrousse      
:GBR Bryony Page      
:GBR Isobelle Songhurst      
:JPN Hikaru Mori      
:NZL Madaline Davidson      
:ESP Noemi Romero Rosario      
:USA Jessica Stevens      
:WHT Any Other Athlete     X

Men's Judo +100kg

Day 7

August 2nd


:BRA Rafael Silva      
:CUB Andy Granda      
:CZE Lukas Krpalek      
:FIN Martti Puumalainen      
:FRA Teddy Riner      
:GEO Guram Tushishvili   X  
:JPN Tatsuru Saito      
:NED Jelle Snippe      
:KOR Kim Minjong X    
:TJK Temur Rakhimov     X
:UAE Magomedomar Magomedomarov      
:UZB Alisher Yusupov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Badminton Mixed Doubles

Day 7

August 2nd


:CHN Feng/Huang     X
:CHN Zheng/Huang X    
:DEN Christiansen/Boje      
:FRA Gicquel/Delrue      
:HKG Tang/Tse      
:JPN Watanabe/Higashino      
:MAS Chen/Toh      
:KOR Kim/Jeong      
:KOR Seo/Chae   X  
:TPE Ye/Lee      
:THA Puavaranukroh/Taerattanachai      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Shooting 25m Pistol

Day 8

August 3rd


:AUT Sylvia Steiner   X  
:BUL Antoaneta Kostadinova      
:CHN Zhao Nan X    
:FRA Camille Jedrzejewski      
:FRA Mathilde Lamolle      
:GER Josefin Eder      
:GER Doreen Vennekamp      
:GRE Anna Korakaki      
:HUN Veronika Major      
:IND Any Indian Athlete     X
:IRI Haniyeh Rostamiyan      
:LAT Agate Rasmane      
:KOR Yang Jiin      
:TPE Tien Chia Chen      
:UKR Olena Kostevych      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Shooting Skeet

Day 8

August 3rd


:ARG Federico Gil      
:CZE Jakub Tomacek     X
:DEN Jesper Hansen   X  
:EGY Azmy Mehelba      
:FIN Eetu Kallioinen      
:FRA Eric Delaunay      
:GER Sven Korte X    
:GRE Efthimios Mitas      
:ITA Tammaro Cassandro      
:ITA Gabrielle Rossetti      
:QAT Rashid Saleh Al-Athba      
:USA Vincent Hancock      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Day 8

August 3rd


:CRO Aurel Benovic      
:GBR Harry Hepworth      
:GBR Luke Whitehouse      
:HUN Krisztofer Meszaros      
:ISR Artem Dolgopyat     X
:ITA Any Italian Athlete      
:KAZ Milad Karimi      
:PHI Carlos Yulo   X  
:KOR Ryu Sunghyun      
:TUR Emre Dodanli      
:TUR Ahmet Onder      
:UKR Illia Kovtun      
:USA Any American Athlete      
:WHT Any Other Athlete X    

Women's Tennis Singles

Day 8

August 3rd


:AIN Mirra Andreeva      
:CHN Zheng Qiwen      
:CZE Marketa Vondrousova      
:CZE Any Other Czech Athlete     X
:FRA Caroline Garcia      
:GRE Maria Sakkari      
:ITA Jasmine Paolini      
:KAZ Elena Rybakina      
:LAT Jelena Ostapenko      
:POL Iga Swiatek X    
:ROU SImona Halep      
:UKR Elena Svitolina      
:USA Coco Gauff      
:USA Any Other American Athlete      
:WHT Any Other Athlete   X  

Men's Table Tennis Singles

Day 9

August 4th


:BRA Hugo Calderano      
:CHN Fan Zhendong   X  
:CHN Wang Chuqin X    
:EGY Omar Assar      
:FRA Felix Lebrun      
:GER Dang Qiu      
:GER Dimitrij Ovtcharov      
:JPN Tomokazu Harimoto      
:NGR Quadri Aruna      
:POR Marcos Freitas      
:KOR Jang Woojin      
:SLO Darko Jorgic      
:SWE Anton Kallberg      
:SWE Truels Moregard      
:TPE Lin Yun Ju     X
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Artistic Gymnastics


Day 9

August 4th


:ALG Kaylia Nemour      
:BRA Jade Barbosa   X  
:BRA Flavia Saraiva      
:CAN Elisabeth Black      
:CHN Zhou Yaqin      
:FRA Melanie De Jesus Dos Santos      
:FRA Morgane Osyssek-Reimer      
:GBR Alice Kinsella      
:ITA Angela Andreoli      
:ITA Manila Esposito     X
:ROU Any Romanian Athlete      
:USA Simone Biles X    
:USA Jade Carey      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Mixed Shooting Skeet Team

