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Most provinces in Canada are starting to very slowly ease some restrictions.  Some provinces have had no new cases in a few days, so they are going a bit further.  In my province (Ontario), some big open retailers like garden centers and car dealerships are opening up this week.  It'll be another couple of weeks until anything else happens, though.  In Quebec they're starting to allow some retail stores to open, and are talking about schools reopening (outside Montreal), but both businesses and school boards have said they have no intention on doing that any time soon.  


I used to live in South Korea and my friends there say it's almost back to new-normal now, posting pics at restaurants and such.  However, there was just a report that a Covid19-positive person went clubbing in Itaewon, the popular foreigner area, last weekend. 


I also used to live in China and friends there say it's getting more normal now.  You must wear masks and some things are still closed, but you can eat in restaurants and go to bars that are open.  There is a strict tracking program in place, though, as you have to use the app wechat (like whatsapp) at police check ins around town and at every business.  If you leave your province you have to quarantine for 2 weeks, and all foreigner visas have been put on hold indefinitely. 


I, of course, accepted a position in China for August because I like to live dangerously, haha.  They're throwing money at anyone willing to go, and it's not like I'm doing anything else right now.  If the visas are still on hold by then I've lost nothing.  I the country opens back up and lets me in, I've gained a good contract.  It's not like Canada's economy will be swinging any time soon.  

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Coronavirus Blunders in Indonesia Turn Crisis Into Catastrophe

Summary:  Indonesia’s coronavirus response has been set back by misplaced priorities and a distrust of data. Without a course correction, the country could pay steep long-term costs.


Coronavirus and Global Disorder


The sequence of denial, reluctance, and alarm in Indonesia’s response to the coronavirus crisis follows the trajectory of many other countries, including highly developed nations. Concerned about their economic impact, President Joko Widodo delayed containment measures and relied on unproven claims that tropical weather would slow down transmission in the world’s fourth most populous country. The bet did not pay off. Indonesia now faces a collapsing health system, an economic recession that could wipe out two decades of development gains, and the looming threat of social unrest.


No one can fault leaders for trying to maintain economic stability in Indonesia, where the devastation of the 1997 Asian financial crisis is seared into political memory. However, the government’s disregard for data, reliance on military personnel for crisis management, and political score-settling steered it away from a balancing act between the economy and health toward a strategy that has delivered worse results for both.




After months of denying undetected coronavirus cases, the government confirmed its first infected patient in March. By then Indonesia’s neighbors were already rolling out mass testing and mobility restrictions to contain community spread. Widodo ruled out lockdowns, citing their harsh economic impact in other developing countries like India, but reluctantly allowed limited school closures and suggested that people work from home.


Sana Jaffrey is a nonresident scholar in the Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Her research focuses on violent conflict and the challenges of state-building in developing democracies.


In the absence of strict containment measures, Indonesia’s coronavirus deaths surged to become the highest in Southeast Asia. As of April 28, the government’s official count of positive cases surpassed 9,500 after tests were performed on 62,000 people, less than 0.02 percent of the total population. The country has recorded 773 deaths, including more than 40 doctors and nurses. The government also acknowledged the presence of over 213,000 suspected cases waiting to be tested.


The escalating crisis prompted the declaration of a national health emergency and the imposition of social distancing measures in Jakarta and other affected regions. Nationwide restrictions on commercial travel by air, sea, and land are now in effect. New equipment is being imported to ramp up testing, and efforts are underway to manufacture personal protective equipment for medical staff and urgently needed ventilators for patients. On March 13, the president announced a stimulus package worth $8 billion, which includes $324 million in assistance for low-income households.


These interventions may have come too late. According to the government’s own projections, 95,000 infections will be confirmed by the end of May. Independent researchers from the University of Indonesia predict 1.7 million infections and 144,000 deaths. Despite efforts to avoid a shutdown, Southeast Asia’s largest economy is in turmoil, with predictions of contraction by 0.4 percent that could plunge more than 9 million people into poverty. The latest survey data presents an even bleaker picture: 25 percent of adults (50 million people) report that they are already unable to meet their daily needs, creating concerns about urban riots.




