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Spain National Thread


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*Male* *Female*


*Individual Qualification*


IJF Olympic World Ranking (25/05/18 - 24/05/20) >> 18 Quotas for Events


IJF Olympic Ranking for Europe (25/05/18 - 24/05/20) >> 13 Quotas for All Events


Period (25/05/18-00/05/19). All events decay of Points (50%). Best 6 results



Grand Slam Dusseldorf, Germany (22/02/19 - 24/02/19)


-60 Kg: Francisco Garrigos: 5º (180) /-66 Kg: Alberto Gaitero (80) /-81 Kg: Alfonso Urquiza (80) /-90 Kg: Nikoloz Sherazadashvili: 7º (130)


-48 Kg: Laura Martínez: 5ª (180), Julia Figueroa (80) /-52 Kg: Ana Perez (5), Estrella Lopez (5) /-57 Kg: Jaione Equiosain (60) /-63 Kg: Isabel Puche (60), Cristina Cabaña (5) /-70 Kg: María Bernabéu: 3ª (250), Sara Rodriguez (5) /-78 Kg: Laia Talarn (5)



Olympic Ranking 


*-60 Kg >> 18 Quotas

8º Francisco Garrigos with 1042 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 88º Joaquin Gomis with 77 Points / 159º Justo Nuñez with 16 Points / 195º Raul Diaz with 8 Points / 196º Iokin Sagarzazu with 8 Points


*-66 Kg >> 18 Quotas

24º Alberto Gaitero with 516 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 57º Adrián Nieto with 195 Points / 71º David García with 158 Points / 82º Salvador Cases with 116 Points / 116º Daniel Perez with 58 Points / 133º Gar Uriarte with 38 Points / 134º David Ramirez with 38 Points / 144º Adrián Labrado with 31 Points / 173º Jose Antonio Aranda with 16 Points / 211º Ricardo Casas with 8 Points


*-73 Kg >> 18 Quota

74º Jorge Cano with 133 Points / 190º Alberto Varela with 14 Points / 245º Javier Cabello with 6 Points / 245º Pablo Sánchez with 6 Points


*-81 Kg >> 18 Quotas

24º Alfonso Urquiza with 451 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 64º Jose María Mendiola with 167 Points / 65º Igor Herrero with 163 Points / 139º Javier Gallego with 39 Points / 174º William Molina with 14 Points / 199º Daniel Merino with 8 Points / 199º Alexis Rosas with 8 Points / 199º Adrian Ponce with 8 Points / 214º Daniel Nieto with 6 Points


*-90 Kg >> 18 Quotas

1º Nikoloz Sherazadashvili with 2451 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 129º Adrian Nacimiento with 38 Points


*-100 Kg >> 18 Quotas 

135º Pedro Jimenez with 16 Points / 146º David Ruiz with 8 Points


*+100 Kg >> 18 Quotas

65º Irinel Chelaru with 104 Points / 87º Angel Parra with 43 Points



Olympic Ranking


*-48 Kg >> 18 Quotas

13ª Julia Figueroa with 861 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 19ª Laura Martínez with 651 Points / 39ª Mireia Lapuerta with 190 Points / 86ª Cinta García with 47 Points / 115ª Celia Hidalgo with 8 Points


*-52 Kg >> 18 Quotas

8ª Ana Perez with 1144 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 27ª Nina Estefanía Esteo with 453 Points / 43ª Estrella Lopez with 182 Points / 89ª Sofia Hogrefe with 39 Points / 93ª Laura Bajo with 32 Points / 124ª Almudena Gomez with 13 Points / 134ª Irene Esteve with 8 Points / 134ª Elena Aguilar with 8 Points


*-57 Kg >> 18 Quotas

39ª Jaione Equiosain with 265 Points / 106ª Marina Fernández with 21 Points / 137ª Tecla Cadilla with 9 Points / 140ª Carla Ubasart with 8 Points / 140ª Maria Ruiz with 8 Points / 159ª Maitane Herrero with 6 Points


*-63 Kg >> 18 Quotas

34ª Isabel Puche with 357 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN (CONTINENTAL QUOTA) / 45ª Cristina Cabaña with 199 Points / 103ª Sarai Padilla with 21 Points / 111ª Patricia Robles with 16 Points


*-70 Kg >> 18 Quotas

12ª Maria Bernabéu with 1084 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 22ª Sara Rodríguez with 478 Points / 121ª Maria del Mar Paredes with 8 Points