Day 10

August 5th


:CHN China      
:CZE Czechia      
:EGY Egypt      
:FRA France     X
:GER Germany X    
:GRE Greece      
:IND India      
:ITA Italy   X  
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:PER Peru      
:KOR South Korea      
:SWE Sweden      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Men's Canoe Slalom KX-1

Day 10

August 5th


:AUT Felix Oschmautz      
:BRA Pedro Goncalves      
:CAN Alex Baldoni      
:CZE Jiri Prskavec X    
:FRA Boris Neveu      
:GER Hannes Aigner   X  
:GER Tillmann Roeller      
:GBR Joseph Clarke      
:ITA Giovanni De Gennaro      
:NZL Finn Butcher      
:ESP Manuel Ochoa      
:SWE Isak Ohrstrom      
:SUI Martin Dougoud     X
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Sailing Dinghy ICLA 7

Day 11

August 6th


:AUS Matthew Wearn X    
:CYP Pavlos Kontides     X
:FRA Jean-Baptiste Bernaz      
:GER Philipp Buhl      
:GBR Michael Beckett      
:IRL Finn Lynch      
:ITA Lorenzo Chiavarini      
:NED Duko Bos      
:NZL Tom Saunders      
:NOR Hermann Tomasgaard   X  
:PER Stefano Peschiera      
:ESP Joaquin Blanco      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Sports Climbing Speed 

Day 12

August 7th


:CHN Deng Lijuan      
:CHN Zhou Yafei X    
:FRA Manon Lebon      
:FRA Capucine Viglione      
:INA Desak Dewi      
:INA Rajiah Sallsabillah      
:ITA Beatrice Colli      
:POL Aleksandra Kalucka      
:POL Aleksandra Miroslaw     X
:ESP Leslie Romero      
:USA Emma Hunt   X  
:USA Piper Kelly      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Skateboard Park

Day 12

August 7th


:AUS Keegan Palmer X    
:AUS Keefer Wilson      
:AUS Kieran Woolley      
:BRA Augusto Akio     X
:BRA Pedro Barros       
:BRA Luigi Cini      
:DEN Viktor Solmunde      
:ITA Alex Sorgente      
:ESP Danny Leon      
:SWE Hampus Winberg      
:USA Gavin Bottger      
:USA Tate Carew   X  
:USA Tom Schaar      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Mixed Sailing Multihull Nacra 17 

Day 12

August 7th


:ARG Majdalani/Bosco      
:DEN Saouma-Pedersen/Borreskov      
:FIN Kurtbay/Keskinen      
:FRA Mourniac/Berthomieu      
:GER Kohlhoff/Stuhlemmer      
:GBR Gimson/Burnet X    
:ITA Tita/Banti   X  
:NED Van der Meer/Bouwer      
:NZL Wilkinson/Dawson     X
:ESP Pacheco/Barrio Garcia      
:SWE Jaerudd/Jonsson      
:USA Newberry-Moore/Liebenberg      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Men's Wrestling

Greco-Roman  -77 kg

Day 12

August 7th


:ARM Malkhas Amoyan     X
:AZE Sanan Suleymanov X    
:BUL Aik Mnatsakanian      
:COL Jair Cuero      
:CUB Yosvanys Pena   X  
:HUN Zoltan Levai      
:IRI Amin Kavianinejad      
:JPN Nao Kusaka      
:KAZ Demeu Zhadrayev      
:KGZ Akzhol Makhmudov      
:TUR Burhan Akbudak      
:UZB Aram Vardanyan      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Canoe Sprint C-2 

Day 13

August 8th


:AIN AIN      
:CAN Canada     X
.CHI Chile      
:CHN China   X  
:CUB Cuba      
:GER Germany      
:HUN Hungary      
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:MDA Moldova      
:POL Poland      
:ESP Spain X    
:UKR Ukraine      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Track Cycling


Day 13

August 8th


:AUS Kristina Clonan      
:BEL Nicky Degrendele     X
:CAN Lauriane Genest      
:CAN Kelsey Mitchell      
:COL Martha Bayona Pineda      
:FRA Mathilde Gros   X  
:GER Lea Sophie Friedrich X    
:GER Alessa-Catriona Propster      
:GBR Emma Finucane      
:GBR Katy Marchant      
:ITA Miriam Vece      
:JPN Mina Sato      
:MEX Luz Gaxiola Gonzalez      
:NED Hetty Van De Wouw      
:NZL Elise Andrews      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Wrestling



Day 13

August 8th


:CHN Pang QIanyu X    
:ECU Lucia Yepez   X  
:GRE Maria Prevolaraki      
:IND Antim Panghal      
:JPN Akari Fujinami      
:MDA Mariana Dragutan      
:MGL Batkhuyagiin Khulan      
:NGR Christianah Ogunsanya      
:ROU Andreea Ana      
:SWE Jonna Malmgren      
:TUR Zeynep Yetgil      
:USA Dominique Parrish     X
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Boxing -51kg