Indonesia could not have prevented the impact of the coronavirus altogether. Despite its middle-income status, it has the lowest per capita health expenditure among major regional economies. However, as one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries, Indonesia has considerable experience mobilizing localized emergency responses. Far from perfect, past management of the SARS epidemic (2003), the Boxing Day tsunami (2004), and the Avian flu outbreak (2006) have been at least minimally competent. This time, three major flaws in the government’s approach prevented it from mobilizing even the limited resources that were at its disposal to mitigate the crush of a global pandemic.




First, a deep disregard for data in the administration created a false sense of choice: instead of preparing for the inevitable, officials looked for ways to avoid a response. While senior officials peddled unsubstantiated theories about the mild impact of the coronavirus in tropical weather, beleaguered doctors beseeched the president to ignore flawed advice and scientists complained about being shut out of the process.


Widodo has defended his administration’s response by noting scientists’ inability to provide definitive forecasts about coronavirus. But the government’s suppression of data on infection rates has only compounded this uncertainty, with deadly consequences.


In collecting official data, the Health Ministry initially insisted on counting only polymerase chain reaction tests performed in a single facility in Jakarta, ignoring the surge in suspected cases and positive results from the rapid antibody tests conducted by regional governments. Unconvinced by official figures, journalists pieced together data from cemeteries, medical records, and governors’ tallies to reveal that more than 2,200 suspected patients have died while awaiting tests.


Widodo admitted that data was concealed to prevent mass panic. More disturbingly, his administration used this flawed data to defer critical interventions. The delayed timing of ongoing measures to improve detection by distributing new testing equipment to regional labs compromises their effectiveness. Amid already high infection rates, testing may not stem contagion unless supplemented with mass isolation facilities for infected persons in densely populated cities, where people live in close quarters with large families.


Containment efforts also came late. A national task force to coordinate the government’s response was only formed in mid-March after a direct call from the World Health Organization. The declaration of a health emergency, providing the legal basis for social distancing measures, took another two weeks. Relatively lax by global standards, these restrictions did not prohibit domestic travel in and out of affected regions despite widespread fear of contagion. Ministers insisted that the low official estimate of deaths did not warrant stricter measures for the remaining 270 million people. The government finally banned most commercial travel on April 24 in a bid to prevent the annual Eid exodus of 20 million people, but an estimated 1.6 million had already made the journey.


Apart from delays, the ill-conceived sequencing of containment measures has accelerated both the health crisis and its economic fallout. Early on, the president wanted to avoid a regional lockdown due to its economic impact on the informal sector, which comprises nearly 60 percent of Indonesia’s workforce. However, his suggestion to work from home was adopted in urban areas by white collar workers, who are served by the informal workforce. Without their primary source of income or government aid, food vendors, barbers, and online motorbike drivers returned to their hometowns, exposing new communities to the virus.




Second, military dominance in the management of the health crisis has produced an untenable combination of disarray and draconian law enforcement. All personnel in charge of coordinating the crisis response are retired army officers. This includes the head of the disaster management task force, the national spokesman on the coronavirus crisis, the health minister, the religious minister, the minister of maritime affairs and investment, the defense minister, and the president’s chief of staff. Widodo’s administration has the highest concentration of military personnel of any cabinet since the fall of Suharto’s military dictatorship in 1998.


A crisis of this scale anywhere in the world would require logistical support from the military. But the predominance of military personnel in top civilian posts has securitized Indonesia’s response to coronavirus. Widodo initially considered responding to the health crisis by declaring a civil emergency, which is legally reserved for fighting rebellions and civil war. Pushback from civil society groups prevented this move, but shortly thereafter the national police chief issued instructions to arrest individuals accused of causing offense to the president and other officials. At least 76 critics have since been detained, including a researcher who published an article about possible errors in the government’s coronavirus data.