*-78 Kg >> 18 Quotas

35ª Laia Talarn with 230 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN


*+78 Kg >> 18 Quotas

49ª Sara Alvarez: with 84 Points / 76ª Patricia Ferrer with 18 Points





*Team Qualification*


All NOCs having a full team can enter for the Mixed Team:


Men: -73 Kg (60Kg, 66Kg, 73Kg), -90 Kg (73Kg, 81Kg, 90Kg), +90 Kg (90Kg, 100Kg, +100Kg)

Women: -57 Kg (48Kg, 52Kg, 57Kg), -70Kg (57Kg, 63Kg, 70Kg), +70 Kg (70Kg, 78Kg, +78Kg)


Spain qualified for team competition, with 6 judoka. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN


Men: -60Kg (1), -66Kg (1), -73Kg (-), -81Kg (1), -90Kg (1), -100Kg (-), +100Kg (-)

Women: -48Kg (2), -52Kg (2), -57Kg (-), -63Kg (1), -70Kg (2), -78Kg (1), +78Kg (-)

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CALENDARIO SEMANAL DEPORTE OLÍMPICO ESPAÑOL Semana del 25 febrero al 3 marzo ¿Quieres conocer las Competiciones Olímpicas más importantes de la semana, representantes españoles en ellas,sistemas de competición, y ENLACES para seguirlo todo ? Ver en : semanal

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*Individual Qualification* 


Olympic Qualification Ranking World Cup Series (22/11/18 - 28/03/20) >> 1 Quota for Apparatus = 1x6 = 6 Quotas. 3 Best Results



World Cup Melbourne, Australian (21/02/19 - 24/02/19)  


Floor >> Rayderley Zapata: 3º with 14.500 (20)



Olympic Ranking 


*Floor >> 1 Quota

6º Rayderley Zapata with 20 Points


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*Road Qualification*


UCI Olympic World Ranking Nations (22/10/18 - 27/10/19) >> 122 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-6 >> 5 quotas per NOC = 5X6 = 30 Quotas

NOCs ranked 7-13 >> 4 quotas per NOC = 4X7 = 28 Quotas

NOCs ranked 14-21 >> 3 quotas per NOC = 3X8 = 24 Quotas

NOCs ranked 22-32 >> 2 quotas per NOC = 2X11= 22 Quotas

NOCs ranked 33-50 >> 1 quota per NOC = 1X18= 18 Quotas



Class 2.HC Tour of Oman (16/02/19 - 21/02/19)

General Classification: Jesús Herrada: 3º (125), Mikel Aristi: 23º (5), Luis Angel Mate: 28º (5), Hecto Saez: 69º, Aritz Bagues: 81º, Julen Irizar: 82º, Javier Moreno: 86º, Sergio Rodriguez: 101º, Jose Daniel Viejo: 110º

Stage 3: Jesús Herrada: 2º (10)


Class 1.HC Clásica de Almería, Spain (17/02/19)

General Classification: Carlos Barbero: 4º (100). José Rojas: 5º (85), José Herrada: 11º (30), Luis Léon Sánchez: 14º (15), Rubén Fernández: 17º (5), Juan Antonio López: 18º (5), Carlos Verona: 25º (5), Omar Fraile: 34º (3), Rafael Valls: 35º (3), Hector Carretero: 46º, Enrique Sanz: 47º


Class 2.HC Volta ao Algarve, Portugal (20/02/19 - 24/02/19)

General Classification: Enric Mas: 4º (100), David de la Cruz: 11º (30), José Herrada: 12º (25), Raul Alarcón: 19º (5), David de la Fuente: 24º (5), Julen Amezqueta: 38º (3), Alejandro Marque: 40º (3), Gonzalo Serrano: 51º, Jesús del Pino: 56º, Sergio Vega: 63º, Oscar Hernández: 85º, Vicente García: 86º, Antonio Angulo: 90º, Pablo Bonilla: 91º, Jon Irisarri: 124º

Stage 2: Enric Mas: 3º (5)


Class 2.HC Vuelta a Andalucía Ruta Ciclista del Sol, Spain (20/02/19 - 24/02/19)