Day 13

August 8th


:AZE Nijat Huseynov      
:CPV Daniel Varela De Pina      
:CUB Alejandro Claro     X
:DOM Junior Alcantara      
:FRA Billal Bennama      
:IND Amit Panghal      
:KAZ Saken Bibossinov      
.PUR Juanma Lopez      
:ESP Rafael Lozano Serrano      
:THA Thitisan Panmot      
:TUR Samet Gumus   X  
:USA Roscoe Hil      
:UZB Hasanboy Dusmatov X    
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Wrestling



Day 14

August 9th


:AZE Osman Nurmagomedov X    
:BUL Magomed Ramazanov      
:GEO Vladimeri Gamkrelidze   X  
:GRE Dauren Kurugliev      
:IRI Hassan Yazdani     X
:JPN Hayato Ishiguro      
:KAZ Azamat Dauletbekov      
:MGL Byambasurengiin Bat-Erdene      
:SMR Myles Amine      
:UKR Vasyl Mykhailov      
:USA Aaron Brooks      
:UZB Javrail Shapiev      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Taekwondo -67kg 

Day 14

August 9th


:BEL Sarah Chaari      
:BRA Caroline Santos      
:CHN Zhang Mengyu   X  
:CIV Ruth Gbagbi      
:EGY Aya Shehata      
:FRA Magda Wiet-Henin     X
:HUN Viviana Marton      
:JOR Julyana Al-Sadeq      
:NGR Elizabeth Anyanacho      
:SRB Aleksandra Perisic X    
:ESP Cecilia Castro      
:THA Sasikarn Tongchan      
:USA Kristina Teachout      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Diving 10m Individual

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Cassiel Rousseau      
:BRA Isaac Souza      
:CAN Rylan Wiens       
:CAN Nathan Zsombor-Murray      
:CHN Cao Yuan X    
:CHN Yang Hao   X  
:GBR Kyle Kothari      
:GBR Noah Williams     X
:MAS Bertrand Rhodict Lises      
:MEX Kevin Berlin      
:MEX Randal Willars      
:KOR Kim Yeongtaek      
:UKR Oleksiy Sereda      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Weightlifting -81kg

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Eileen Cikamatana      
:BRA Laura Nascimento Amaro      
:CUB Ayamey Medina Roca   X  
:DOM Yudelina Mejia Peguero      
.ECU Neisi Dajomes Barrera X    
:EGY Sara Samir Ahmed      
:MGL Ankhtsetseg Munkhjantsan      
:NOR Solfried Koanda      
:POL Weronika Zielinska Stubinska      
:IOC Yekta Jamali     X
:KOR Kim Suhyeon      
:UZB Rigina Adashbaeva      
:VAN Ajah Pritchard Lolo      

Men's Track Cycling Madison

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Australia      
:AUT Austria      
:BEL Belgium   X  
:CAN Canada      
:CZE Czechia      
:DEN Denmark X    
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:NED Netherlands      
:NZL New Zealand      
:POR Portugal      
:ESP Spain     X

Women's Boxing -57kg

Day 15

August 10th


:BRA Jucielen Romeu      
:BUL Svetlana Staneva   X  
:CHN Xu Zichun X    
:COL Valeria Arboleda      
:FRA Amina Zidani      
:IRL Michaela Walsh      
:ITA Irma Testa      
:KAZ Karina Ibragimova      
:PHI Nesthy Petecio      
:POL Julia Szeremeta      
:TPE Lin Yu Ting     X
:VEN Omailyn Alcala      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Boxing -57kg

Day 15

August 10th


:BEL Vasile Usturoi      
:BRA Luiz Oliveira      
:BUL Javier Ibanez Diaz      
:COL Yilmar Gonzalez      
:CUB Saidel Horta      
:IRL Jude Gallagher X    
:KAZ Makhmud Sabyrkhan      
:KGZ Munarbek Seiitbek Uulu      
:PHI Carlo Paalam      
:ESP Jose Quiles      
:USA Jahmal Harvey     X
:UZB Abdulmalik Khalokov   X  
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Track Cycling Omnium

Day 16

August 11th


:BEL Lotte Kopecky X    
:CAN Maggie Coles-Lyster      
:DEN Amalie Dideriksen      
:FRA Valentine Fortin      
:IRL Lara Gillespie      
:ITA Letizia Paternoster   X  
:JPN Yumi Kajihara      
:LTU Olivija Baleisyte      
:NED Marit Raaijmakers      
:NZL Ally Wollaston      
:NOR Anita Yvonne Stenberg     X
:POL Daria Pikulik      
:POR Maria Martins      
:USA Jennifer Valente      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      





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