The security focus of the administration has also prevented it from effectively mobilizing civilian sources of authority. Like other Asian countries, Indonesia maintains an extensive structure of neighborhood associations that collect health data and ensure public compliance with the government’s vaccination drives and family planning programs. Leaders of these associations also serve as the first point of contact in coordinating the government’s disaster response.


Instead of devising a national strategy to enforce containment measures through these grassroots bodies, the government ordered neighborhood leaders to use their discretion in responding to the crisis. In the absence of clear instructions or resources, community-level interventions are in disarray. Some neighborhood leaders have coordinated delivery of aid, and others have imposed local lockdowns. However, a growing number have responded by evicting exposed medical staff along with suspected patients and have also refused burial of victims.




Finally, the administration’s politicization of the health crisis has impaired its ability to coordinate an effective response with regional leaders and civil society groups. This is most visible in the ongoing turf war between the central government and Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, who became the president’s bitter rival in 2016 after defeating his longtime ally in a religiously charged gubernatorial race.


Despite the fact that Baswedan’s Islamist allies have urged their followers to cancel religious gatherings and postpone travel, the president’s supporters have accused him of playing politics. In fact, the central government has systematically undermined Baswedan’s efforts to manage the crisis. Even though Jakarta is the nation’s coronavirus epicenter, his requests to impose social distancing measures were repeatedly denied. After the declaration of a nationwide health emergency, his request was held up further by the health minister and only approved after days of haggling over data.


The government’s relationship with civil society groups also continues to worsen even as their support remains critical for managing the crisis. In the middle of a pandemic, the parliament announced plans for a speedy passage of two highly unpopular bills. One is the criminal code that triggered deadly demonstrations last year and the other is a labor deregulation bill that was rejected by workers’ unions. Deliberations were finally suspended this week to avoid potentially violent clashes after unions issued a call for protests in defiance of mobility restrictions.




Apart from the alarming human tragedy that looms ahead, missteps in the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic may affect Indonesia’s long-term political trajectory in three ways. One is the acceleration of military resurgence in civilian affairs, already well underway in the current administration. Public outcry may have prevented the imposition of civil emergency in March, but it cannot be ruled out as the crisis unfolds. Handing emergency powers to security agencies without effective civilian oversight could deal a severe blow to two decades of struggle for civil liberties in Indonesia.


Second, ongoing power plays between the central and regional governments may force a reevaluation of Indonesia’s decentralization laws, which devolve power to districts and relegate governors to the role of a coordinator. The disjointed national response to the coronavirus and district governments’ inability to mount large-scale interventions has exposed the failings of this arrangement. Governors have emerged as effective intermediaries in the crisis by synchronizing district responses and forcing the center’s hand when necessary. Moving forward, their authority may have to be strengthened to streamline governance across the archipelago.


Finally, citizens’ trust in government could become another tragic casualty of the crisis. Indonesians are no strangers to coping with the devastation of natural disasters or to overcoming slow government intervention with community-based responses. Hopes were high when Widodo was elected on the basis of his administrative credentials, but civil society groups have once again had to compensate for the lack of a coherent government response with heroic generosity. Underpaid policewomen are donating their salaries, students at underfunded universities are testing low-cost ventilators, and unprotected doctors are creating digital platforms to treat their patients. This time, however, it seems that Indonesians’ resilience may be tested as much by the unprecedented scale of the global pandemic as by the magnitude of their government’s ineptitude.

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Singapore is not yet halfway through its coronavirus outbreak, says minister

Lawrence Wong, Singapore’s national development minister, said the country would continue to uncover high numbers of new cases for some time due to “extensive testing” being carried out in dormitories that house migrant workers.


Cases found in those dormitories were the reason behind the surge in the number of infections in Singapore over the past month to a total of 19,410 confirmed cases as of Tuesday, according to the health ministry.


Wong, who co-heads Singapore’s taskforce to fight the virus, said the design of those dormitories — made for communal living — have to change.