General Classification: Ion Izaguirre: 2º (150), Pello Bilbao: 4º (100), Luis León Sánchez: 11º (30), Héctor Carretero: 12º (25), Oscar Rodríguez: 13º (20), Eduard Prades: 14º (15), Carlos Verona: 16º (5), Garikoitz Bravo: 18º (5), Cristian Rodríguez: 19º (5), Jonathan Lastra: 20º (5), Joan Bou: 27º (5), Mikel Iturria: 28º (5), Ángel Madrazo: 33º (3), Mikel Nieve: 36º (3), Rafael Valls: 42º, Iván García: 44º, José Rojas: 45º, Juan José Lobato: 46º, David González: 53º, Antonio Jesús Soto: 56º, Ibai Azurmendi: 63º, Carlos Barbero: 64º, Jorge Cubero: 66º, Txomin Juaristi: 80º, Enrique Sanz: 86º, Xavier Cañellas: 92º, Unai Cuadrado: 96º, Gotxon Martin: 100º, Juan Antonio Lopez: 104º, Sergio Samitier: 106º, Álvaro Cuadros: 108º

Stage 1: Ion Izaguirre: 3º (5)

Stage 2: Ivan García: 3º (5)

Stage 3: Ion Izaguirre: 3º (5)

Stage 5: Enrique Sanz: 2º (10), Carlos Barbero: 3º (5)


Class 2.2 Tour of Antalya, Turkey (21/02/19 - 24/02/19)

General Classification: Juan Pedro López: 4º (20), Rubén Plaza: 6º (10), Diego Pablo Sevilla: 97º, Juan Camacho: 109º

Stage 3: Juan Pedro López: 2º (3), Ruben Plaza: 3º (1)


Class 2.1 51éme Tour Cycliste International du Haut Vat, France (22/02/19 - 24/02/19)

General Classification: Fernando Barcelo: 17º (3), Jaume Sureda: 63º, Mikel Bizarra: 66º, Gotzon Udondo: 88º, Ander Barrenetxea: 98º


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 122 Quotas

1º Spain with 2160 Points (Luis Leon Sanchez: 553 Points, Jesus Herrada: 350 Points, Alejandro Valverde: 330 Points, Ion Izaguirre: 293 Points, Pello Bilbao: 260 Points, Gorza Izaguirre: 134 Points, José Rojas: 133 Points, Oscar Sevilla: 107 Points). 5 OLYMPIC QUOTAS FOR SPAIN 



*Time Trial Qualification*


UCI Olympic World Ranking Nations (22/10/18 - 27/10/19) >> 30 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-30 >> 1 quotas per NOC = 1X30 = 30 Quotas


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 30 Quotas

1º Spain with 2160 Points (Luis Leon Sanchez: 553 Points, Jesus Herrada: 350 Points, Alejandro Valverde: 330 Points, Ion Izaguirre: 293 Points, Pello Bilbao: 260 Points, Gorza Izaguirre: 134 Points, José Rojas: 133 Points, Oscar Sevilla: 107 Points). OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN 





*Road Qualification*


UCI Olympic World Ranking Nations (22/10/18 - 27/10/19) >> 62 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-5 >> 4 quotas per NOC = 4X5 = 20 Quotas

NOCs ranked 6-13 >> 3 quotas per NOC = 3X8 = 24 Quotas

NOCs ranked 14-22 >> 2 quotas per NOC = 2X9 = 18 Quotas



Class 1.2 Vuelta a la Comunitat Valenciana (10/02/19)

General Classification: Sandra Alonso: 16ª, Gloria Rodríguez: 25ª, Nerea Nuño: 27ª, Ainara Elbusto: 36ª, Aida Nuño: 39ª, Loudes Oyarbide: 40ª; Sheyla Gutiérrez: 42ª, Sandra Trevilla: 51ª; Teresa Ripoll: 52ª; Irene Mendez: 54ª, Cristina Martínez: 61ª, Ariadna Trias: 64ª, Mireia Trias: 66ª, Alba Teruel: 69ª, Sandra Moral: 70ª; Andrea Fraile: 71ª; Ane Santesteban: 72ª; Noemi Ferre: 73ª; Mirea Benito: 75ª, Alicia González: 76ª, Ziortza Isasi: 79ª; Paula Sanmartín: 81ª; Sara Martin: 84ª 


Class 2.2 Setmana Ciclista Valenciana, Spain (21/02/19 - 24/02/19)

