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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019


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3 minutes ago, Werloc said:

I guess it's popular to hate stuff that is different. It's a big problem in Lithuanian music as well, a lot of styles not getting any attention and that is a huge blow to diversity in our music. Soul and R&B are pretty much non existant apart from some new younger artists starting this year.


Yes, here people is heavily divided regarding music taste. Probably she doesn't gets enough recognition because they see her as part of the "upper" "snob" class because of the Spanish ancestry and her image, but I quite enjoy her performance.

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1 hour ago, Werloc said:

Seeing that Lithuania has only scored with two juries right now, we still qualify for the twelve points from @Wanderer


You got the portion from Denmark, you are fed now :p 



1 hour ago, Gianlu33 said:

I really appreciate the New Zealand (9 points for me) and Denmark (6 points). Sadly for Denmark it wasn't enough to get points :(


Thank you :cheer: 

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And many thanks to @amen09 and Tunisia on high points for NZ :cheer: 


On hand hand I am happy with Danish votes, but on the other - they left NZ without any point! Shocking! Our alliance is breaking apart (though I didn't give a single point to Dickow last year so... :d)

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