Singapore minister: safeguards in migrant dormitories were ‘not sufficient’


Singapore’s total coronavirus cases have surged in recent weeks to one of the highest in Asia — but the country is not even halfway through its outbreak, according to Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong.


“This is still the first half of the marathon,” the minister told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia.”


Wong, who co-heads Singapore’s task force to fight the virus, said the country would continue to uncover high numbers of new cases for some time due to “extensive testing” being carried out in dormitories that house migrant workers.


That group of workers, mostly men from other Asian countries, has accounted for around 87.6% of Singapore’s total 19,410 confirmed cases as of Tuesday, according to the health ministry. Cases found in those dormitories were the reason behind the surge in the number of infections in Singapore over the past month.

“We’re testing not only the workers who are reporting sick — for which the numbers are not very large — but we’re doing very extensive testing on workers in the dormitories who are well, who are asymptomatic,” said Wong, who’s also Singapore’s second minister for finance.


“And so, we are still picking up quite a high number of cases in the dormitories, I think that will remain for some time. It’s a very serious outbreak but we’re making progress in bringing the outbreak in the dormitories under control,” he added.


The Southeast Asian country has one of the highest testing rates in the world. As of April 27, it conducted more than 140,000 tests for the coronavirus, or around 2,500 tests per 100,000 people, according to a prepared speech that Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong delivered in parliament on Tuesday.


Gan also said that the country has increased its testing capacity from 2,900 tests a day in early April to 8,000 per day currently — and is aiming to hit 40,000 tests a day.


In addition to testing, the Singapore government has put in place a partial lockdown that it called a “circuit breaker” to curb the outbreak. Those measures, which included temporary school closures and the shutting down of nonessential workplaces, are expected to be gradually lifted starting next month.


‘Safeguards were not sufficient’


Before the surge in cases tied to migrant worker dormitories, the way that the Singapore government handled the coronavirus outbreak — which includes active testing and screening for potential infections — was hailed by many experts as an example for other countries to follow.


As the virus spreads widely in those packed dormitories, some observers questioned why the government didn’t identify those living quarters as a potential hotbed for the coronavirus earlier. That’s especially so when activists have for years raised the issue of poor living conditions in the overcrowded dormitories, with one veteran Singaporean diplomat describing them as a “time bomb waiting to explode.”


... we are still picking up quite a high number of cases in the dormitories, I think that will remain for some time.

Lawrence Wong


However, Wong said that the living standards in migrant worker dormitories have “steadily” improved over the years, with recreational facilities within the compounds and convenient access to amenities.


“The issue is really that these dormitories are designed for communal living, where the workers eat together, they live together and they cook together,” the minister said.


“And despite the best effort at putting in place precautions and safeguards, reminding the dormitories’ operators that these ... nonessential communal activities have to be ceased at the start of the outbreak, I think the lesson we’ve learned from this experience is that with this pandemic — an unprecedented pandemic — the safeguards were not sufficient and the design of dormitories have to change,” he added.

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Singapore's COVID-19 cases rise past 20,000 with 788 new infections; 2 more deaths

SINGAPORE: Singapore reported 788 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Wednesday (May 6), taking the country's total to 20,198.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) reported two more deaths, a 97-year-old Singaporean woman and a 73-year-old Singaporean man.


The elderly woman, Case 1414, died on Tuesday night from complications due to COVID-19. She tested positive for the coronavirus on Apr 7 and had a history of hypertension. She is linked to the cluster at Lee Ah Mooi home.


The man, Case 1528, died on Wednesday from complications due to COVID-19. He tested positive for the coronavirus on Apr 7 and had a history of hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes mellitus, MOH said. He is linked to the cluster at Mustafa shopping mall. 


Singapore's death toll from the disease is now 20.


Thirteen of the new cases were in the community, of which 11 are Singaporeans or permanent residents and two are work pass holders.


"The number of new cases in the community has decreased, from an average of 16 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 10 per day in the past week," the ministry said.