General Classification: Eider Merino: 4ª (20), Margarita García: 19ª, Ane Santesteban: 22ª, Lorena Llamas: 36ª, Lourdes Oyarbide: 44ª, Cristina Martínez: 53ª; Sheyla Gutiérrez: 64ª, Sandra Alonso: 78ª, Mirea Trias: 80ª, Belen Lopez: 95ª, Iurani Blanco: 125ª, Aroa Gorostiza: 130ª, Ariadna Trias: 132ª, Mireia Benito: 133ª, Teresa Ripoll: 134ª, Sandra Moral: 136ª

Stage 1: Margarita García: 4ª (1)

Stage 3: Edier Merino: 4ª (1)


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 62 Quotas

24º Spain with 22 Points (Eider Merino: 21 Points, Margarita García: 1 Point)

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World Cup China (31/08/19 - 15/09/19) >> 2 Quotas for Europe


Qualification Group Stage: The top 12 teams will advance to World Cup China



*Second Round: 




22/02/19 >> Latvia :LAT 62-67 :ESP SPAIN

25/02/19 >> SPAIN :ESP 74-58 :TUR Turkey


Team Matches Won Lost Points
:ESP 12 10 2 22
:TUR 12 8 4 20
:MNE 12 7 5 19
:LAT 12 7 5 19
:UKR 12 5 7 17
:SLO 12 3 9 15


:ESP Qualified for World Cup 2019

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*Male* *Female*


UCI World Ranking Nations (28/05/18 - 28/05/20) >> 30 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-2 >> 3 quotas per NOC = 3x2 = 6 Quotas

NOCs ranked 3-7 >> 2 quotas per NOC = 2x5 = 10 Quotas

NOCs ranked 8-21 >> 1 quotas per NOC = 1x14 = 44 Quotas



Class HC Copa Catalana Internacional Banyoles, Spain (23/02/19 - 24/02/19)


Jofre Cullel: 5º (40), David Valero: 12º (18), Pablo Rodríguez: 14º (14)


Magdalena Duran: 16ª (10), Meritxell Figueras: 17ª (9), María Diaz: 18ª (8), María Rodríguez: 19ª (7), Noemi Moreno: 20ª (6), Blanca Valles: 22ª (4), Laura Terradas: 24ª (2)


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 30 Quotas

3º Spain with 2205 Points (David Valero: 879 Points, Sergio Mantecon: 761 Points, Carlos Coloma: 472 Points + World Championships 2018 Team Relay: 75). 2 OLYMPIC QUOTAS FOR SPAIN


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 30 Quotas

22º Spain with 1153 Points (Claudia Galicia: 421 Points, Rocio del Alba García: 396 Points, Sandra Santanyes: 261 Points + World Championships 2018 Team Relay: 75)

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Olympic Qualification  Matches (26/10/19 - 04/11/19) >> 7 Quotas


Hockey Pro League: The four highest placed teams advance to the Olympic Qualification Matches



02/03/19 >> Australia :AUS 2-1 :ESP SPAIN



Team Matches Won

Won After


Lost After


Lost GF GA Points
:BEL 4 2 1 1 0 14 9 9 (75%)
:AUS 5 3 0 1 1 14 12 10 (66'7%)
:GBR 3 2 0 0 1 12 9 6 (66'7%)
:NED 4 1 1 1 1 15 15 6 (50%)
:GER 3 1 0 1 1 5 5 4 (44'4%)
:ARG 3 1 0 1 1 6 7 4 (44'4%)
:ESP 4 0 2 0 2 11 13 4 (33'3%)
:NZL 4 0 0 1 3 10 17 1 (8'3%)


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*Male* *Female*


*Individual Qualification*


IJF Olympic World Ranking (25/05/18 - 24/05/20) >> 18 Quotas for Events (7 events) 


IJF Olympic Ranking for Europe (25/05/18 - 24/05/20) >> 13 Quotas for All Events



Period (25/05/18-00/05/19). All events decay of Points (50%). Best 6 results



European Open Warsaw, Poland (02/03/19 - 03/03/19)


-60 Kg: Justo Nuñez, (8), Oriol Subirana /-66 Kg: Daniel Perez (6), Jose Antonio Aranda (6) /-73 Kg: Pablo Sánchez, Carlos Sotillo /-81 Kg: Igor Herrero (8), Adrián Ponce /+100 Kg: Irinel Chelaru: 7º (13)



European Open Prague, Czech Republic  (02/03/19 - 03/03/19)


-48 Kg: Cinta García /-52 Kg: Sofia Hogrefe, Almudena Gomez, Laura Bajo /-57 Kg: Ángeles López, Marina Fernández /+78 Kg: Patricia Ferrer



Olympic Ranking 


*-60 Kg >> 18 Quotas

8º Francisco Garrigos with 1042 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 88º Joaquin Gomis with 77 Points / 143º Justo Nuñez with 24 Points / 201º Raul Diaz with 8 Points / 202º Iokin Sagarzazu with 8 Points


*-66 Kg >> 18 Quotas

24º Alberto Gaitero with 516 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 57º Adrián Nieto with 195 Points / 72º David García with 158 Points / 82º Salvador Cases with 116 Points / 110º Daniel Perez with 64 Points / 135º Gar Uriarte with 38 Points / 136º David Ramirez with 38 Points / 147º Adrián Labrado with 31 Points / 161º Jose Antonio Aranda with 22 Points / 216º Ricardo Casas with 8 Points


*-73 Kg >> 18 Quota

74º Jorge Cano with 133 Points / 191º Alberto Varela with 14 Points / 248º Javier Cabello with 6 Points / 248º Pablo Sánchez with 6 Points


*-81 Kg >> 18 Quotas

24º Alfonso Urquiza with 451 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 64º Jose María Mendiola with 167 Points / 65º Igor Herrero with 163 Points / 141º Javier Gallego with 39 Points / 180º William Molina with 14 Points / 205º Daniel Merino with 8 Points / 205º Alexis Rosas with 8 Points / 205º Adrian Ponce with 8 Points / 222º Daniel Nieto with 6 Points


*-90 Kg >> 18 Quotas

1º Nikoloz Sherazadashvili with 2451 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 131º Adrian Nacimiento with 38 Points


*-100 Kg >> 18 Quotas 

135º Pedro Jimenez with 16 Points / 150º David Ruiz with 8 Points


*+100 Kg >> 18 Quotas

63º Irinel Chelaru with 114 Points / 87º Angel Parra with 43 Points



Olympic Ranking


*-48 Kg >> 18 Quotas

13ª Julia Figueroa with 861 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 19ª Laura Martínez with 651 Points / 39ª Mireia Lapuerta with 190 Points / 87ª Cinta García with 47 Points / 119ª Celia Hidalgo with 8 Points


*-52 Kg >> 18 Quotas

8ª Ana Perez with 1144 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 27ª Nina Estefanía Esteo with 453 Points / 44ª Estrella Lopez with 182 Points / 90ª Sofia Hogrefe with 39 Points / 95ª Laura Bajo with 32 Points / 127ª Almudena Gomez with 13 Points / 137ª Irene Esteve with 8 Points / 137ª Elena Aguilar with 8 Points


*-57 Kg >> 18 Quotas

39ª Jaione Equiosain with 265 Points / 106ª Marina Fernández with 21 Points / 139ª Tecla Cadilla with 9 Points / 142ª Carla Ubasart with 8 Points / 142ª Maria Ruiz with 8 Points / 163ª Maitane Herrero with 6 Points


*-63 Kg >> 18 Quotas

34ª Isabel Puche with 357 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN (CONTINENTAL QUOTA) / 45ª Cristina Cabaña with 199 Points / 106ª Sarai Padilla with 21 Points / 113ª Patricia Robles with 16 Points


*-70 Kg >> 18 Quotas

12ª Maria Bernabéu with 1084 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN / 22ª Sara Rodríguez with 478 Points / 121ª Maria del Mar Paredes with 8 Points


*-78 Kg >> 18 Quotas

35ª Laia Talarn with 230 Points. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN


*+78 Kg >> 18 Quotas

50ª Sara Alvarez: with 84 Points / 77ª Patricia Ferrer with 18 Points





*Team Qualification*


All NOCs having a full team can enter for the Mixed Team:


Men: -73 Kg (60Kg, 66Kg, 73Kg), -90 Kg (73Kg, 81Kg, 90Kg), +90 Kg (90Kg, 100Kg, +100Kg)

Women: -57 Kg (48Kg, 52Kg, 57Kg), -70Kg (57Kg, 63Kg, 70Kg), +70 Kg (70Kg, 78Kg, +78Kg)


Spain qualified for team competition, with 6 judoka. OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN


Men: -60Kg (1), -66Kg (1), -73Kg (-), -81Kg (1), -90Kg (1), -100Kg (-), +100Kg (-)

Women: -48Kg (2), -52Kg (2), -57Kg (-), -63Kg (1), -70Kg (2), -78Kg (1), +78Kg (-)