"The number of unlinked cases in the community has also decreased, from an average of nine cases per day in the week before, to an average of four per day in the past week. We will continue to closely monitor these numbers, as well as the cases detected through our surveillance programme."


A 64-year-old Singaporean woman who was a patient at St Luke’s Hospital was among the 13 new cases in the community.


She tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday. The hospital said she had no symptoms of acute respiratory infection but was tested as part of the hospital's precautionary measures. 


The woman has been transferred to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).


"The affected ward has undergone deep cleansing and disinfection. Testing of patients and staff working in the ward have started. None of them have symptoms of acute respiratory infection and will continue to be monitored. Contact tracing has also started," said St Luke's, a community hospital.




A total of 759 of the new cases are work permit holders residing in dormitories.


"We continue to pick up many more cases amongst work permit holders residing in dormitories, including in factory-converted dormitories, because of extensive testing in these premises," said MOH.


Sixteen cases are work permit holders residing outside dormitories. 


Of the new cases, MOH said 93 per cent are linked to known clusters while the rest are pending contact tracing. 


Seven new clusters were reported: 20 Benoi Lane, 5 Fourth Chin Bee Road, 36 and 38 Kian Teck Drive, Tampines Street 62, 14 Tech Park Crescent, 50A Tuas Link 4 and 35 Tuas View Walk 2.


The cluster at Wilby Residences at 25 Wilby Road has been closed as there have been no more cases linked to the cluster for the past 28 days.


MOH said 115 more patients have been discharged after making a full recovery. In all, 1,634 have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospitals or community care facilities.


The ministry said there are currently 1,462 confirmed cases who are still in hospital. 


Of these, most are stable or improving, and 23 are in critical condition in the intensive care unit. 


A total of 17,082 are isolated and cared for at community facilities. These include those who have mild symptoms, or are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19. 


More than four weeks have passed since Singapore rolled out elevated safe distancing measures as part of a "circuit breaker" period to fight the novel coronavirus.


Speaking in Parliament on Monday, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong laid out some factors which would have to be considered before these measures are lifted.


This includes having the number of daily community cases falling to zero or single digits over a sustained period of time.


There also needs to be a fall in the number of migrant worker cases, said the minister. The majority of Singapore's COVID-19 cases are work permit holders living in dormitories.

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It is indeed worrying to read news about the explosion of coronavirus cases world wide. Singapore who is one of the smallest country in the world seem to have hit the bomb shell with more than 20,000 cases far surpassing countries who are so much bigger than them. Well here is where we get to see all the differences. Singapore has missed testing their migrant workers communities right from the beginning and hence the explosion of cases could not be avoided now. As of April Singapore has done an extremely brilliant and good job to conduct mass testing for all their migrant workers. So this is a good job done itself. Living in small packed dormitories make it very vulnerable for the workers there to catch the virus. Well at least Singapore is doing mass testing hence there are able to trace lots of cases. As compared to many other countries in Asia, Singapore is one of the best who have done mass testing. There are many poor countries in Asia who have not done mass testing and hence many cases went undetected. One obvious example is Indonesia. Indonesia which is the forth biggest country in the world has done very few test for their citizens and many health experts says Indonesia is waiting for the time to come and explode. Many cases went undetected in Indonesia and more and more people will get infected as many cases went undetected.

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We are going to look at the data of how many people are tested per 1 million citizens for all the different countries in Asia.


No of tests carried out among countries in Asia.




No of tests conducted

Number of test carried out per 1 million citizens




121,330 (safe category with mass testing)




97,779 (safe category with mass testing)




58,649 (safe category with mass testing)




49,963 (safe category with mass testing)




45,988 (safe category with mass testing)




40,435 (safe category with mass testing)




34,146 (safe category with mass testing)




30,016 (safe category with mass testing)


Hong Kong


20,674 (safe category with mass testing)




18,845 (safe category with mass testing)




18,246 (safe category with mass testing)




17,350 (safe category with mass testing)




15,000 (safe category with mass testing)




14,894 (safe category with mass testing)


South Korea


12,773 (safe category with mass testing)


Saudi Arabia


11,653 (safe category with mass testing)




9,971 (safe category with sufficient testing)




9,791 (safe category with sufficient testing)




9,710 (safe category with sufficient testing)




9,455 (safe category with sufficient testing)




9,118 (safe category with sufficient testing)




7,138 (safe category with sufficient testing)




6,839 (more tests should be carried out)




6,765 (more tests should be carried out)




6,485 (more tests should be carried out)




6,025 (more tests should be carried out)




3,264 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




2,998 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




2,787 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




2,773 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




2,681 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




2,302 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




1,502 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)


Sri Lanka


1,426 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




1,319 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




1,165 (insufficient tests done endangering lives)




984 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




782 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




641 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




560 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




490 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




370 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




358 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




188 (dangerous category with not enough tests)




4 (dangerous category with not enough tests)



No data

No data provided



No data

No data provided



No data

No data provided



No data

No data provided


As can be seen from the data above lots of countries in Asia are under testing and do not do enough of tests. Among these 49 countries, 4 countries (China, Tajikistan, Syria and Macao) did not provide any data for the number of people they have tested. 9 countries in Asia (India, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Laos, Myanmar and Yemen) are categorized as very dangerous countries as they have provided less than 1000 test per 1 million citizens and there are many cases that went undetected. Yemen is the most dangerous country in Asia as they have only done 4 tests per 1 million citizens which is very shocking. 22 countries in Asia are considered as under the safe categories as they have done mass testing for their citizens.


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According to the WHO data, those countries that falls under the Oceania and European continent are safe because majority of the countries in the European and Oceania continent have done mass testing for their citizens. 90% of the countries in the Oceania and European continent have provided mass testing for their citizens. That is why we get to see many cases in European continent due to massive testing and it is a good sign.


As for those countries in the North and South America, lots of testing have been done too. However only some countries have done mass testing. Some of the countries in the North And South America continent are still not testing enough of their citizens.


WHO said the most dangerous category are those countries under the Asia and Africa continent. There are many poor countries in Africa and Asia who could not provide enough test for their citizens. Only 4 countries in Africa such as Reunion, Mayotte, Mautritius and Djibouti could provide mass testing for their citizens. The rest of the other countries in Africa continent have done very few tests for their citizens thus endangering their lives. 25 countries in Africa continent have done very few tests below 1,000 tests done per 1 million citizens. 16 more countries in the Africa continent could not even provide data for the tests done which means very few tests is conducted in these 16 countries or there is no tests conducted at all resulting in lots of cases going undetected. Africa is the most dangerous categories according to the WHO data. This is understandable as majority of the countries in Africa are poor countries.


As for Asia continent only a fraction of the countries in Asia could provide mass testing for their citizens. Those countries who are richer and well off could provide mass testing for their citizens. So far according to WHO data only 22 countries in Asia could provide mass testing for their citizens. The rest of the other countries in Asia are under testing and it is very dangerous for their citizens. There are many poor countries in Asia as well which could not provide mass testing for their citizens thus endangering the lives of their own citizens. Who have singled out 9 Asia countries such as India, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Laos, Myanmar and Yemen as poor countries as they have provided less than 1000 test per 1 million citizens and there are many cases that went undetected in these 9 Asia countries. According to WHO data there are many poor countries in Asia who could not provide mass testing for their citizens but the worse had to be these 9 Asia countries who have conducted less than 1000 test per 1 million citizens.

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If things work out in Denmark, stage 3 of the opening will happen june 8:


Public gatherings will be allowed up to 30-50.

More cultural institutions, including museums, theatres, theme parks and the rest of zoos

More parts of the public sector

Indoor sports and organisations

Folk high schools


Meanwhile all night life, fitness centres and indoor swimming pools will stay closed until late summer. 

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