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HSBC Wolrd Series 2018/19 (30/11/18 - 02/06/19) >> 4 Quotas



World Series Las Vegas, United States (01/03/19 - 02/03/19)


*Pool A*


02/03/19 >> SPAIN :ESP 12-12 :CAN Canadá


02/03/19 >> SPAIN :ESP 21-26 :SAM Samoa


03/03/19 >> New Zealand :NZL 19-7 :ESP SPAIN


*Challenge Trophy Quarter Finals*


03/03/19 >> SPAIN :ESP 19-7 :WAL Gales


*Challenge Trophy Semi Finals*


03/03/19 >> SPAIN :ESP 24-7 :KEN Kenya


*Challenge Trophy Final*


03/03/19 >> SPAIN :ESP 14-15 :SCO Scotland


Team Spain: 10º (7 Points)



*Final Standings* >> 4 Quotas


Team Spain: 10º with 39 Points

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*Road Qualification*


UCI Olympic World Ranking Nations (22/10/18 - 27/10/19) >> 122 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-6 >> 5 quotas per NOC = 5X6 = 30 Quotas

NOCs ranked 7-13 >> 4 quotas per NOC = 4X7 = 28 Quotas

NOCs ranked 14-21 >> 3 quotas per NOC = 3X8 = 24 Quotas

NOCs ranked 22-32 >> 2 quotas per NOC = 2X11= 22 Quotas

NOCs ranked 33-50 >> 1 quota per NOC = 1X18= 18 Quotas



Class 2.UWT UAE Tour, United Arab Emirates (24/02/19 - 02/03/19)

General Classification: Alejandro Valverde: 2º (250), Victor de la Parte: 14º (25), Gorza Izagirre: 38º (5), Daniel Navarro: 42º (5), Ruben Fernández: 44º (5), Luis Mas: 58º (1), Markel Irizar: 92º, Jaime Castrillo128º

Stage 3: Alejandro Valverde: 1º (40)


Class 2.1 Tour of Rwanda, Rwanda (24/02/19 - 03/03/19)

General Classification: David Lozano: 6º (40), Pablo Torres: 25º (3)

Stage 4: Pablo Torres: 2º (5)

Stage 6: Pablo Torres: 2º (5)


Class 2.2 Vuelta Independecia Nacional, República Dominicana (25/02/19 - 03/03/19)

General Classification: Oscar Sevilla: 2º (30)

Stage 1: Oscar Servilla: 2º (3)

Stage 6: Oscar Servilla: 1º (7)


Class 1.1 Faun Environnement - Classic de l'Ardèche Rhone Crussol, France (02/03/19)

General Classification: Garikoitz Bravo: 9º (25), Jonathan Lastra: 19º (3), Julen Amezqueta: 36º, Gonzalo Serrano: 42º, Ruben Plaza: 54º, Angel Madrazo: 58º, Jesus Ezquerra: 64º, Mikel Bizkarra: 69º, Jon Irisarri: 71, Sergio Rodriguez: 85º, Javier Moreno: 86º


Class 1.UWT Omloop Het Nieuwsblad-Vrouwen, Belgium (02/03/19)

General Classification: Ivan García: 35º (5), Carlos Barbero: 69º, Jorge Arcas: 75º


Class 1.1 Royald Bernard Drome Classic, France (03/03/19)

General Classification: Jonathan Lastra: 25º (3), Julen Amezqueta: 31º, Gonzalo Serrano: 59º, Garikoitz Bravo: 63º, Ruben Plaza: 69º, Jorge Cubero: 70º, Angel Madrazo: 76º, Jesus Ezquerra: 79º, Mikel Bizkarra: 82º, Julen Irizar: 98º


Class 1.2 International Rhodes Grand Prix, Greece (03/03/19)

General Classification: Jose Manuel Diaz: 24º


Class 1.HC Kuurne-Bruxelles-Kuurne, Belgium (03/03/19)

General Classification: Carlos Barbero: 10º (35), Ivan García: 13º (20), Jorge Arcas: 41º, Imanol Erviti: 54º, Francisco José Ventoso: 65º


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 122 Quotas

1º Spain with 2502 Points (Alejandro Valverde: 620 Points, Luis Leon Sanchez: 553 Points, Jesus Herrada: 350 Points, Ion Izaguirre: 293 Points, Pello Bilbao: 260 Points, Oscar Sevilla: 147 Points, Carlos Barbero: 140 Points, Gorza Izaguirre: 139 Points). 5 OLYMPIC QUOTAS FOR SPAIN 



*Time Trial Qualification*


UCI Olympic World Ranking Nations (22/10/18 - 27/10/19) >> 30 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-30 >> 1 quotas per NOC = 1X30 = 30 Quotas


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 30 Quotas

1º Spain with 2502 Points (Alejandro Valverde: 620 Points, Luis Leon Sanchez: 553 Points, Jesus Herrada: 350 Points, Ion Izaguirre: 293 Points, Pello Bilbao: 260 Points, Oscar Sevilla: 147 Points, Carlos Barbero: 140 Points, Gorza Izaguirre: 139 Points). OLYMPIC QUOTA FOR SPAIN 





*Road Qualification*


UCI Olympic World Ranking Nations (22/10/18 - 27/10/19) >> 62 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-5 >> 4 quotas per NOC = 4X5 = 20 Quotas

NOCs ranked 6-13 >> 3 quotas per NOC = 3X8 = 24 Quotas

NOCs ranked 14-22 >> 2 quotas per NOC = 2X9 = 18 Quotas



Class 1.1 Omloop Het Nieuwsblad-Vrouwen, Belgium (02/03/19)

General Classification: Alicia González: 85ª


Class 1.1 Spar Omloop Van Het Hageland Tielt-Winge, Belgium (03/03/19)

General Classification: Alicia González: 50ª


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 62 Quotas

27º Spain with 22 Points (Eider Merino: 21 Points, Margarita García: 1 Point)



*Time Trial Qualification*


UCI Olympic World Ranking Nations (22/10/18 - 27/10/19) >> 15 Quotas


NOCs ranked 1-15 >> 1 quotas per NOC = 1X15 = 15 Quotas


Olympic Ranking


*Nation >> 15 Quotas

27º Spain with 22 Points (Eider Merino: 21 Points, Margarita García: 1 Point)

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    • It's true, but Colturi still only 1 person and for example in the men's slalom we have tragic results. In giant slalom again we last won many years ago. For example, Switzerland has a complete team, which has not only stars but also wide teams in every discipline + young successors.   Scattolo is an option after 2026. For now, all that remains is to count on Vittozzi's return - apart from her, no one is able to regularly stand on the podium.
    • That was the IBU Cup winner spot, guaranteed for the first two weeks (won by Michelon last year). Galmace Paulin will definitely not get a spot in January. If someone has to be demoted, it would be Chauveau, to make room for Botet. Galmace Paulin is like 5th or 6th in the pecking order at the moment.
    • Maybe Galmace Paulin can take The Spot of Richard, Michelon or Chauveau later this season. In Hochfilzen France Had 7 Spots, not sure What happened. If The french Team can get Back that Spot, then Galmace Paulin should be The First candidate.   Tannheimer, Michelon, Richard, Kirkeeide and Andersson are all more likely than Not To make The Podium this Season in my opinion. With a bit of luck, half The Top 10 in The Overall Ranking at The end of The Season could be athletes born in 2002 or later.
    • Biathlon: I think your Coaches should promote Scattolo.  Alpine skiing: Things Would Look very different if Colturi would Compete for You.  
    • It also appears 1 noc has withdrawn
    • If my figures are correct, I confirm that this is the international debut in top-level competition for Turkmenistan, Kuwait and Thailand. i believe it is also the debut in a senior competition for Mongolia
    • The Youth Olympic Games have used the group format before due to a large number of entries. The 2023 Winter EYOF also used a two group format in the mixed team event.   Still, it's cool to see so many nations registered for the Asian Winter Games. 
    • Stage 10 in Alta Badia (ITA)   Men´s Slalom:   1. Timon Haugan    1:45.40 2. Loic Meillard    1:46.53 3. Atle Lie McGrath    1:46.66   Full Final Results HERE
    • Except her parents... "Hello everyone, I'm Emily,  From Sainte Foy (France), I was born with bindings on my feet and poles in my hands.  Born in the Tarentaise valley to English parents, I grew up surrounded by the mountains that now shape my life!"
    • Curling will have 14 participating nations, with the men's and mixed doubles events have a group stage (surely a first for an international MSE event? @Olympian1010?)   Mixed doubles   Group A:   I believe this is Turkmenistan's (and possibly Thailand and Kuwait) international curling debut.   Group B:   Women's:   Men's:   Group A:   Group B:    
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